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inson, Mr. English, of Henrico, Mr. Dyerly, of Roanoke, and Mr. Burwell, of Bedford, the three latter members of the Legislature of Virginia. But the most popular speech made on the occasion seemed to be that of a gentleman from Kentucky, named McDaniel, who voluntarily asked permission of the meeting, as a mechanic and a refugee from Kentucky, and as one who had been in the service ever since the war began, to occupy about ten minutes of their time. Some portions of this gentleman's remarks wthe large number of well dressed and well fed Maryland refugees skulking about this city, who had come over to Dixie from patriotic motives, but were unwilling to shoulder a musket in defence of the South, were also dealt with they deserved. Mr. McDaniel advocated the propriety of compelling all foreigners to go in the service or forcing them to leave the Confederacy; in these days of scarcity and distress it was as much as we could do to take care of those who were aiding us in whipping the i
there seemed to be a fair prospect of an unpleasant scene; but, by the interposition of Mr. Adolphus Gary, who came to Mr. A.'s. relief, and uttered some home thrusts at any one who could so far forget himself as to create a disturbance in a public meeting, quiet and good order was soon restored, and everything again went on harmoniously. Mr. Theophilus Reamas them then made some well timed remarks, as did also Mr. E. B. Robinson, Mr. English, of Henrico, Mr. Dyerly, of Roanoke, and Mr. Burwell, of Bedford, the three latter members of the Legislature of Virginia. But the most popular speech made on the occasion seemed to be that of a gentleman from Kentucky, named McDaniel, who voluntarily asked permission of the meeting, as a mechanic and a refugee from Kentucky, and as one who had been in the service ever since the war began, to occupy about ten minutes of their time. Some portions of this gentleman's remarks were well worthy the reputation of our greatest statesmen. He dep
Adolphus Gary (search for this): article 1
chairman concluded his remarks by calling for any report which the Committee of Seven might have to make when. Mr. Adolphus Gary, the Secretary of the meeting and chairman of the committee, presented the following resolutions, which were read sman race. 8. Resolved, That it is the duty of the Government to take care of the unfortunate, and not the rich. Mr. Gary, subsequent to the reading of the above resolutions, and before their passage, read the report of the special committee eeting, " and for some time there seemed to be a fair prospect of an unpleasant scene; but, by the interposition of Mr. Adolphus Gary, who came to Mr. A.'s. relief, and uttered some home thrusts at any one who could so far forget himself as to create meeting for about thirty minutes, he left the stand maid the enthusiastic applause of the large crowd assembled. Mr. Gary offered the following resolutions, which were adopted: Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed to present
Benjamin Bragg (search for this): article 1
Mass Mating at the city Hall. --One of the largest and most enthusiastic meetings which has assembled in this city for a long time, was held at the City Hall on Saturday night last. At a quarter to 8 o'clock Mr. Benjamin Bragg, who had presided at the two previous gatherings of the mechanics of Richmond, took the stand, and explained that, in consequence of a inner which prevailed that Mr. Geo. W. Randolph, the Senator from the city of Richmond, had openly expressed his determination not to vote for the bill now pending before the Legislature for the reduction and general regulation of prices, unless instructed so to do by his constituents, this meeting had been convened in order to obtain a free expression of the sentiment of the people generally, and for the purpose of adopting resolutions of instruction for their Senator and members of the House of Delegates. The meeting was for the citizens of Richmond, and could no longer he regarded as confined to the mechanics and workin
John H. Askew (search for this): article 1
quent to the reading of the above resolutions, and before their passage, read the report of the special committee of the Legislature to regulate the prices of the necessaries of life, explaining some portions which had been subject to misconstruction. Upon the reading of the 5th resolution, calling the attention of the Governor to the fact that the Legislature was upon the eve of adjournment without disposing of the most important subjects for which they were called together. Mr. John H. Askew objected to its passage upon the ground that, as the Legislature had already rescinded their determination to adjourn on the 12th inst., there was now no necessity for adopting any such resolution. He referred to the great efforts which have been made on the part of the brokers and speculators to induce an early adjournment of that body, before time was had to legislate upon the currency and prices of provisions, and thought the recent financial feat practiced upon the money shavers o
Theophilus Reamas (search for this): article 1
m some one in the crowd vehement and repeated demands to know "what Livingston had to do with the objects of this meeting, " and for some time there seemed to be a fair prospect of an unpleasant scene; but, by the interposition of Mr. Adolphus Gary, who came to Mr. A.'s. relief, and uttered some home thrusts at any one who could so far forget himself as to create a disturbance in a public meeting, quiet and good order was soon restored, and everything again went on harmoniously. Mr. Theophilus Reamas them then made some well timed remarks, as did also Mr. E. B. Robinson, Mr. English, of Henrico, Mr. Dyerly, of Roanoke, and Mr. Burwell, of Bedford, the three latter members of the Legislature of Virginia. But the most popular speech made on the occasion seemed to be that of a gentleman from Kentucky, named McDaniel, who voluntarily asked permission of the meeting, as a mechanic and a refugee from Kentucky, and as one who had been in the service ever since the war began, to occupy
meeting, " and for some time there seemed to be a fair prospect of an unpleasant scene; but, by the interposition of Mr. Adolphus Gary, who came to Mr. A.'s. relief, and uttered some home thrusts at any one who could so far forget himself as to create a disturbance in a public meeting, quiet and good order was soon restored, and everything again went on harmoniously. Mr. Theophilus Reamas them then made some well timed remarks, as did also Mr. E. B. Robinson, Mr. English, of Henrico, Mr. Dyerly, of Roanoke, and Mr. Burwell, of Bedford, the three latter members of the Legislature of Virginia. But the most popular speech made on the occasion seemed to be that of a gentleman from Kentucky, named McDaniel, who voluntarily asked permission of the meeting, as a mechanic and a refugee from Kentucky, and as one who had been in the service ever since the war began, to occupy about ten minutes of their time. Some portions of this gentleman's remarks were well worthy the reputation of our
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): article 1
ice of allowing substitutes had been of incalculable injury to our cause, and, in the speaker's opinion, was unjust to the great mass of the people. The extortioners were handled without gloves, and the large number of well dressed and well fed Maryland refugees skulking about this city, who had come over to Dixie from patriotic motives, but were unwilling to shoulder a musket in defence of the South, were also dealt with they deserved. Mr. McDaniel advocated the propriety of compelling all f only unwilling to help, but desired the continuance and success of the war only so long as they could make money out of R, being permitted to remain and eat out our very existence. He termed those who had substitutes, and the large majority of Maryland and other refugees who are hanging about Richmond, as parlor patriots, while the soldiers in the field were kitchen patriots, and were not afraid to go among the pots and kettles. We can only give a feint outline of this gentleman's remarks, th
Henrico (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
ts of this meeting, " and for some time there seemed to be a fair prospect of an unpleasant scene; but, by the interposition of Mr. Adolphus Gary, who came to Mr. A.'s. relief, and uttered some home thrusts at any one who could so far forget himself as to create a disturbance in a public meeting, quiet and good order was soon restored, and everything again went on harmoniously. Mr. Theophilus Reamas them then made some well timed remarks, as did also Mr. E. B. Robinson, Mr. English, of Henrico, Mr. Dyerly, of Roanoke, and Mr. Burwell, of Bedford, the three latter members of the Legislature of Virginia. But the most popular speech made on the occasion seemed to be that of a gentleman from Kentucky, named McDaniel, who voluntarily asked permission of the meeting, as a mechanic and a refugee from Kentucky, and as one who had been in the service ever since the war began, to occupy about ten minutes of their time. Some portions of this gentleman's remarks were well worthy the reputa
Fort Bedford (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): article 1
to be a fair prospect of an unpleasant scene; but, by the interposition of Mr. Adolphus Gary, who came to Mr. A.'s. relief, and uttered some home thrusts at any one who could so far forget himself as to create a disturbance in a public meeting, quiet and good order was soon restored, and everything again went on harmoniously. Mr. Theophilus Reamas them then made some well timed remarks, as did also Mr. E. B. Robinson, Mr. English, of Henrico, Mr. Dyerly, of Roanoke, and Mr. Burwell, of Bedford, the three latter members of the Legislature of Virginia. But the most popular speech made on the occasion seemed to be that of a gentleman from Kentucky, named McDaniel, who voluntarily asked permission of the meeting, as a mechanic and a refugee from Kentucky, and as one who had been in the service ever since the war began, to occupy about ten minutes of their time. Some portions of this gentleman's remarks were well worthy the reputation of our greatest statesmen. He deprecated the ve
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