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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 16, 1863., [Electronic resource].

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San Francisco (California, United States) (search for this): article 3
Florida.--By the Roanoke, from Havana, the Herald learns that the Ocean Herald, from Portland, saw a wreck; but got frightened and ran away, and surmised that possibly the wreck might have been the Florida! Cairo, March 10.--News from Vicksburg, Tuesday, says the rebels were throwing occasional shells at our workmen on the canal opposite Vicksburg. The dredging machines were still at work. The Yanoo Pass expedition is progressing. The Ohio and Mississippi are still rising. San Francisco, March 10.--It is reported that the French would take honors in ninety days. The authorities are willing. Gold is 45 to 50 premium. Exchange 47½. Legal tenders 65@70. Col. Dodge has made a reconnaissance from Norfolk 110 miles, met the enemy at or near Windsor, drove in their advance, attacked them on the flanks, and forced them to retire to the Black water. The engagement lasted forty minutes. Gold rose to 163, and closed at 158. Exchange opened at 179, and sold down to 1
Franklin (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 3
ts will be small. The Prince of Wales was to be married March 10th. The day was observed at a holiday, &c., in Montreal and other places. The marriage has been postponed to the 16th inst. A dispatch from Nashville, dated the 9th says: Van-Dorn's forces have retreated South and are reported to be across Duck river. There are no rebels between Franklin and Columbia. All is quiet at Murfreesboro'. The river is rising. Cincinnati, March 10.--A large force moved from Franklin, Tenn., on the 9th against the enemy at Spring Hill. If the rebels make a stand there will be a heavy engagement, as it is the determination that Coburn's disaster at Thompson's Station shall be retrieved. It is reported at Murfreesboro' that Van-Dorn has been defeated and most of his man captured. Rosecrans has ordered that all persons whose natural supporters are in the rebel service, and whose sympathies and connections prevent assurance of their loyalty, will hold themselves in read
Windsor, Conn. (Connecticut, United States) (search for this): article 3
ebels were throwing occasional shells at our workmen on the canal opposite Vicksburg. The dredging machines were still at work. The Yanoo Pass expedition is progressing. The Ohio and Mississippi are still rising. San Francisco, March 10.--It is reported that the French would take honors in ninety days. The authorities are willing. Gold is 45 to 50 premium. Exchange 47½. Legal tenders 65@70. Col. Dodge has made a reconnaissance from Norfolk 110 miles, met the enemy at or near Windsor, drove in their advance, attacked them on the flanks, and forced them to retire to the Black water. The engagement lasted forty minutes. Gold rose to 163, and closed at 158. Exchange opened at 179, and sold down to 177. Cotton, middlings advanced to 86 to 87. The Herald says gold is steadily going up and paper going down. To arrest the evil Mr. Chase must prepare to pay in silver and gold, and compel the banks to do likewise. The Herald says, in an editorial on the crisis:
Havana, N. Y. (New York, United States) (search for this): article 3
zing a Territorial Government for Idaho, carved out of Oregon, Decotah, and Washington Territories. St. Thomas, W. I. Feb, 24.--The Vanderbilt, Alabama, and Shepherd Knapp, United States men of war, are off to-day in pursuit of the pirate Florida. They have great speed and are carrying heavy batteries. Cincinnati, March 10.--Major-General Cox, now of the Army of the Kanawha, will shortly supersede Major-General Wright, of the Department of Ohio. Florida.--By the Roanoke, from Havana, the Herald learns that the Ocean Herald, from Portland, saw a wreck; but got frightened and ran away, and surmised that possibly the wreck might have been the Florida! Cairo, March 10.--News from Vicksburg, Tuesday, says the rebels were throwing occasional shells at our workmen on the canal opposite Vicksburg. The dredging machines were still at work. The Yanoo Pass expedition is progressing. The Ohio and Mississippi are still rising. San Francisco, March 10.--It is reported th
Duck River (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 3
he three Republican members of Congress have been elected. The Governor's Council and Legislature will be largely Republican. The majorities in the first and second districts will be small. The Prince of Wales was to be married March 10th. The day was observed at a holiday, &c., in Montreal and other places. The marriage has been postponed to the 16th inst. A dispatch from Nashville, dated the 9th says: Van-Dorn's forces have retreated South and are reported to be across Duck river. There are no rebels between Franklin and Columbia. All is quiet at Murfreesboro'. The river is rising. Cincinnati, March 10.--A large force moved from Franklin, Tenn., on the 9th against the enemy at Spring Hill. If the rebels make a stand there will be a heavy engagement, as it is the determination that Coburn's disaster at Thompson's Station shall be retrieved. It is reported at Murfreesboro' that Van-Dorn has been defeated and most of his man captured. Rosecrans has orde
Spring Hill (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 3
to be married March 10th. The day was observed at a holiday, &c., in Montreal and other places. The marriage has been postponed to the 16th inst. A dispatch from Nashville, dated the 9th says: Van-Dorn's forces have retreated South and are reported to be across Duck river. There are no rebels between Franklin and Columbia. All is quiet at Murfreesboro'. The river is rising. Cincinnati, March 10.--A large force moved from Franklin, Tenn., on the 9th against the enemy at Spring Hill. If the rebels make a stand there will be a heavy engagement, as it is the determination that Coburn's disaster at Thompson's Station shall be retrieved. It is reported at Murfreesboro' that Van-Dorn has been defeated and most of his man captured. Rosecrans has ordered that all persons whose natural supporters are in the rebel service, and whose sympathies and connections prevent assurance of their loyalty, will hold themselves in readiness to go South of his lines within ten days.
Thompson's Station (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 3
the 16th inst. A dispatch from Nashville, dated the 9th says: Van-Dorn's forces have retreated South and are reported to be across Duck river. There are no rebels between Franklin and Columbia. All is quiet at Murfreesboro'. The river is rising. Cincinnati, March 10.--A large force moved from Franklin, Tenn., on the 9th against the enemy at Spring Hill. If the rebels make a stand there will be a heavy engagement, as it is the determination that Coburn's disaster at Thompson's Station shall be retrieved. It is reported at Murfreesboro' that Van-Dorn has been defeated and most of his man captured. Rosecrans has ordered that all persons whose natural supporters are in the rebel service, and whose sympathies and connections prevent assurance of their loyalty, will hold themselves in readiness to go South of his lines within ten days. Hon. Mr. Voorhee, of Indians, made a speech Tuesday evening before the Union Democratic Association in Broadway. Mr. V. comme
Broadway (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 3
saster at Thompson's Station shall be retrieved. It is reported at Murfreesboro' that Van-Dorn has been defeated and most of his man captured. Rosecrans has ordered that all persons whose natural supporters are in the rebel service, and whose sympathies and connections prevent assurance of their loyalty, will hold themselves in readiness to go South of his lines within ten days. Hon. Mr. Voorhee, of Indians, made a speech Tuesday evening before the Union Democratic Association in Broadway. Mr. V. commenced by saying that the people had waked up to the fact declared in the first line of the Constitution, that "we the people make this Government." He owed no allegiance to any Government but the people and the Constitution. He held it as his right to condemn anything wrong that Lincoln or his Cabinet did. He said the Black Republican party was covered all over with the leprosy of crime and wrong. He concluded by urging "when the Government went outside of the limits of law,
March 14th (search for this): article 4
[Associated press Summery.] Fredericksburg March 14. --The New York Herald of the 14th inst., has been received. The following is a summary of the news: The steamship Roanoke arrived at New York on the 10th, from Havana, and brings information to the effect that the opinion prevailed at Havana that the privateer Florida has been wrecked. The Ocean Herald, from Portland, which arrived at Havana on the 3d, reported having seen the wreck of a steamer painted black on the Abaco, about 12 miles from the lighthouse. Only her stern and smoke stacks were discernible. On the same day the Captain picked up two water casks, painted follows, with black hoops. Nothing has been heard of the Florida since the Sonoma chased her in a gale 135 miles from Abzoo. Thought the Florida was originally painted white, when the Sonoma chased her she had been painted black. The Vanderbilt sailed from St. Thomas on the 23d on a cruise. The U. S. gunboat Alabama ran into Mariluinu
[Associated press Summery.] Fredericksburg March 14. --The New York Herald of the 14th inst., has been received. The following is a summary of the news: The steamship Roanoke arrived at New York on the 10th, from Havana, and brings information to the effect that the opinion prevailed at Havana that the privateer Florida has been wrecked. The Ocean Herald, from Portland, which arrived at Havana on the 3d, reported having seen the wreck of a steamer painted black on the Abaco, about 12 miles from the lighthouse. Only her stern and smoke stacks were discernible. On the same day the Captain picked up two water casks, painted follows, with black hoops. Nothing has been heard of the Florida since the Sonoma chased her in a gale 135 miles from Abzoo. Thought the Florida was originally painted white, when the Sonoma chased her she had been painted black. The Vanderbilt sailed from St. Thomas on the 23d on a cruise. The U. S. gunboat Alabama ran into Mariluinu
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