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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 28, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Dresden (Saxony, Germany) or search for Dresden (Saxony, Germany) in all documents.

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Russians and Austrians the battle of Austerlitz, in which last Marmont himself participated. It was an attempt to make a flank march in the face of an enemy already in position. It was a gross blunder of his own, and resulted in an overwhelming defeat. Wellington saw the blunder, and attacked him while he was perpetrating it.--But for that blunder he would not have been attacked. Clausel saved the army, which his stupidity had nearly destroyed. One month before the battle Napoleon, at Dresden, on his way to Russia, having in his hand the map of the country and the last dispatch of Marmont, saw from the tenor of the latter that he must inevitably he beaten, and wrote to the Minister of War at Faris, directing, him to send 20,000 men to Bayonne, to remedy the disaster which he foresaw.--After his defeat he was removed, and then commenced his life-long hatred of his benefactor. Nevertheless, this book, apart from what personally concerns Marmont himself and Napoleon, the objec