Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 17, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Hannibal or search for Hannibal in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: June 17, 1864., [Electronic resource], The American campaign in London and Paris. (search)
's mythical call for four hundred thousand more troops, have occasioned considerable talk, and not a little chagrin and mortification to those believing them. As to the canard of President Lincoln's last call for troops, the same steamer that brought the announcement brought also its contradiction. The anxiety of everybody is still on the strain, and we are all looking to see the culmination of these military efforts, the most persistently sustained of anything that has occurred since Hannibal fought the battles of Canta'œ and Thrasymene. Bets offered that Richmond will fall within an many weeks find no takers. One military officer, of high standing and large experience in the British army, in answer to some remarks about the "useless slaughter" of Grant's men, declared that since the art of war was practiced better generalship, higher skill, or more persistent military perseverance, under such circumstances, was never known. Said he, "there is very little room for what is