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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 39 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D.). Search the whole document.

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f their citizens to Rome increased the burden on those who remained at home; the status of the migrants is uncertain: they seem not to have acquired Roman citizenship and yet to have been assessed by the censors. Quintus Terentius Culleo the praetor was instructed to search them out, and, on receiving from the allies proof that any person or the father of such personSince only heads of families were listed, the omission of this provision would have opened the door to persons who moved to Rome in the lifetimes of their fathers. had been assessed among the allies in the censorship of Gaius Claudius and Marcus LiviusThey were censors in 204 B.C. The date chosen was probably arbitrary and the result of compromise. or after that censorship, to compel such persons to return to the places where they had been registered. As a consequence of this investigation twelve thousand of the Latins returned home, for even at that time a multitude of aliens was burdening the city.
In Gaul the praetor Marcus Furius, seeking in peace the appearance of war, had disarmed the Cenomani,The Cenomani had been quiet since their defeat by Cethegus in 197 B.C. (XXXIII. xxiii. 4). who had given no provocation: they inB.C. 187 consequence laid a complaint about this before the senate at Rome, and were referred to the consul Aemilius, whom the senate had authorized to investigate and decide, and after engaging in great contention with the praetor won their case. The praetor was ordered to restore their arms to the Cenomani and to leave the province. Then ambassadors from the allies of the Latin confederacy, who had assembled from all Latium in great numbers from every side, were granted an audience by the senate. When they complained that a great number of their citizens had migrated to Rome and had been assessed there,The allied cities and the Latin colonies, whose status was similar, were under obligations to Rome, in accordance with their several tre