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Jefferson Davis 580 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure).

Found 21,060 total hits in 4,512 results.

... 447 448 449 450 451 452
Port Royal (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 57
n either of the principals, and made a demonstration in the direction of striking Lieutenant Greer with his fist. He passed into the boat sans ceremonie. McFarland had previously taken his seat alongside of Mr. Slidell in the stern-sheets of the boat. Our object having been accomplished, we bade the Trent good-bye, first bringing the personal effects of the prisoners to the San Jacinto, and we were soon headed north, our mission in Bahama channel being au fait accompli. We arrived at Port Royal too late to take part in the attack. Having been ordered home, on the 18th of November we steamed into the Narrows, where we were met by a steam tug, on board of which was the United States Marshal, with orders to proceed to Boston and deliver our prisoners at Fort Warren. We did not anchor until the 21st, and the cruise of the San Jacinto ended when we deposited the Confederate diplomats in the casements of that prison. On the 3d of December, on the motion of Congressman Odell, Slid
St. George, W. Va. (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 57
nd Captain Wilkes walked forward to the mainmast, and gave the order Beat to quarters. It was fifteen minutes after one o'clock when the boats were called away, Mr. Fairfax in the second cutter, and Lieutenant Greer commanding the third cutter. Before the boats were shoved off, the Trent had steamed well up toward the San Jacinto, and was in mid-channel, when the gun on the topgallant forecastle, loaded with a round-shot, was fired in a line across the bows. Immediately the red cross of St. George went fluttering to her peak, but she kept on her course. Put a shell in that gun, called out Captain Wilkes, and let it go across her bows, so she may not mistake our intention this time. The shell exploded about one hundred fathoms ahead of the steamer, and immediately her engines stopped, and she rounded — to within two hundred feet of the man-of-war, and under the muzzles of our broadside, that would have sunk her at the word Fire! There was much confusion on the mail steamer, and th
... 447 448 449 450 451 452