Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 14, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Stone Bridge (Virginia, United States) or search for Stone Bridge (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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Johnston had better simmer down? Do you think they can stand before our brave 60,000." I didn't have any better sense than to tell old F. & F I thought they could. I read the dispatch, however, whch was as follows: Just this side of Stone Bridge, 8 A. M. Gen. Scott --We are moving along slowly and surely, taking masked batteries wherever we can pick'em up. We expect to reach Richmond--160 miles--this afternoon, in time to adjourn the Confederate Congress. Fifty members of the U.d to let them enjoy that privilege. (Signed.) Irvin McDowell. Gen. Scott had just finished cursing General Wool, and taking the oath or allegiance when his messenger brought him the second dispatch, which was as follows: Just this side Stone Bridge, 9 A. M. To Gen. Scott --Just took another masked battery and captured two wheelbarrows. On this capture I think a series of events will turn. Scouts report to me that there is a large force rebels just ahead. If this be true, you may