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162 BC 3 3 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Appian, Illyrian Wars (ed. Horace White). Search the whole document.

Found 12 total hits in 11 results.

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ore than two Illyrian pinnaces, both to be unarmed. The woman accepted all these conditions. This was the first conflict and treaty between the Romans and the Illyrians. Thereupon the Romans made Corcyra and Apollonia free. To Demetrius they gave certain castles as a reward for his treason to his own people, adding the express condition that they gave them only conditionally, for they suspected the man's bad faith; and Y.R. 532 before long he began to show it. While the Romans were B.C. 222 engaged in a three years' war with the Gauls on the river Po, Demetrius, thinking that they had their hands full, set forth on a piratical expedition, brought the Istrians, another Illyrian tribe, into the enterprise, and detached the Atintani from Rome. The Romans, when they had settled their business with the Gauls, immediately sent a naval force and overpowered the pirates. The following year they marched against Demetrius and his Illyrian fellow-culprits. Demetrius fled to Philip, king of
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