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William Mcintyre (search for this): article 14
ock--were each required to find $300 surety to be of good behavior. Krebs and Diggs being already under bonds for a like amount, the same were forfeited. Wm. McIntyre and John Congre, privates of the President's Cuard, were charged with stealing a pair of shoes, valued at $18, from M. Golden, merchant, Broad, between 3d and ithout buying anything. Having on several occasions missed articles immediately after his departure, he determined to watch him. On last evening he came in with McIntyre, and while he (witness) was speaking to a gentleman in the store, McIntyre put a pair of shoes under his arm and walked out. He immediately went after him while McIntyre put a pair of shoes under his arm and walked out. He immediately went after him while the gentleman present detained Congre. They were both then put under arrest. Care sent on to the Hustings Court for trial. Thomas E. Coun, a Confederate officer, was charged with stabbing Antone Capeheart, a German. No witnesses appearing, the prisoner stated that the stabbing of Capeheart was purely through mistake. He (
Proceedings of the Courts. Mayor's Court--Recorder Caskie presiding.--Dec. 27.--Joseph Gregor was charged with the murder of Michael Horan, at Krebs's farm, near Richmond, about two months ago. Only one witness — who after all knew nothing about the case — was present to testify. His statement was that he was in the adjoining room when the shooting took place, and that he knew of no circumstance whatever which could identify Gregor as the murderer. The case was continued until Monday for other testimony. Samuel Stanley, a soldier, was charged with shooting a musket in the street; and attempting to shoot Capt. Pleasants, of the night police, when in the act of arresting him. The demonstration took place on Friday evening, on Main, between 15th and 17th sts. Surety in $300 to keep the peace, and a like amount to appear before the Grand Jury. Thomas King, drunk and trespassing on the premises of Mrs. E. Sadler, sent to Capt. Alexander to be handed over to the naval auth
Daniel Summers (search for this): article 14
streets, were arraigned for "plying their avocation" contrary to law and decency; Lucy Conway, Kate Robinson, Corn Williams, Jenny Wade, Margaret Hamilton, Ellen Hall, famma H. Howard, and Emeline Jones. Hamilton, the proprietress of the establishment, was required to give surety to be of good behavior, and $300 to appear before the Grand Jury. Each of the girls were required to find $300 surety to be of good behavior. John Martin, Henry Krebs, Humphrey Haley, Jerome Diggs, Daniel Summers, and John Slate, parties found in the houses inhabited by the above named females, at the time of the descent — this morning between four and five o'clock--were each required to find $300 surety to be of good behavior. Krebs and Diggs being already under bonds for a like amount, the same were forfeited. Wm. McIntyre and John Congre, privates of the President's Cuard, were charged with stealing a pair of shoes, valued at $18, from M. Golden, merchant, Broad, between 3d and 4th stree
Emeline Jones (search for this): article 14
the naval authorities at Drowry's Stuff, where he belonged. Washington Jenkins, drunk in the Old Market, and resisting the police in the discharge of their duty. Surety in $300 required and given. The following parties from "Solitude" a place of evil name, on Cary, between 7th and 8th streets, were arraigned for "plying their avocation" contrary to law and decency; Lucy Conway, Kate Robinson, Corn Williams, Jenny Wade, Margaret Hamilton, Ellen Hall, famma H. Howard, and Emeline Jones. Hamilton, the proprietress of the establishment, was required to give surety to be of good behavior, and $300 to appear before the Grand Jury. Each of the girls were required to find $300 surety to be of good behavior. John Martin, Henry Krebs, Humphrey Haley, Jerome Diggs, Daniel Summers, and John Slate, parties found in the houses inhabited by the above named females, at the time of the descent — this morning between four and five o'clock--were each required to find $300 surety
ed with stabbing Antone Capeheart, a German. No witnesses appearing, the prisoner stated that the stabbing of Capeheart was purely through mistake. He (Conn) was attacked on Friday evening by a party of rowdies, and Capeheart rushing in, doubtless to prevent a row, was mistaken by him for one of the party and stabbed. Officer Soul said that Capeheart was wounded in the face his entire jaw being laid open, which prevented him from appearing. The case was continued, and the prisoner refused bail. Sergeant Lynn Farrell, 55th N. C.; Troy Carroll, do,; John Mathews. 32d N. C.; Bannister White, 59th Va.; and A H., Wheeler, James Hobiss, and T. R. Warren, of the 59th Georgia, forming a squad of city patrols, who, on Wednesday night last, violently opened and entered the house of J. C. Lewis corner of Main and 10th streets, to secure his arrest on a charge of assault, when he made no resistance, and was not asked to open his door, were each remanded to jail to be tried for felony.
T. R. Warren (search for this): article 14
ged with stabbing Antone Capeheart, a German. No witnesses appearing, the prisoner stated that the stabbing of Capeheart was purely through mistake. He (Conn) was attacked on Friday evening by a party of rowdies, and Capeheart rushing in, doubtless to prevent a row, was mistaken by him for one of the party and stabbed. Officer Soul said that Capeheart was wounded in the face his entire jaw being laid open, which prevented him from appearing. The case was continued, and the prisoner refused bail. Sergeant Lynn Farrell, 55th N. C.; Troy Carroll, do,; John Mathews. 32d N. C.; Bannister White, 59th Va.; and A H., Wheeler, James Hobiss, and T. R. Warren, of the 59th Georgia, forming a squad of city patrols, who, on Wednesday night last, violently opened and entered the house of J. C. Lewis corner of Main and 10th streets, to secure his arrest on a charge of assault, when he made no resistance, and was not asked to open his door, were each remanded to jail to be tried for felony.
Troy Carroll (search for this): article 14
ged with stabbing Antone Capeheart, a German. No witnesses appearing, the prisoner stated that the stabbing of Capeheart was purely through mistake. He (Conn) was attacked on Friday evening by a party of rowdies, and Capeheart rushing in, doubtless to prevent a row, was mistaken by him for one of the party and stabbed. Officer Soul said that Capeheart was wounded in the face his entire jaw being laid open, which prevented him from appearing. The case was continued, and the prisoner refused bail. Sergeant Lynn Farrell, 55th N. C.; Troy Carroll, do,; John Mathews. 32d N. C.; Bannister White, 59th Va.; and A H., Wheeler, James Hobiss, and T. R. Warren, of the 59th Georgia, forming a squad of city patrols, who, on Wednesday night last, violently opened and entered the house of J. C. Lewis corner of Main and 10th streets, to secure his arrest on a charge of assault, when he made no resistance, and was not asked to open his door, were each remanded to jail to be tried for felony.
Michael Horan (search for this): article 14
Proceedings of the Courts. Mayor's Court--Recorder Caskie presiding.--Dec. 27.--Joseph Gregor was charged with the murder of Michael Horan, at Krebs's farm, near Richmond, about two months ago. Only one witness — who after all knew nothing about the case — was present to testify. His statement was that he was in the adjoining room when the shooting took place, and that he knew of no circumstance whatever which could identify Gregor as the murderer. The case was continued until Monday for other testimony. Samuel Stanley, a soldier, was charged with shooting a musket in the street; and attempting to shoot Capt. Pleasants, of the night police, when in the act of arresting him. The demonstration took place on Friday evening, on Main, between 15th and 17th sts. Surety in $300 to keep the peace, and a like amount to appear before the Grand Jury. Thomas King, drunk and trespassing on the premises of Mrs. E. Sadler, sent to Capt. Alexander to be handed over to the naval auth
Antone Capeheart (search for this): article 14
Care sent on to the Hustings Court for trial. Thomas E. Coun, a Confederate officer, was charged with stabbing Antone Capeheart, a German. No witnesses appearing, the prisoner stated that the stabbing of Capeheart was purely through mistake. Capeheart was purely through mistake. He (Conn) was attacked on Friday evening by a party of rowdies, and Capeheart rushing in, doubtless to prevent a row, was mistaken by him for one of the party and stabbed. Officer Soul said that Capeheart was wounded in the face his entire jaw beinCapeheart rushing in, doubtless to prevent a row, was mistaken by him for one of the party and stabbed. Officer Soul said that Capeheart was wounded in the face his entire jaw being laid open, which prevented him from appearing. The case was continued, and the prisoner refused bail. Sergeant Lynn Farrell, 55th N. C.; Troy Carroll, do,; John Mathews. 32d N. C.; Bannister White, 59th Va.; and A H., Wheeler, James Hobiss,Capeheart was wounded in the face his entire jaw being laid open, which prevented him from appearing. The case was continued, and the prisoner refused bail. Sergeant Lynn Farrell, 55th N. C.; Troy Carroll, do,; John Mathews. 32d N. C.; Bannister White, 59th Va.; and A H., Wheeler, James Hobiss, and T. R. Warren, of the 59th Georgia, forming a squad of city patrols, who, on Wednesday night last, violently opened and entered the house of J. C. Lewis corner of Main and 10th streets, to secure his arrest on a charge of assault, when he made n
tyre, and while he (witness) was speaking to a gentleman in the store, McIntyre put a pair of shoes under his arm and walked out. He immediately went after him while the gentleman present detained Congre. They were both then put under arrest. Care sent on to the Hustings Court for trial. Thomas E. Coun, a Confederate officer, was charged with stabbing Antone Capeheart, a German. No witnesses appearing, the prisoner stated that the stabbing of Capeheart was purely through mistake. He (Conn) was attacked on Friday evening by a party of rowdies, and Capeheart rushing in, doubtless to prevent a row, was mistaken by him for one of the party and stabbed. Officer Soul said that Capeheart was wounded in the face his entire jaw being laid open, which prevented him from appearing. The case was continued, and the prisoner refused bail. Sergeant Lynn Farrell, 55th N. C.; Troy Carroll, do,; John Mathews. 32d N. C.; Bannister White, 59th Va.; and A H., Wheeler, James Hobiss, and T.
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