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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 18, 1864., [Electronic resource].

Found 532 total hits in 277 results.

... 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Little Rock (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): article 2
ds Mississippi. Admiral Porter had gone up Red river to the place where the Eastport was on the sand bar. On his way Porter was continually harassed by the enemy, he having no infantry support. Steele and his army are reported returned to Little Rock, followed by Price, who kept up harassing attacks upon them. At Sabine Fort the rebels were turned upon and repulsed, after severe battles, with equal loss on both sides. Marmaduke is on the march to join Price to attack Little Rock.Little Rock. [another Dispatch.] Demopolis, May 13. --A dispatch to-day from Col. Scott, via Summit, confirms the account from trans Mississippi. The dispatch says: Gen. Taylor has Banks hemmed in at Alexandria, and a battery below, stopping all communication via Red river. Said battery is supported by Major Bridges's and a part of Polignac's infantry. It captured a transport with a valuable cargo of commismissary stores and 100 prisoners, and the "City Bell" with the 120th Ohio regime
Shreveport (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): article 2
a Summit, confirms the account from trans Mississippi. The dispatch says: Gen. Taylor has Banks hemmed in at Alexandria, and a battery below, stopping all communication via Red river. Said battery is supported by Major Bridges's and a part of Polignac's infantry. It captured a transport with a valuable cargo of commismissary stores and 100 prisoners, and the "City Bell" with the 120th Ohio regiment, killing Col. Muda and Col. Bassett, of the Corps de Afrigue, and Col. Ogiel and one Lieut. Colonel in the fight. On the 5th they captured the Warner; also, gunboats 8 and 22 taking from them twenty-one pieces, including eight 32 pounder Parrotts. Their crews were also taken. It was reported at Shreveport that Gen. Smith and the enemy had a fight at Jenkins's Ford, in which we captured several hundred prisoners and many small arms, their pontoon bridges and all their trains. We lost Gen. Leary and Col. Green wood, killed; and Gens. Wall, Randall, and Clarke, wounded.
Red River (Texas, United States) (search for this): article 2
From trans-mississippi. New Orleans, April 29, (via Atlanta, May 11) --Reports from Alexandria state that Banks's army was still encamped of that place, but would probably move towards Mississippi. Admiral Porter had gone up Red river to the place where the Eastport was on the sand bar. On his way Porter was continually harassed by the enemy, he having no infantry support. Steele and his army are reported returned to Little Rock, followed by Price, who kept up harassing attacks u Demopolis, May 13. --A dispatch to-day from Col. Scott, via Summit, confirms the account from trans Mississippi. The dispatch says: Gen. Taylor has Banks hemmed in at Alexandria, and a battery below, stopping all communication via Red river. Said battery is supported by Major Bridges's and a part of Polignac's infantry. It captured a transport with a valuable cargo of commismissary stores and 100 prisoners, and the "City Bell" with the 120th Ohio regiment, killing Col. Muda and
Demopolis (Alabama, United States) (search for this): article 2
had gone up Red river to the place where the Eastport was on the sand bar. On his way Porter was continually harassed by the enemy, he having no infantry support. Steele and his army are reported returned to Little Rock, followed by Price, who kept up harassing attacks upon them. At Sabine Fort the rebels were turned upon and repulsed, after severe battles, with equal loss on both sides. Marmaduke is on the march to join Price to attack Little Rock. [another Dispatch.] Demopolis, May 13. --A dispatch to-day from Col. Scott, via Summit, confirms the account from trans Mississippi. The dispatch says: Gen. Taylor has Banks hemmed in at Alexandria, and a battery below, stopping all communication via Red river. Said battery is supported by Major Bridges's and a part of Polignac's infantry. It captured a transport with a valuable cargo of commismissary stores and 100 prisoners, and the "City Bell" with the 120th Ohio regiment, killing Col. Muda and Col. B
From New Orleans. Mobile, May 13 --Dispatches at headquarters from Oak Springs, with New Orleans dates of the 9th, state that gold is quoted there two for one and rising. All knowledge of Banks is ignored. Steele was reported at Little Rock, and Marmaduke between Little Rock and Pine Bluff, shelling the latter place.
Marmaduke (search for this): article 3
From New Orleans. Mobile, May 13 --Dispatches at headquarters from Oak Springs, with New Orleans dates of the 9th, state that gold is quoted there two for one and rising. All knowledge of Banks is ignored. Steele was reported at Little Rock, and Marmaduke between Little Rock and Pine Bluff, shelling the latter place.
From New Orleans. Mobile, May 13 --Dispatches at headquarters from Oak Springs, with New Orleans dates of the 9th, state that gold is quoted there two for one and rising. All knowledge of Banks is ignored. Steele was reported at Little Rock, and Marmaduke between Little Rock and Pine Bluff, shelling the latter place.
Gen Banks (search for this): article 3
From New Orleans. Mobile, May 13 --Dispatches at headquarters from Oak Springs, with New Orleans dates of the 9th, state that gold is quoted there two for one and rising. All knowledge of Banks is ignored. Steele was reported at Little Rock, and Marmaduke between Little Rock and Pine Bluff, shelling the latter place.
Little Rock (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): article 3
From New Orleans. Mobile, May 13 --Dispatches at headquarters from Oak Springs, with New Orleans dates of the 9th, state that gold is quoted there two for one and rising. All knowledge of Banks is ignored. Steele was reported at Little Rock, and Marmaduke between Little Rock and Pine Bluff, shelling the latter place. From New Orleans. Mobile, May 13 --Dispatches at headquarters from Oak Springs, with New Orleans dates of the 9th, state that gold is quoted there two for one and rising. All knowledge of Banks is ignored. Steele was reported at Little Rock, and Marmaduke between Little Rock and Pine Bluff, shelling the latter place.
Pine Bluff (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): article 3
From New Orleans. Mobile, May 13 --Dispatches at headquarters from Oak Springs, with New Orleans dates of the 9th, state that gold is quoted there two for one and rising. All knowledge of Banks is ignored. Steele was reported at Little Rock, and Marmaduke between Little Rock and Pine Bluff, shelling the latter place.
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