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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 16, 1863., [Electronic resource].

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Elizabeth Moore (search for this): article 1
In the different churches yesterday subscriptions were taken up for the benefit of the sufferers. The citizens, also, on Saturday, responded nobly to the calls made on them for the same object. We append a list of the killed, wounded, and missing: Died from their injuries.--Females: Adalie Mayer, Mary O'Brien, Martha Daley, Julia Brannon, Nannie Horin, Mary Rowlin, Catherine McCarthy, Mary Zegingham, Mary Whitehurst, Sarah Haney, Mary A. Garnett, Mary Archer, Eliza Willis, Elizabeth Moore, Francis Blassingame, Elizabeth Young, Mary Valentine, Marish Brein, Ela. Smith, Amelia Tiefenbacy, Annie Davis, Alice Johnson, Mary Cushing Alice Boulton, Barbary Jackson, Mary Wallace, Ann Dodson, Louisa Ricely Ellen Sullivan, Mary O'Conner, Virginia Page, Males: Rev. John H. Woodcock, James G. Currie. Wounded.--Mary Ryan, Delia Clemens, Bridget Grimes, Pauline Smoot, Ann Drake, Margaret Alexander, Elizabeth Dawson, Mary Cordis Lucy Wicks, Mary Pritchett, Sarah Marshall, Catherin
Sarah Foster (search for this): article 1
lizabeth Moore, Francis Blassingame, Elizabeth Young, Mary Valentine, Marish Brein, Ela. Smith, Amelia Tiefenbacy, Annie Davis, Alice Johnson, Mary Cushing Alice Boulton, Barbary Jackson, Mary Wallace, Ann Dodson, Louisa Ricely Ellen Sullivan, Mary O'Conner, Virginia Page, Males: Rev. John H. Woodcock, James G. Currie. Wounded.--Mary Ryan, Delia Clemens, Bridget Grimes, Pauline Smoot, Ann Drake, Margaret Alexander, Elizabeth Dawson, Mary Cordis Lucy Wicks, Mary Pritchett, Sarah Marshall, Catherine, Cavanaugh, Annie Blankinship, Mary E. Rouke, Caroline Zaginsham Mary J. Andrews, Ella Bennett, Sarah Foster, Mary Maunaham, Ellen O'Brien, Cordnelia Mitchell, Mary McDonnell, Catharine Riceley, Dolly A Folkes, Susan Butler. Males — William Barfoot, Alonzo Owens, John H. Hampton, Samuel Chapell, Peter Fercron. Missing and cannot be accounted for--Miss Martha A. Burley. Aggregate.--Deaths: females, 31; males, 2.--Wounded; females, 25; males, 5. Total killed and wounded. 64.
Mary Archer (search for this): article 1
ld by his fellow citizens. In the different churches yesterday subscriptions were taken up for the benefit of the sufferers. The citizens, also, on Saturday, responded nobly to the calls made on them for the same object. We append a list of the killed, wounded, and missing: Died from their injuries.--Females: Adalie Mayer, Mary O'Brien, Martha Daley, Julia Brannon, Nannie Horin, Mary Rowlin, Catherine McCarthy, Mary Zegingham, Mary Whitehurst, Sarah Haney, Mary A. Garnett, Mary Archer, Eliza Willis, Elizabeth Moore, Francis Blassingame, Elizabeth Young, Mary Valentine, Marish Brein, Ela. Smith, Amelia Tiefenbacy, Annie Davis, Alice Johnson, Mary Cushing Alice Boulton, Barbary Jackson, Mary Wallace, Ann Dodson, Louisa Ricely Ellen Sullivan, Mary O'Conner, Virginia Page, Males: Rev. John H. Woodcock, James G. Currie. Wounded.--Mary Ryan, Delia Clemens, Bridget Grimes, Pauline Smoot, Ann Drake, Margaret Alexander, Elizabeth Dawson, Mary Cordis Lucy Wicks, Mary Pritch
tering feeble moans, the forerunners with many of them of approaching death. One, frantic and blazing, ran towards one of the buildings in which was stored enough of combustibles to have rent in fragments every tenements the island. She was seized and stopped by one of the workmen just in time to bar her entrance. It is now pretty definitely ascertained that the explosion came from the ignition of a friction cannon primer at which one of the girls, Mary Ryan, was working. Acting Coroner Sanxay, with High Constable Freeman, visited the scene of the accident on Saturday, but, exercising his own judgment, did not deem an inquest necessary for obvious reason. The funerals of many of the victims took place yesterday. We are requested by Capt. Smith to state that any family having Miss Burley, a missing employee, in their care or knowing anything of her, will confer a favor by leaving the information with him. Work will not probably be resumed on the island before
Annie Davis (search for this): article 1
, also, on Saturday, responded nobly to the calls made on them for the same object. We append a list of the killed, wounded, and missing: Died from their injuries.--Females: Adalie Mayer, Mary O'Brien, Martha Daley, Julia Brannon, Nannie Horin, Mary Rowlin, Catherine McCarthy, Mary Zegingham, Mary Whitehurst, Sarah Haney, Mary A. Garnett, Mary Archer, Eliza Willis, Elizabeth Moore, Francis Blassingame, Elizabeth Young, Mary Valentine, Marish Brein, Ela. Smith, Amelia Tiefenbacy, Annie Davis, Alice Johnson, Mary Cushing Alice Boulton, Barbary Jackson, Mary Wallace, Ann Dodson, Louisa Ricely Ellen Sullivan, Mary O'Conner, Virginia Page, Males: Rev. John H. Woodcock, James G. Currie. Wounded.--Mary Ryan, Delia Clemens, Bridget Grimes, Pauline Smoot, Ann Drake, Margaret Alexander, Elizabeth Dawson, Mary Cordis Lucy Wicks, Mary Pritchett, Sarah Marshall, Catherine, Cavanaugh, Annie Blankinship, Mary E. Rouke, Caroline Zaginsham Mary J. Andrews, Ella Bennett, Sarah Foster, Ma
Mary Valentine (search for this): article 1
ere taken up for the benefit of the sufferers. The citizens, also, on Saturday, responded nobly to the calls made on them for the same object. We append a list of the killed, wounded, and missing: Died from their injuries.--Females: Adalie Mayer, Mary O'Brien, Martha Daley, Julia Brannon, Nannie Horin, Mary Rowlin, Catherine McCarthy, Mary Zegingham, Mary Whitehurst, Sarah Haney, Mary A. Garnett, Mary Archer, Eliza Willis, Elizabeth Moore, Francis Blassingame, Elizabeth Young, Mary Valentine, Marish Brein, Ela. Smith, Amelia Tiefenbacy, Annie Davis, Alice Johnson, Mary Cushing Alice Boulton, Barbary Jackson, Mary Wallace, Ann Dodson, Louisa Ricely Ellen Sullivan, Mary O'Conner, Virginia Page, Males: Rev. John H. Woodcock, James G. Currie. Wounded.--Mary Ryan, Delia Clemens, Bridget Grimes, Pauline Smoot, Ann Drake, Margaret Alexander, Elizabeth Dawson, Mary Cordis Lucy Wicks, Mary Pritchett, Sarah Marshall, Catherine, Cavanaugh, Annie Blankinship, Mary E. Rouke, Carolin
Alonzo Owens (search for this): article 1
lizabeth Moore, Francis Blassingame, Elizabeth Young, Mary Valentine, Marish Brein, Ela. Smith, Amelia Tiefenbacy, Annie Davis, Alice Johnson, Mary Cushing Alice Boulton, Barbary Jackson, Mary Wallace, Ann Dodson, Louisa Ricely Ellen Sullivan, Mary O'Conner, Virginia Page, Males: Rev. John H. Woodcock, James G. Currie. Wounded.--Mary Ryan, Delia Clemens, Bridget Grimes, Pauline Smoot, Ann Drake, Margaret Alexander, Elizabeth Dawson, Mary Cordis Lucy Wicks, Mary Pritchett, Sarah Marshall, Catherine, Cavanaugh, Annie Blankinship, Mary E. Rouke, Caroline Zaginsham Mary J. Andrews, Ella Bennett, Sarah Foster, Mary Maunaham, Ellen O'Brien, Cordnelia Mitchell, Mary McDonnell, Catharine Riceley, Dolly A Folkes, Susan Butler. Males — William Barfoot, Alonzo Owens, John H. Hampton, Samuel Chapell, Peter Fercron. Missing and cannot be accounted for--Miss Martha A. Burley. Aggregate.--Deaths: females, 31; males, 2.--Wounded; females, 25; males, 5. Total killed and wounded. 64.
Julia Brannon (search for this): article 1
n elder and leading member for many years. The large attendance of persons present proved the estimation in which he was held by his fellow citizens. In the different churches yesterday subscriptions were taken up for the benefit of the sufferers. The citizens, also, on Saturday, responded nobly to the calls made on them for the same object. We append a list of the killed, wounded, and missing: Died from their injuries.--Females: Adalie Mayer, Mary O'Brien, Martha Daley, Julia Brannon, Nannie Horin, Mary Rowlin, Catherine McCarthy, Mary Zegingham, Mary Whitehurst, Sarah Haney, Mary A. Garnett, Mary Archer, Eliza Willis, Elizabeth Moore, Francis Blassingame, Elizabeth Young, Mary Valentine, Marish Brein, Ela. Smith, Amelia Tiefenbacy, Annie Davis, Alice Johnson, Mary Cushing Alice Boulton, Barbary Jackson, Mary Wallace, Ann Dodson, Louisa Ricely Ellen Sullivan, Mary O'Conner, Virginia Page, Males: Rev. John H. Woodcock, James G. Currie. Wounded.--Mary Ryan, Delia
Mary Ryan (search for this): article 1
ements the island. She was seized and stopped by one of the workmen just in time to bar her entrance. It is now pretty definitely ascertained that the explosion came from the ignition of a friction cannon primer at which one of the girls, Mary Ryan, was working. Acting Coroner Sanxay, with High Constable Freeman, visited the scene of the accident on Saturday, but, exercising his own judgment, did not deem an inquest necessary for obvious reason. The funerals of many of the victiith, Amelia Tiefenbacy, Annie Davis, Alice Johnson, Mary Cushing Alice Boulton, Barbary Jackson, Mary Wallace, Ann Dodson, Louisa Ricely Ellen Sullivan, Mary O'Conner, Virginia Page, Males: Rev. John H. Woodcock, James G. Currie. Wounded.--Mary Ryan, Delia Clemens, Bridget Grimes, Pauline Smoot, Ann Drake, Margaret Alexander, Elizabeth Dawson, Mary Cordis Lucy Wicks, Mary Pritchett, Sarah Marshall, Catherine, Cavanaugh, Annie Blankinship, Mary E. Rouke, Caroline Zaginsham Mary J. Andrews,
Martha A. Burley (search for this): article 1
e accident on Saturday, but, exercising his own judgment, did not deem an inquest necessary for obvious reason. The funerals of many of the victims took place yesterday. We are requested by Capt. Smith to state that any family having Miss Burley, a missing employee, in their care or knowing anything of her, will confer a favor by leaving the information with him. Work will not probably be resumed on the island before the middle of the week. The funeral of the Rev. Jno. Woodcock herine, Cavanaugh, Annie Blankinship, Mary E. Rouke, Caroline Zaginsham Mary J. Andrews, Ella Bennett, Sarah Foster, Mary Maunaham, Ellen O'Brien, Cordnelia Mitchell, Mary McDonnell, Catharine Riceley, Dolly A Folkes, Susan Butler. Males — William Barfoot, Alonzo Owens, John H. Hampton, Samuel Chapell, Peter Fercron. Missing and cannot be accounted for--Miss Martha A. Burley. Aggregate.--Deaths: females, 31; males, 2.--Wounded; females, 25; males, 5. Total killed and wounded. 64.
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