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The Daily Dispatch: July 20, 1861., [Electronic resource] 7 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: July 12, 1861., [Electronic resource] 6 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 20, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for H. T. Scott or search for H. T. Scott in all documents.

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igated. Mr. Vallandigham asserted on the highest authority that Mr. May visited Richmond under the authority of the Administration, and with the consent of Gen. Scott. Mr. Washburne, of Illinois, denied entirely the assertion that Mr. May's visit was undertaken under the authority of the Administration. Mr. Vallandilandigham repeated again that Mr. May went to Richmond on a political mission, with the consent and acquiescence of the Administration, and by the authority of General Scott, and that this consent was given after the object of his mission had been disclosed. Mr. Thaddeus Stevens, of Pennsylvania, said that upon this statement assport declaring it was his purpose to visit Virginia simply as a private citizen, and in that understanding Mr. Lincoln not only gave his consent, but induced Gen. Scott to furnish a special passport. Mr. Vallandigham moved to lay the resolution on the table. Mr. Kellogg, of Illinois, endorsed the views of Mr. Dawes in
Release of Mr. Wm. Brent, of Richmond. The arrest and imprisonment in Washington City, of Mr. Wm. Brent, of Richmond, has already been published in this paper. The Washington Star contains the following in relation to his release: Yesterday Mr. Wm. Brent, of Richmond, Va., who has been in the county jail for some days, having been arrested as a spy at Bladensburg, Md., in company with Mr. H. T. Scott, was released from custody by Justice Donn. The order for his release was brought by Mr. J. M. Carlisle, who explained to the justice the way in which it was obtained. Mr. Carlisle wrote to the Secretary of War the following application: Mr. Secretary: I have fully and carefully investigated the case of Mr. Wm. Brent, and have caused his deposition to be taken and transmitted to Gen. Mansfield. I assure you, as a gentleman, that he has no complicity whatever with the present unhappy condition of the country; is no spy, and was on his own private and lawful busi