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Egypt (Egypt) 28 0 Browse Search
Argos (Greece) 18 0 Browse Search
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Argive (Greece) 6 0 Browse Search
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Greece (Greece) 4 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Aeschylus, Suppliant Women (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.). Search the whole document.

Found 15 total hits in 3 results.

Argos (Greece) (search for this): card 323
w my ancient lineage, I pray you to helpLiterally “raise” from sanctuary.a band that is Argive by descent. King I think you indeed have some share in this land from old. But how did you bring yourselves to leave the home of your fathers? What stroke of fortune befell you? Chorus Lord of the Pelasgians, of varying color are the ills of mankind, and nowhere can you find trouble of the same plume.For who dreamed that a kindred race, sprung of old, would thus in unexpected flight find haven at Argos, fleeing in terror through loathing of the marriage-bed? King Why have you come as suppliants of these gods congregated here, holding in your hands those white-wreathed, fresh-plucked boughs? Chorus So as not to be made slave to Aegyptus' race. King By reason of hatred? Or do you speak of unlawfulness ? Chorus Who would purchase their lords from among their kin? King In this way families have enhanced their power. Chorus And it is easy then, if things go ill, to separate from a wife.
Argive (Greece) (search for this): card 323
Chorus Aegyptus; and now that you know my ancient lineage, I pray you to helpLiterally “raise” from sanctuary.a band that is Argive by descent. King I think you indeed have some share in this land from old. But how did you bring yourselves to leave the home of your fathers? What stroke of fortune befell you? Chorus Lord of the Pelasgians, of varying color are the ills of mankind, and nowhere can you find trouble of the same plume.For who dreamed that a kindred race, sprung of old, would thus in unexpected flight find haven at Argos, fleeing in terror through loathing of the marriage-bed? King Why have you come as suppliants of these gods congregated here, holding in your hands those white-wreathed, fresh-plucked boughs? Chorus So as not to be made slave to Aegyptus' race. King By reason of hatred? Or do you speak of unlawfulness ? Chorus Who would purchase their lords from among their kin? King In this way families have enhanced their power. Chorus And it is easy then, if th
Egypt (Egypt) (search for this): card 323
Chorus Aegyptus; and now that you know my ancient lineage, I pray you to helpLiterally “raise” from sanctuary.a band that is Argive by descent. King I think you indeed have some share in this land from old. But how did you bring yourselves to leave the home of your fathers? What stroke of fortune befell you? Chorus Lord of theve you come as suppliants of these gods congregated here, holding in your hands those white-wreathed, fresh-plucked boughs? Chorus So as not to be made slave to Aegyptus' race. King By reason of hatred? Or do you speak of unlawfulness ? Chorus Who would purchase their lords from among their kin? King In this way families havef things go ill, to separate from a wife. King How then am I to deal with you in accordance with my sacred duty? Chorus By not surrendering us at the demand of Aegyptus' sons. King A serious request—to take upon myself a dangerous war. Chorus But Justice protects her champions. King True, if she had a share in the matter from<