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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 17, 1862., [Electronic resource].

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th the English demands. In the House, a bill was passed abolishing the franking privilege. The official report of the Prestonsburg fight claims a Federal victory, and says that the battle began at 8 o'clock, and ended at 1 All the forces were engaged. It says Marshall was repulsed, carrying off the majority of his dead and wounded; but the Federals found 27 dead on the field, and took 25 prisoners. His loss was not less than 60. The Federal loss, only 2 killed and 25 wounded. Col. Garfield was in command. The appropriations for army expenditures for the year ending June, 1863, amount to $442,526,667. It is believed that Secretary Chase will also resign, to take a seat in the Senate. Havana dates to the 7th state that Mexican matters are growing interesting. The people are preparing for resistance. Thirty thousand dollars are to be collected at Perote, with 150 pieces of artillery. Everything looks serious for Spain. The Spanish soldiers are rapidly dese
Goldsborough (search for this): article 1
tee of both Houses of Congress, at the residence of Secretary Chase on Monday evening, but no conclusion was reached. The Conference lasted more than four hours. Chase' threatened a high tax bill, &c., but the Banks would not yield. Commodore Goldsborough is to command the Burnside Expedition, and Burnside to direct land operations. The steamer Spaulding sailed last night, from Fortress Monroe with the 13th Massachusetts Regiment, it is said, for Port Royal Goldsborough was a passengeGoldsborough was a passenger. The bark Lyres, a slaver, of New York, with 820 negroes on broad, has been captured by an English gun-boat. The Fleet Eagle, also a slaver, with 900 aboard, escaped. On Friday the Federal forces at Romney, under command of Gen. Lander, retired on learning the advance of the Confederate army, under Jackson. The Senate on Tuesday passed a bill to prevent the detention of fugitive slaves in prison in the District of Columbia. Cotton in New York was held at 34 cents; whiskey,
June, 1863 AD (search for this): article 1
The official report of the Prestonsburg fight claims a Federal victory, and says that the battle began at 8 o'clock, and ended at 1 All the forces were engaged. It says Marshall was repulsed, carrying off the majority of his dead and wounded; but the Federals found 27 dead on the field, and took 25 prisoners. His loss was not less than 60. The Federal loss, only 2 killed and 25 wounded. Col. Garfield was in command. The appropriations for army expenditures for the year ending June, 1863, amount to $442,526,667. It is believed that Secretary Chase will also resign, to take a seat in the Senate. Havana dates to the 7th state that Mexican matters are growing interesting. The people are preparing for resistance. Thirty thousand dollars are to be collected at Perote, with 150 pieces of artillery. Everything looks serious for Spain. The Spanish soldiers are rapidly deserting. Juarez has issued a proclamation, calling upon the people to unite in the defence of
January 16th (search for this): article 1
Latest from the North. Reported Resignation of Secretary Cameron.&c., &c., &c. [special Dispatch to Richmond Dispatch.] Norfolk, Jan. 16. --Passengers who have arrived in this city by flag of truce boat from Old Point, this evening, report that Simon Cameron, the Federal Secretary of War, has resigned. There is n The United States frigate Constitution arrived in the Roads this morning and is now discharging troops at Fortress Monroe. [Second Dispatch.] Norfolk, Jan. 16. --From late Northern papers received here I send the following lists of New: The retirement of Cameron from the Federal Cabinet is an exciting topic omes. Gen. Prim had left Havana to take command of a fleet. Col. Kearney, of the Federal Engineer Corps, is dead. B. [third Despatch.] Norfolk, Jan. 16. --Committees representing the Banks of New York, Boston, Philadelphus, and the Boards of Trade, met the Finance Committee of both Houses of Congress, at th
14th inst., a communication was received from the President transmitting a copy of the instructions received by Chevalier Hulceman, of the Austrian Government, on the Trent affair.--Also, Seward's reply. Austria coincides with the English demands. In the House, a bill was passed abolishing the franking privilege. The official report of the Prestonsburg fight claims a Federal victory, and says that the battle began at 8 o'clock, and ended at 1 All the forces were engaged. It says Marshall was repulsed, carrying off the majority of his dead and wounded; but the Federals found 27 dead on the field, and took 25 prisoners. His loss was not less than 60. The Federal loss, only 2 killed and 25 wounded. Col. Garfield was in command. The appropriations for army expenditures for the year ending June, 1863, amount to $442,526,667. It is believed that Secretary Chase will also resign, to take a seat in the Senate. Havana dates to the 7th state that Mexican matters are
shington. It gives satisfaction to those that support the Government who have considered him an encumbrance to the President. The Herald, of the 15th, says he has accepted a mission to St. Petersburg. B. M. Stanton, Pennsylvanians, has been appointed Secretary of War. In the U. S. Senate, on the 14th inst., a communication was received from the President transmitting a copy of the instructions received by Chevalier Hulceman, of the Austrian Government, on the Trent affair.--Also, Seward's reply. Austria coincides with the English demands. In the House, a bill was passed abolishing the franking privilege. The official report of the Prestonsburg fight claims a Federal victory, and says that the battle began at 8 o'clock, and ended at 1 All the forces were engaged. It says Marshall was repulsed, carrying off the majority of his dead and wounded; but the Federals found 27 dead on the field, and took 25 prisoners. His loss was not less than 60. The Federal loss, onl
Simon Cameron (search for this): article 1
Latest from the North. Reported Resignation of Secretary Cameron.&c., &c., &c. [special Dispatch to Richmond Dispatch.] Norfolk, Jan. 16. --Passengers who have arrived in this city by flag of truce boat from Old Point, this evening, report that Simon Cameron, the Federal Secretary of War, has resigned. There is noSimon Cameron, the Federal Secretary of War, has resigned. There is nothing from the North with regard to the Burnside expedition. The United States frigate Constitution arrived in the Roads this morning and is now discharging troops at Fortress Monroe. [Second Dispatch.] Norfolk, Jan. 16. --From late Northern papers received here I send the following lists of New: The retirement of Cameron from the Federal Cabinet is an exciting topic in Washington. It gives satisfaction to those that support the Government who have considered him an encumbrance to the President. The Herald, of the 15th, says he has accepted a mission to St. Petersburg. B. M. Stanton, Pennsylvanians, has been appointed Secretary
direct land operations. The steamer Spaulding sailed last night, from Fortress Monroe with the 13th Massachusetts Regiment, it is said, for Port Royal Goldsborough was a passenger. The bark Lyres, a slaver, of New York, with 820 negroes on broad, has been captured by an English gun-boat. The Fleet Eagle, also a slaver, with 900 aboard, escaped. On Friday the Federal forces at Romney, under command of Gen. Lander, retired on learning the advance of the Confederate army, under Jackson. The Senate on Tuesday passed a bill to prevent the detention of fugitive slaves in prison in the District of Columbia. Cotton in New York was held at 34 cents; whiskey, 23 cents; sugar, 8 cents; coffee, 20 cents. The steamship Constitution, which sailed from Boston on the 13th with the 12th Maine and Bay State regiments, had arrived in the Roads. Reliable information received here states that thirteen vessels, with troops on board, went to sea from the Roads to-day. F.
odore Goldsborough is to command the Burnside Expedition, and Burnside to direct land operations. The steamer Spaulding sailed last night, from Fortress Monroe with the 13th Massachusetts Regiment, it is said, for Port Royal Goldsborough was a passenger. The bark Lyres, a slaver, of New York, with 820 negroes on broad, has been captured by an English gun-boat. The Fleet Eagle, also a slaver, with 900 aboard, escaped. On Friday the Federal forces at Romney, under command of Gen. Lander, retired on learning the advance of the Confederate army, under Jackson. The Senate on Tuesday passed a bill to prevent the detention of fugitive slaves in prison in the District of Columbia. Cotton in New York was held at 34 cents; whiskey, 23 cents; sugar, 8 cents; coffee, 20 cents. The steamship Constitution, which sailed from Boston on the 13th with the 12th Maine and Bay State regiments, had arrived in the Roads. Reliable information received here states that thir
command. The appropriations for army expenditures for the year ending June, 1863, amount to $442,526,667. It is believed that Secretary Chase will also resign, to take a seat in the Senate. Havana dates to the 7th state that Mexican matters are growing interesting. The people are preparing for resistance. Thirty thousand dollars are to be collected at Perote, with 150 pieces of artillery. Everything looks serious for Spain. The Spanish soldiers are rapidly deserting. Juarez has issued a proclamation, calling upon the people to unite in the defence of their homes. Gen. Prim had left Havana to take command of a fleet. Col. Kearney, of the Federal Engineer Corps, is dead. B. [third Despatch.] Norfolk, Jan. 16. --Committees representing the Banks of New York, Boston, Philadelphus, and the Boards of Trade, met the Finance Committee of both Houses of Congress, at the residence of Secretary Chase on Monday evening, but no conclusion was reached
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