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Proceedings of the Federal Congress. The following is a synopsis of the second day's proceedings (December 3d ) of the Washington Congress: The first regular session of the thirty-seventh Congress commenced at noon yesterday (the 2d) The galleries of both Houses were crowded with spectators. In the Senate, 37 Senators answered to their names at roll call, including Messrs. Powell, of Kentucky; Bayard of Delaware, and Bright of Indiana.--The usual committees were appointed to wait upon and inform the President and the House of Representatives that the Senate was ready to proceed to business Mr. Trumbull, of Ill., gave notice that he would to-day introduce a bill to confiscate the property of rebels and give freedom to persons int the slave States--Mr. Wilkinson, of Minnesota, gave notice of a bill to abolish the distinction between the regular and the volunteer soldier. The committee appointed to wait upon the President reported that he would communicate his Message to Con
due course, before the Confederate Court — perhaps next week. The rumor of an order from the War Department for his safe conduct to the North, in the last two days, has created intense excitement throughout this country, especially among those who have friends and relatives, now languishing in prison on account of his teachings. Jas. Clark, of Cocke county, was yesterday bound over before his Honor, the Commissioner, to appear at the term of Confederate Court, in this city, on the 3d Monday, in December, and for his good behavior in the interim. Jesse Bunker, of Knox county, was also arrested yesterday, on a charge of inciting rebellion, and committed to prison to await his trial. Arkansas intelligence — a secret Lincoln organization in Van Buren county The Little Rock State Journal of the 29th notices the arrival at that city of twenty-seven prisoners, members of a secret Lincoln organi- zation from Van Buren county. They were lodged in jail for safe keeping, un