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City Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
r more, and presented quite a novel sight to the people in that section. Tuesday morning, at seven o'clock, the column was moving by the old Baxter road to City Point, leaving Disputanta about a mile and a half to the right. Col. R. M. Harrison, of Prince George county, who saw them, states that their column was about three apidly retiring on the road to Bermuda Hundreds. On the east bank of the Appomattox, in Prince George county, where the enemy advanced his negro regiments from City Point Monday, he was not to be found Tuesday, although a movement was made to ascertain his whereabouts, which pushed its search nearly to City Point. The enemy lCity Point. The enemy left many valuable articles on the ground abandoned Tuesday in front of Swift Creek, such as Belgian rifles, canteens, haversacks, muskets, saddles, harness, etc. A gentleman saw the body of one negro soldier, still and stark. He had received a bullet through the breast, and his carcass was left unburied by his friends. There was
Chesterfield (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
retired several miles. At a late hour Tuesday evening our scouts reported the enemy rapidly retiring on the road to Bermuda Hundreds. On the east bank of the Appomattox, in Prince George county, where the enemy advanced his negro regiments from City Point Monday, he was not to be found Tuesday, although a movement was made to ascertain his whereabouts, which pushed its search nearly to City Point. The enemy left many valuable articles on the ground abandoned Tuesday in front of Swift Creek, such as Belgian rifles, canteens, haversacks, muskets, saddles, harness, etc. A gentleman saw the body of one negro soldier, still and stark. He had received a bullet through the breast, and his carcass was left unburied by his friends. There was every evidence of a hasty retreat. The retreat was as sudden as precipitate, for they had thrown up breastworks Monday, and made other preparations for a regular siege. A gallant night attack. About half-past 11 o'clock on Monday nig
Nottoway river (United States) (search for this): article 1
n was moving by the old Baxter road to City Point, leaving Disputanta about a mile and a half to the right. Col. R. M. Harrison, of Prince George county, who saw them, states that their column was about three miles in length, numbering possibly between 1,500 and 2,000 men, and comprising an immense train of stolen buggies, carts, wagons, and pleasure carriages. But few negroes were observed. They had in one of their wagons a dead officer who had died of wounds received in the fight at Nottoway river or Jarratt's. He was evidently an officer of note, or his body would have been buried where he died. In this connection it may be interesting to state, that our troops heard at Jarratt's that Col. Spears himself was mortally wounded. The enemy burnt the entire village at Jarratt's, except a small dilapidated building, occupied by an aged widow lady. In this case, the claims of humanity were for once regarded, even by Yankee hearts, and the building spared. Mr. Wm. Jarratt, we regr
Chesterfield (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
saw the body of one negro soldier, still and stark. He had received a bullet through the breast, and his carcass was left unburied by his friends. There was every evidence of a hasty retreat. The retreat was as sudden as precipitate, for they had thrown up breastworks Monday, and made other preparations for a regular siege. A gallant night attack. About half-past 11 o'clock on Monday night, the citizens of Petersburg were startled by several heavy discharges of musketry in Chesterfield county, the sound proceeding from a point due north of Petersburg.-- Anxiety was on tip-toe to ascertain the cause but it was not ascertained until nearly four o'clock, just before the dawn of day. At that hour a guard came in with a Yankee who had come into our lines, and gave the particulars. On the enemy's extreme right, which had been pushed around Monday afternoon, to Brander's Bridge, he placed a heavy picket guard, consisting of a New Hampshire regiment, amounting to 800 men, picked
New Hampshire (New Hampshire, United States) (search for this): article 1
nerals were not slow to perceive. Two companies of the 51st N. C. Regiment, General Clingman's Brigade, were selected to make a night assault on these sons of New Hampshire, and see if they could not be induced to "change their base." The assault was sharp, sudden, and decisive. With a rush the brave Carolinians got within colley. Before he could recover from his surprise, another galling fire greeted him, and yet another a moment or two after, which proved rather warm for frigid New Hampshire, and the blue coats started off in wild confusion, shaping their course towards Bermuda Hundreds. It was a beautiful star-light night, and the dark moving mass could be distinctly seen, so the Carolinians had but to aim at the mass, and they were bound to hit. The race progressed until we had driven the New Hampshire Yankees back and across the turnpike and on over the railroad, a distance of some two miles or more. It was ascertained Tuesday that we killed and wounded a large number o
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
anville Railroad, and perhaps to keep on to the canal. The Spears raid upon Petersburg — it Marches to city Point. We have some further particulars of Spears's raid on the rear of Petersburg. On Monday, after burning Maj. Belsches's mill and dwelling, and every out-house on his plantation, they proceeded to the premises of Mr. Niblett, not far distant, when they burnt that gentleman's mill, but did not molest his dwelling or out-houses. Late in the day they swung around towards James river, and burnt Baxter's and Temple's mills in Prince George county. On Thursday night they camped at Mt. Sinal Church, in Prince George county, where they cooked up their stolen sheep, hogs, cattle and poultry. A gentleman who saw their camp fires, says they extended for a distance of a mile or more, and presented quite a novel sight to the people in that section. Tuesday morning, at seven o'clock, the column was moving by the old Baxter road to City Point, leaving Disputanta about a m
Chester, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
was brought to this city and carried to the residence of Dr. Burwell, where, we learn, he died last night. The enemy on the southside — another skirmish near Chester. From the southside we learn that a small force of the enemy's cavalry and artillery made their appearance again on the turnpike between here and Petersburg. About 11½ o'clock they attacked a force of our cavalry near Chester, and a skirmish ensued, in which they were driven off, and went back to the river. Our loss was three killed and six wounded. They pulled down the telegraph wire and tore up the railroad track near the Junction for nearly a mile. At Drewry's Bluff yeks. Expected raid on the Danville Railroad. Yesterday afternoon Mr. Gill, the Superintendent of the Richmond and Petersburg Railroad, having gone towards Chester to ascertain the damage done to the road, discovered a large body of Yankee cavalry crossing the road and moving towards the Clover Hill Pits. The force was afte
Appomattox (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
xtending his lines — his extreme right reaching around to Brander's Bridge, north of the city. Contrary to this universal expectation, however, a general engagement did not come off, but there was little or no picket firing or skirmishing. At an early hour it was ascertained that the enemy had withdrawn his advanced lines, and retired several miles. At a late hour Tuesday evening our scouts reported the enemy rapidly retiring on the road to Bermuda Hundreds. On the east bank of the Appomattox, in Prince George county, where the enemy advanced his negro regiments from City Point Monday, he was not to be found Tuesday, although a movement was made to ascertain his whereabouts, which pushed its search nearly to City Point. The enemy left many valuable articles on the ground abandoned Tuesday in front of Swift Creek, such as Belgian rifles, canteens, haversacks, muskets, saddles, harness, etc. A gentleman saw the body of one negro soldier, still and stark. He had received a bu
Ashland (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
ng around Richmond. Speculation was rife in Richmond yesterday as to the strength of the force now in the vicinity of the city and their designs. The prisoners who were brought in give very different accounts of the force, though all agree that there are "three divisions." What three divisions in the Yankee army number we are unable to say; but of this we may be certain, that if the force had been a very strong one it would never have allowed Stuart's cavalry to dog it all the way from Ashland, attacking it whenever it chose and gaining advantages, without having turned upon it and given battle. The design of the enemy, as at first planned, was doubtless to come to Richmond and make a demonstration upon it, which was to be answered by co-operation from the force on the south side of the river. The appearance of a very large army of Confederates on the southside has interfered with Butler's plans, and prevented the co- operation which was expected, and the heavy force of troops
Drewry's Bluff (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
Our loss was three killed and six wounded. They pulled down the telegraph wire and tore up the railroad track near the Junction for nearly a mile. At Drewry's Bluff yesterday morning there was some skirmishing between our pickets and the enemy, with no result of importance. The heavy firing at Drewry's Bluff. The Drewry's Bluff. The firing heard in the city yesterday from siege guns was from some heavy pieces at Drewry's Bluff, shelling the woods. It is stated that in addition to this, the enemy's gunboats on the river were also shelling the woods along the banks. Expected raid on the Danville Railroad. Yesterday afternoon Mr. Gill, the SuperintendeDrewry's Bluff, shelling the woods. It is stated that in addition to this, the enemy's gunboats on the river were also shelling the woods along the banks. Expected raid on the Danville Railroad. Yesterday afternoon Mr. Gill, the Superintendent of the Richmond and Petersburg Railroad, having gone towards Chester to ascertain the damage done to the road, discovered a large body of Yankee cavalry crossing the road and moving towards the Clover Hill Pits. The force was afterwards ascertained to be about 3,000, and it is believed that they have gone up to cut the Richmon
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