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Athens (Greece) 74 0 Browse Search
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Syracuse (Italy) 34 0 Browse Search
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Chalcis (Greece) 12 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Aristotle, Politics. Search the whole document.

Found 3 total hits in 1 results.

ate of the law he thought unsatisfactory, since it forces jurors to commit perjury by giving either the one verdict or the other. He proposed a law that those who discovered something of advantage to the state should receive honor, and that the children of those who died in war should have their maintenance from the state, in the belief that this had never yet been provided by law among other people—but as a matter of fact this law exists at present both at Athens and in others of the cities. The governing officials were all to be chosen by the assembly of the people, and this he made to consist of the three classes of the city; and the officials elected were to superintend the business of the community and the affairs of foreign residents and of orphans. These then are the greatest number and the most noteworthy of the provisions in the system of Hippodamus. But doubt might be raised first of all about the division