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Proceedings of the Federal Congress.

The following is a synopsis of the second day's proceedings (December 3d ) of the Washington Congress:

‘ The first regular session of the thirty-seventh Congress commenced at noon yesterday (the 2d) The galleries of both Houses were crowded with spectators. In the Senate, 37 Senators answered to their names at roll call, including Messrs. Powell, of Kentucky; Bayard of Delaware, and Bright of Indiana.--The usual committees were appointed to wait upon and inform the President and the House of Representatives that the Senate was ready to proceed to business Mr. Trumbull, of Ill., gave notice that he would to-day introduce a bill to confiscate the property of rebels and give freedom to persons int the slave States--Mr. Wilkinson, of Minnesota, gave notice of a bill to abolish the distinction between the regular and the volunteer soldier. The committee appointed to wait upon the President reported that he would communicate his Message to Congress at noon to-day, whereupon the Senate adjourned.

In the House one hundred and ten members answered to their names. Mr. Maynard, of Tennessee, was admitted to a seat. The question of admitting Mr. Segar, from the Fortress Monroe District of Virginia; Mr. Beach, from the same State, and Mr. Foster, from North Carolina, were referred to Committee on Elections. A memorial from Mr. Lowe, to be admitted as an additional member from California, was referred to the same committee.

A joint resolution, tendering the thanks of Congress to Capt. Wilkes for his arrest of the rebel emissaries, Mason and Slidell, was adopted.

A resolution expelling John W. Reed, the member from the 5th District of Missouri, and now serving in the rebel army, was adopted.

Resolutions requesting the President to order Messrs. Mason and Slidell to be treated in the same manner as Col. Corcoran and Col. Wood, prisoners in the hands of the rebels, are treated, were unanimously adopted, amid cheers from the spectators.

The Secretary of War was requested to communicate what measures have been taken to ascertain who is responsible for the disaster at Ball's Bluff.

Mr. Eliot, of Massachusetts, offered a resolution declaring that, in prosecuting the war, the Government has for its object the suppression of rebellion and the re-establishment of the Constitution and the laws over the entire country, disclaiming all power to interfere with State institutions, yet that the safety of the State dominates over all rights of property and civil relations; that, therefore, the President of the United States, as the Commander-in-Chief of our army, and the officers in command under him, have the right to emancipate all persons held as slaves in any military district in a state of insurrection against the National Government, and that we respectfully advise that such order of emancipation be issued whenever the same will avail to weaken the power of the rebels in arms, or to strengthen the military power of the loyal forces. A motion to lay the resolution on the table was lost by a vote of 56 to 70.

Mr. Roscoe L. Conkling, of New York, proposed an amendment, so as to make the resolution apply to slaves of disloyal citizens. This was accepted by Mr. Eliot, and the subject was then laid aside until Tuesday next.

Mr. Stevens, of Penn., offered a preamble bls and bill, declaring that there can be no permanent peace or union in the Republic so long as slavery existed within it; that slavery is an essential means of protracting the war; that, according to the law of nations, it is right to liberate the slaves of an enemy to weaken his power; that the President be requested to declare free, and to direct all our Generals and officers, in common, to order freedom to all slaves who shall leave their masters, or shall aid in quelling the rebellion, and that the United States pledge the faith of the nation to make full and fair compensation to all loyal citizens, who are or shall remain active in support of the Union, for all damage they may sustain by virtue of this resolution. This resolution lies over for future consideration.

Mr. Van Wyck, of New York, gave notice of a bill to establish and construct a military and postal railroad from Washington city, in the District of Columbia, to the city of New York, in the State of New York.

The House adjourned.

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Powell (1)
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