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Waynesboro, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 2
held their position until night, the enemy not pursuing. Finding that the enemy were not disposed to renew the battle, the command was given to fall back upon Waynesboro', which was done in good order, our artillery and trains being all brought off safely. All accounts concur in the opinion that but for the unfortunate paner mischief is lost. From the Valley. The Charlottesville Chronicle, of Wednesday, says: A courier, who arrived here about dusk last evening from Waynesboro', reports that nothing further has occurred in that quarter between the armies. He understood that Gen. Hunter did not take possession of Staunton until 3 P. M. on Monday. The pickets of his army extend out from Staunton within about six miles of Waynesboro'. Our loss in the battle he reports as quite heavy. Gen. Imboden is not captured, as reported. The Republican, of the 9th, says: Among the buildings burnt were the railroad depot, the Provost Marshal's office, the house
Piedmont, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 2
rrell that they had been roughly handled. It is not supposed that they will be able to occupy Staunton long; but we refrain making publication of the position or number of the forces that may be relied upon to clear the Valley of these marauders. We find the following in the Charlottesville Chronicle, of Tuesday: Lieut. Jos. E. Mallory reached here last night, having left the Mountain Top at Rockfish Gap about 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. He states that the fight began at Piedmont, (near New Hope,) at 8 o'clock on Sunday morning, and lasted until three. We were very successful, repulsing the enemy a number of times, their loss being three to our one. About three o'clock the 60th Va regiment, from some cause not known, broke in confusion, and our line was thrown into disorder. Gen. Jones fell, killed. The army fell back half a mile, and then reformed and retired in good order upon Waynes borough, bringing off everything except the dead and badly wounded, the enemy
Buffalo Gap (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 2
ome cause not known, broke in confusion, and our line was thrown into disorder. Gen. Jones fell, killed. The army fell back half a mile, and then reformed and retired in good order upon Waynes borough, bringing off everything except the dead and badly wounded, the enemy being too much crippled to press us at all. General Vaughn's headquarters are at Waynesborough, and our army confident of their ability to hold their position. Gen McCausland, with a brigade of cavalry, moved from Buffalo Gap about daylight yesterday morning to effect a junction with Vaughn. We also learn that the Staunton operator, who has located at Rockfish Gap, reported yesterday evening that the enemy entered Staunton Monday morning at half past 9 o'clock. The fight Near Staunton. The Lynchburg Republican, of Thursday, says: From a gentleman who left Staunton at 10 o'clock Monday morning, and who had every source of correct information at his command, we learn that the fight was a very s
58 commissioned officers and 700 privates. Among the officers were Col. Brown, commanding McCausland's brigade, who was badly wounded; Colonel Jones, of Vaughn's brigade, and Colonel Alken, of the 59th Tennessee, the latter reported killed, but who is unhurt, and Capt E. Boyd Faulkner, of the 45th Virginia regiment. It this be true, it will make our total losses sum up some 1,300 or 1,400, a serious disaster, but one which we feel well assured will be speedily and fully retrieved. Lieut. Col. Seckley, of the 45th Virginia battalion, was badly wounded. In addition to the losses in the field, we understand that there were about 1,000 of our sick and our wounded in Staunton who were captured and parroted. The Yankee losses in killed and wounded, while quite large, were not so heavy as ours. They confess, however, to having been severely punished. We took no prisoners. General Hunter occupied Staunton Monday evening, and it is believed that Crook's force, with Averill's cava
Lieut. Col. Seckley, of the 45th Virginia battalion, was badly wounded. In addition to the losses in the field, we understand that there were about 1,000 of our sick and our wounded in Staunton who were captured and parroted. The Yankee losses in killed and wounded, while quite large, were not so heavy as ours. They confess, however, to having been severely punished. We took no prisoners. General Hunter occupied Staunton Monday evening, and it is believed that Crook's force, with Averill's cavalry, joined him during that day. Neither of these latter were in the fight. By the occupation of Staunton we shall lose some Government stores, but not amounting to any great deal. The loss to private parties will, it is feared, be considerable. Of the movements of the enemy since the occupation of Staunton, we have no authentic Information, nor have we heard any conjectures as to their probable intentions. We think, however, as stated yesterday, that their power for further m
dditional particulars, through Gen. Meem, last evening, of affairs in the Valley. The Yankees look possession of Staunton at two o'clock on Monday. They claim to have captured 700 prisoners, including 53 commissioned officers. Among these is Col. Brown, who was badly wounded. Crook has joined Hunter, and their united forces are reported to be about 14,000. Col O'Ferrell was sent with a flag of truce to the enemy to ask for the body of Gen. Jones, and was assured that he had been deen shot through the head, and that his body had been decently burled and his grave marked, that his friends might reclaim his remains. He also stated that he held as prisoners 58 commissioned officers and 700 privates. Among the officers were Col. Brown, commanding McCausland's brigade, who was badly wounded; Colonel Jones, of Vaughn's brigade, and Colonel Alken, of the 59th Tennessee, the latter reported killed, but who is unhurt, and Capt E. Boyd Faulkner, of the 45th Virginia regiment. It
From Staunton — further particulars of the late fight. The Lynchburg Virginia, of Wednesday, says: We received some additional particulars, through Gen. Meem, last evening, of affairs in the Valley. The Yankees look possession of Staunton at two o'clock on Monday. They claim to have captured 700 prisoners, including 53 commissioned officers. Among these is Col. Brown, who was badly wounded. Crook has joined Hunter, and their united forces are reported to be about 14,000. Col O'Ferrell was sent with a flag of truce to the enemy to ask for the body of Gen. Jones, and was assured that he had been decently interred and his grave marked. The Yankees admitted to Col. O'Ferrell that they had been roughly handled. It is not supposed that they will be able to occupy Staunton long; but we refrain making publication of the position or number of the forces that may be relied upon to clear the Valley of these marauders. We find the following in the Charlott
Joseph E. Mallory (search for this): article 2
o the enemy to ask for the body of Gen. Jones, and was assured that he had been decently interred and his grave marked. The Yankees admitted to Col. O'Ferrell that they had been roughly handled. It is not supposed that they will be able to occupy Staunton long; but we refrain making publication of the position or number of the forces that may be relied upon to clear the Valley of these marauders. We find the following in the Charlottesville Chronicle, of Tuesday: Lieut. Jos. E. Mallory reached here last night, having left the Mountain Top at Rockfish Gap about 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. He states that the fight began at Piedmont, (near New Hope,) at 8 o'clock on Sunday morning, and lasted until three. We were very successful, repulsing the enemy a number of times, their loss being three to our one. About three o'clock the 60th Va regiment, from some cause not known, broke in confusion, and our line was thrown into disorder. Gen. Jones fell, killed. The arm
O'Ferrell (search for this): article 2
Valley. The Yankees look possession of Staunton at two o'clock on Monday. They claim to have captured 700 prisoners, including 53 commissioned officers. Among these is Col. Brown, who was badly wounded. Crook has joined Hunter, and their united forces are reported to be about 14,000. Col O'Ferrell was sent with a flag of truce to the enemy to ask for the body of Gen. Jones, and was assured that he had been decently interred and his grave marked. The Yankees admitted to Col. O'Ferrell that they had been roughly handled. It is not supposed that they will be able to occupy Staunton long; but we refrain making publication of the position or number of the forces that may be relied upon to clear the Valley of these marauders. We find the following in the Charlottesville Chronicle, of Tuesday: Lieut. Jos. E. Mallory reached here last night, having left the Mountain Top at Rockfish Gap about 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. He states that the fight began at Pi
E. Boyd Faulkner (search for this): article 2
nes. He answered that he was killed, having been shot through the head, and that his body had been decently burled and his grave marked, that his friends might reclaim his remains. He also stated that he held as prisoners 58 commissioned officers and 700 privates. Among the officers were Col. Brown, commanding McCausland's brigade, who was badly wounded; Colonel Jones, of Vaughn's brigade, and Colonel Alken, of the 59th Tennessee, the latter reported killed, but who is unhurt, and Capt E. Boyd Faulkner, of the 45th Virginia regiment. It this be true, it will make our total losses sum up some 1,300 or 1,400, a serious disaster, but one which we feel well assured will be speedily and fully retrieved. Lieut. Col. Seckley, of the 45th Virginia battalion, was badly wounded. In addition to the losses in the field, we understand that there were about 1,000 of our sick and our wounded in Staunton who were captured and parroted. The Yankee losses in killed and wounded, while quite larg
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