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Como (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
estivals was at its height when we were there, and we saw the young girls sitting on their highly colored and decorated boxes or chests, which contained their treasures, waiting for swains to sue for their hands in marriage. Their costumes and handiwork were all of very bright colors. Returning to Vienna we passed through the Austrian Tyrol to Trieste and thence to Florence, Rome, the Riviera, and to Nice, where Mrs. Pullman met us. After a delightful stay of two or three weeks, we went via Como through the Saint Gotthard tunnel to Lucerne, Geneva, and thence to Paris, where we were joined by Mr. Pullman. From Paris we went to London. Hon. Robert T. Lincoln was our American minister to England, and it goes without saying that we had every consideration and enjoyed many invitations to social functions. We attended the garden party given by Queen Victoria to the Shah of Persia at Marlborough House. We were greatly impressed by the simplicity of the dress of the Queen. She wore
Hot Springs (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
of Congress on the first of December, but the general had taken a cold and was not at all well, suffering acutely from rheumatism. In 1883 he had been to Hot Springs, Arkansas, and had received great benefit there. I was very anxious to have him go to Hot Springs at once, but he felt he had been away from his duties in the SenatHot Springs at once, but he felt he had been away from his duties in the Senate long enough and was extremely desirous of securing the passage of his bill for the location of the military post north of Chicago now known as Fort Sheridan. He said he would wait until the Christmas holidays before going to the Springs. I wrote to Doctor Garnett, his physician there, and begged him to write to the general urging him to come to Hot Springs again. The general, however, persisted in attending to his duties for about two weeks, though suffering intensely from rheumatism. I was much interested at that time in the building up of the Garfield Memorial Hospital, and was president of the ladies' board. I was then assisting the ladies of th
Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
tates, the court dress of the Diplomatic Corps, the magnificent costumes and resplendent jewels worn by the hundreds of ladies present, made the affair extremely brilliant. The multitudes which had gathered for the inauguration had hardly dispersed before legions of place-hunters made their appearance. James G. Blaine was made Secretary of State; William Windom of Minnesota was made Secretary of the Treasury; Robert T. Lincoln of Illinois was made Secretary of War; William M. Hunt of Louisiana, Secretary of the Navy; Samuel J. Kirkwood of Iowa, Secretary of the Interior; Thomas L. James of New York, Postmaster-General; and Wayne MacVeagh of Pennsylvania, Attorney-General. President Garfield had served in Congress with several of the members of his cabinet and naturally felt he knew them thoroughly and could depend upon their fidelity to him. One of the most notable events in Congress at this time was the three hours speech of Senator Mahone of Virginia. This speech was in r
Cuba (Cuba) (search for this): chapter 16
nally reached home safely after an experience of nine months of consuming interest and great profit, intellectually and physically. In 1898 war was declared in Cuba. My son determined to enter the service. He was appointed an adjutant-general on Major-General John C. Bates's staff and he served in that capacity until hostilities ceased in Cuba, having taken part in the battles of San Juan Hill, Santiago, and other engagements. He was attacked with malarial fever and I met him at Montauk Point. While waiting for his arrival I tried to do all I could for the returning troops, many of whom were in a wretched condition from malarial diseases. In May, yndicate, Mr. C. J. Mar, I at all times received the most distinguished consideration. After Mr. Hearst's rescue of Evangeline Cisneros from the Spanish prison in Cuba, I became her guardian under the laws of the District of Columbia and kept her with me constantly until her marriage to Mr. Carbonell, of Havana. I have always co
Berlin (Berlin, Germany) (search for this): chapter 16
m marriage of our son I go to Europe our stay in Berlin and subsequent European travel a second trip abroaerick III had not been long dead when we arrived in Berlin. The funeral wreaths used when the great Kaiser Wilhelm I died had not withered. Berlin was in deep mourning for the two emperors, Frederick III having followe months. Bismarck was then occupying his palace in Berlin, and we saw him frequently walking in the park. Prn Moltke was among the interesting persons then in Berlin. His wonderful achievements, great age, and marvel of assemblages. The Empress Frederick was also in Berlin at that time and was probably the most talked — of derick III, and it was feared, should she remain in Berlin, near Wilhelm II after he ascended the throne, she n, that Wilhelm II insisted upon his mother leaving Berlin. She was not in good health and in a few years folave enjoyed. We spent five delightful months in Berlin, the intelligent and interesting companionship of t
Cambria (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 16
ck III, and it was feared, should she remain in Berlin, near Wilhelm II after he ascended the throne, she might exercise undue influence over him. Her aged mother, Queen Victoria, it was then thought, might abdicate in favor of her son, Prince of Wales, later King Edward VII; and some alliance might be established between the rulers which would surrender to England power over Germany, which would be very distasteful. Bismarck had ever been a bitter enemy of Victoria from the time of her marria The decorations were not unusual for such occasions and nothing like as handsome as we see many times at private garden-parties in our own country. The refreshments were extremely simple. When the Queen walked away, on the arm of the Prince of Wales, later King Edward VII, she used a cane. She was much heavier than we expected to see her, though we knew she was a large woman. We were glad to have seen the most remarkable woman of the time, and could understand the loyalty of her subjects,
English Channel (search for this): chapter 16
and imagine my surprise to see a framed copy of Brady's celebrated photograph of Sherman and his Generals, General Logan being in the centre of the group. We were curious to know how the photograph had found its way to the place where it hung, and the proprietor told us his father had been a soldier in our Civil War and had sent the picture home for his son to see his generals. We lingered long to gaze upon the familiar picture. From Scotland we returned to London and across the English Channel to fascinating Paris. As it was midsummer, the races were in progress and there was much gayety during our stay. The environment of Paris is full of historic interest. It is little wonder that, with its innumerable fascinations, Paris is the most demoralizing city in Europe. The people live in the parks and on the boulevards, many of them taking their meals on the sidewalk in front of the restaurants. The city has little of the charming home life of French families in the country.
St. Joseph, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
ns. He was but thirty-six years old, but had a well-thought-out plan to add to the glory of the name he bore. He left a lovely wife and three children-two daughters and a son-all of whom are now grown to manhood and womanhood. The eldest, a daughter, is married and lives abroad, greatly to my distress. John A. Logan III bids fair to be a worthy scion of his illustrious grandfather and father. He is a graduate of Yale, and was married September 2, 1913, to Miss Margaret Powell of Saint Joseph, Missouri. He has established his home at Youngstown, Ohio. He is patriotic in the highest degree, a member of the Ohio national guard, ready and anxious for orders should his State or country need his services. The youngest child, Edith Josephine Logan, has a decided talent for sculpture, and has already modelled some fine works. Unfortunately, we must live each his own life and can not always have about us the few dear ones whom death has not claimed. President McKinley, in trying t
Cleveland (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
esident, vibrating between life and death for eighty-one days, until on September 19, 1881, he passed away. All nations had tendered their sympathy, and days of prayer and petition for the recovery of the President had been designated by Christian people throughout the nation. Garfield's body was brought back to Washington from Elberon, New Jersey, where the invalid had been carried during his last weeks, and lay in state in the rotunda of the Capitol for two days prior to being taken to Cleveland. Here, also, he lay in state for two days. The impressive ceremonies attending the funeral and the depositing of the remains of the lamented President in their last resting-place are too well known to be repeated. No person in the nation was more deeply grieved over President Garfield's assassination than was General Logan. He stood aghast at the tragedy, and wondered if the anarchist organizations had on their list other men in authority. At the announcement of the deplorable deed,
Burlingame (California, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
t and interesting companionship of these lovely young women serving as a benediction to me in winning me away from the gloomy thoughts which would have intensified my desolation. Miss Florence, the elder, as the wife of Hon. Frank O. Lowden, of Illinois, has made for herself an enviable reputation as one of the most charming women ever at the national capital, her keen intelligence, gracious manners, and perfect poise fascinating all who knew her. Harriet, now Mrs. Frank Carolan, of Burlingame, California, is also one of the most brilliant and beautiful of women, her kind heart and generous sympathetic nature endearing her to many who have been the recipients of her bounty. In March we began an interesting itinerary which took us first to Prague in Bohemia, a quaint old city which I can not believe has changed much in the elsewhere progressive intervening years. From there we went to Vienna, to my mind one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. We were greatly interested in the
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