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Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 2
Affairs in Georgia. The latest intelligence from General Hood, from Confederate sources, we find in a letter dated at Jacksonville, Alabama, the 17th, and published in the Montgomery Advertiser. It says: General Hood invested Dalton on last Thursday, and at once sent in a flag of truce and demanded its surrender. Colonel Johnson, the Federal commander, came in person to see our general. "Will you," said the colonel, "treat the garrison as prisoners of war if I surrender"? "No, sir." "Will you parole it"? "No, sir; I will allow you five minutes to surrender, and if not complied with I will put the garrison to the sword." The colonel observed that the terms were hard, but that he would surrender, which was at once done. The prisoners captured were as follows: eight hundred negroes in full Yankee uniform, two hundred and fifty white soldiers, one battery of six guns, (field artillery,) and eighty cavalry, together with several guns, (mounted in the forts,) a large quantity
Tilton (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 2
inutes to surrender, and if not complied with I will put the garrison to the sword." The colonel observed that the terms were hard, but that he would surrender, which was at once done. The prisoners captured were as follows: eight hundred negroes in full Yankee uniform, two hundred and fifty white soldiers, one battery of six guns, (field artillery,) and eighty cavalry, together with several guns, (mounted in the forts,) a large quantity of stores, ammunition, saddles and blankets. At Tilton we captured three hundred and fifty men without firing a gun. After Dalton was captured a portion of our army was sent to make a demonstration upon Resaca, which is strongly garrisoned, and the remainder sent towards Chattanooga, which is garrisoned by six thousand negroes and white men — chiefly negroes. I hardly think, however, that any attack will be made upon that place, as it can be easily turned by the army crossing the river — well, you will find out before a great while. W
rd." The colonel observed that the terms were hard, but that he would surrender, which was at once done. The prisoners captured were as follows: eight hundred negroes in full Yankee uniform, two hundred and fifty white soldiers, one battery of six guns, (field artillery,) and eighty cavalry, together with several guns, (mounted in the forts,) a large quantity of stores, ammunition, saddles and blankets. At Tilton we captured three hundred and fifty men without firing a gun. After Dalton was captured a portion of our army was sent to make a demonstration upon Resaca, which is strongly garrisoned, and the remainder sent towards Chattanooga, which is garrisoned by six thousand negroes and white men — chiefly negroes. I hardly think, however, that any attack will be made upon that place, as it can be easily turned by the army crossing the river — well, you will find out before a great while. Whilst all this was going on onthe railroad, two brigades of our cavalry were amu
W. T. Sherman (search for this): article 2
his was going on onthe railroad, two brigades of our cavalry were amusing the great and immortal hero and strategist, W. T. Sherman, with his whole army, at Rome. He drew up his army in front of that town in regular battle array, threw up entrenchmear of our army.] General Hood's headquarters, we are informed, were, at last accounts, near Lee &Gordon's mills, whilst Sherman was marching out for Chattanooga by way of Rossville. Thus affairs are shaping themselves for another battle upon the field of Chickamauga. The capture of the towns indicated, we are assured, was attended with but slight loss. Sherman was, doubtless, rapidly retreating, and we had only to encounter his rear guard. Ringgold is twenty-two miles this side of Ch events of last year. Rossville is a little crossroad station in Lookout valley, five or six miles out of Chattanooga. Sherman has fortified all the passes upon Missionary ridge; but if we can defeat and drive him before us, we may enter Chattanoo
Andy Johnson (search for this): article 2
Affairs in Georgia. The latest intelligence from General Hood, from Confederate sources, we find in a letter dated at Jacksonville, Alabama, the 17th, and published in the Montgomery Advertiser. It says: General Hood invested Dalton on last Thursday, and at once sent in a flag of truce and demanded its surrender. Colonel Johnson, the Federal commander, came in person to see our general. "Will you," said the colonel, "treat the garrison as prisoners of war if I surrender"? "No, sir." "Will you parole it"? "No, sir; I will allow you five minutes to surrender, and if not complied with I will put the garrison to the sword." The colonel observed that the terms were hard, but that he would surrender, which was at once done. The prisoners captured were as follows: eight hundred negroes in full Yankee uniform, two hundred and fifty white soldiers, one battery of six guns, (field artillery,) and eighty cavalry, together with several guns, (mounted in the forts,) a large quantity
Affairs in Georgia. The latest intelligence from General Hood, from Confederate sources, we find in a letter dated at Jacksonville, Alabama, the 17th, and published in the Montgomery Advertiser. It says: General Hood invested Dalton on last Thursday, and at once sent in a flag of truce and demanded its surrender. Colonel Johnson, the Federal commander, came in person to see our genernd skirmishers, made all other necessary arrangements for a general pitched battle, thinking that Hood was there with his whole strength of rebels. Our cavalry, however, gave him a fight, which laste we received our intelligence, is just beyond Blue mountain, and in direct rear of our army.] General Hood's headquarters, we are informed, were, at last accounts, near Lee &Gordon's mills, whilst She We are relieved of the fears entertained a few weeks ago that the army would not follow General Hood with that confidence so essential to victory and success; but, in spite of the efforts that h
ortant stations on the Georgia State road. [Jacksonville, the point from which we received our intelligence, is just beyond Blue mountain, and in direct rear of our army.] General Hood's headquarters, we are informed, were, at last accounts, near Lee &Gordon's mills, whilst Sherman was marching out for Chattanooga by way of Rossville. Thus affairs are shaping themselves for another battle upon the field of Chickamauga. The capture of the towns indicated, we are assured, was attended with but slight loss. Sherman was, doubtless, rapidly retreating, and we had only to encounter his rear guard. Ringgold is twenty-two miles this side of Chattanooga, and nine from Lee & Gordon's mills, and the same distance from Red Mouse ford, and other points made historic by the events of last year. Rossville is a little crossroad station in Lookout valley, five or six miles out of Chattanooga. Sherman has fortified all the passes upon Missionary ridge; but if we can defeat and drive him be
Beauregard (search for this): article 2
w up his army in front of that town in regular battle array, threw up entrenchments, put out flankers and skirmishers, made all other necessary arrangements for a general pitched battle, thinking that Hood was there with his whole strength of rebels. Our cavalry, however, gave him a fight, which lasted two days, and when whipped, they retired with colors flying. The Montgomery Mail has the following interesting summary: Our news from the front is interesting. The speech of General Beauregard at Jacksonville, (reported by our special correspondent,) announces the capture of Dalton, Resaca and Ringgold — the three most important stations on the Georgia State road. [Jacksonville, the point from which we received our intelligence, is just beyond Blue mountain, and in direct rear of our army.] General Hood's headquarters, we are informed, were, at last accounts, near Lee &Gordon's mills, whilst Sherman was marching out for Chattanooga by way of Rossville. Thus affairs are sha
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