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Urbana (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
mmendation of words. Pursuit was feeble, for the bulk of Early's cavalry, under Johnson, was then marching on Baltimore by the Liberty road, and the remainder, under McCausland, were too badly cut up in the fight, for any vigorous action after it. Wallace warmly commended the gallantry of Colonel Clendennin, who, he said, was as true a cavalry soldier as ever mounted a horse. He was cut off from the main body at the time of Ricketts's retreat. Throwing his followers into the village of Urbana, he there repeatedly repulsed the pursuing cavalry, and in one bold charge, saber in hand, he captured the battle-flag of the Seventeenth Virginia. The fugitive army was joined by Ricketts's three absent regiments at New-market, and covered the retreat of the wearied troops; and at the distance of twelve miles from the field of strife, the whole army bivouacked. Battle of the Monocacy. So ended the battle of the Monocacy, in the ultimate defeat of the few National troops there engage
Spottsylvania (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
e mansion of a farm about two miles from Aiken's Landing, and one from Dutch Gap. Professor Coppee, author of Grant and his Campaigns, was furnished, by an officer of the Lieutenant-General's staff, with the following tabular statement of casualties in the Army of the Potomac, from May 5 to November 1, 1864. battles. Dates. killed. wounded. missing. aggregate. Officers. Enl'ed men. Officers. Enl'ed men. Officers. Enl'ed men. WildernessMay 5 to 122693,0191,01718,2611776,66729,410 SpottsylvaniaMay 12 to 211142,0322597,6993124810,381 North AnnaMay 21 to 3112138671,06333241,607 Cool ArborJune 1 to 101441,5614218,621512,35513,153 PetersburgJune 10 to 20851,1133616,492461,5689,665 DittoJune 20 to July 30295761202,3741082,1095,316 DittoJuly 30473721241,555911,8194,008 TrenchesAug. 1 to 181012858626145868 Weldon RailroadAug. 18 to 21211911001,0551043,0724,543 Reams's StationAug. 25249362484951,6742,432 Peeble's FarmSept. 30 to Oct. 1.1212950738561,7002,685 TrenchesAug. 18 t
National (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
nfidence. One o'clock came, but not the re-enforcements; and it was impossible to get an order to them, for my telegraph operator, and the railroad agent with both his trains, had run away. and seeing the Confederates issuing from the woods in two strong columns to make another charge, he reluctantly ordered Ricketts to retreat by the Baltimore pike. That retreat began at four o'clock in the afternoon. In the mean time, Tyler had been as gallantly fighting the foe on the right of the National line, and Brown yet possessed the stone bridge which Wallace had said must be held at all hazards until Ricketts could cross over to the Baltimore pike. This position was now of vital importance. Tyler sent Brown all of his reserves, and held his own position firmly, though pressed by an eager and vastly superior foe. He fought on with the greatest gallantry until Ricketts's column was safe, when at five o'clock Brown was compelled to abandon the bridge, and retreated down the Baltimore p
Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
he marched so carefully, that it was not until two days after the battle that he appeared in formidable force in front of the northeastern fortifications of Washington, See map on page 24, volume II. in the vicinity of Fort Stevens. By that time the safety of the city was assured, for during that day July 11, 1864. the remainder of the Sixth Corps arrived there, and was speedily followed by the divisions of Dwight and Grover, of Emory's (Nineteenth) corps, which had just arrived at Fortress Monroe by sea, from New Orleans, and had been sent immediately up the Potomac to the Capital by Grant. On the following day Early menaced Washington, when Augur sent out a strong reconnoitering party from Fort Stevens, to develop the strength of the Confederates. A sharp skirmish ensued, in which each party lost almost three hundred men. Satisfied that the opportunity for seizing Washington was passed, and alarmed by information of the concentration of troops there, the Confederate leader
Shenandoah (United States) (search for this): chapter 13
ght, of the Sixth Corps, to whom Grant had now assigned the command of all the troops at Washington available for operations in the field, pursued in the track of the fugitives. His advance overtook them July 18. at Snicker's Ferry, on the Shenandoah River. General Crook, with his cavalry, had struck them at Snicker's Gap the previous day. At the ferry there was a sharp skirmish, when the passage was cleared, and Crook and his horsemen crossed the stream. Then Breckinridge turned upon them, ng called the Luray Valley, between the Massanutten and the Blue Ridge, and the other the Strasburg Valley, between the Massanutten and the North Mountain. At the mouth of this valley lies Fisher's Hill, its base washed by one branch of the Shenandoah River. There Early was intrenched, with his left resting on the adjacent North Mountain. Sheridan made immediate preparation for a direct attack, and sent Torbert with two divisions of cavalry by way of the Luray Valley to seize New Market, thirt
Towson (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
more and Philadelphia. This Gilmor did by burning the trestle-work over Gunpowder Inlet; and near Magnolia he stopped the morning trains going north, plundered the passengers and mails, and burned the cars. Major-General Franklin was one of the passengers, and was in citizen's dress. There were feminine secessionists of Baltimore on the train, who found opportunity to inform Gilmor of the fact. The latter discovered him, and made him his prisoner. He was sent in a light wagon toward Towsontown, with a guard. These, while resting in a wheat-field near the road, fell asleep, Franklin having disarmed their vigilance by pretending to be asleep himself. He arose, walked leisurely by the sleeping sentinels to the road when he ran to a woods, and in an opening beyond concealed himself until night. The Confederates sought for him in vain. Venturing to a house for food on the following day, he found Union people. They sent word to Baltimore. when a squadron of cavalry went out and
Canada (Canada) (search for this): chapter 13
ton, Philadelphia, Chicago, Pittsburg, Washington, and all their chief cities, and the men to do the business may be picked up by the hundred in the streets of those very cities. If it should be thought unsafe to use them, there are daring men in Canada, of Morgan's and other commands, who have escaped from Yankee dungeons, and would rejoice at an opportunity of doing something that would make all Yankeedom howl with anguish and consternation. The enterprise was actually undertaken, and on the was made to destroy New York City. Barnum's Museum, several hotels, and one or two theaters, were fired in the evening, by a combustible compound left by secret emissaries of the public enemies. Jacob Thompson, one of the conspirators, then in Canada (see page 45, volume I.), appears to have had the incendiary business in charge, and to have been engaged, in connection with those at Richmond, in the iniquitous scheme long before Sheridan's operations. So early as the beginning of August, he
Summit Point (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
toward Winchester, Wilson's cavalry leading. The Sixth Corps, under General Wright, followed in double columns, flanking the Berryville turnpike, with its artillery and wagon-train moving along that highway. The Nineteenth Corps, under General Emory, followed in the same order, it being the intention of Sheridan to have his whole force across the Opequan before Early could bring back his troops from Bunker's Hill to his endangered right. Crook's (Eighth) corps, then in the vicinity of Summit Point, was ordered to join the main forces at the Opequan ford, while Averill and Torbett were to make demonstrations on the Confederate left. Wilson crossed the Opequan at daybreak, and moved swiftly along the pike, which passed through a narrow mountain gorge, charging upon and The Opequan Ford of the Berryville turnpike. sweeping away all opposers, and securing a space within two miles of Winchester, for the deployment of the army. He was closely followed by the Sixth Corps; but the N
West Virginia (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
otomac into Maryland, taking it in reverse. Lee eagerly watched an opportunity for the movement. It was offered when Hunter fled from before Lynchburg into Western Virginia, with an exhausted and broken army, See page 316. and left the Shenandoah Valley, and its door opening into Maryland at Harper's Ferry, guarded only by a rned back. They had reached Harper's Ferry on the day when Chambersburg was burnt, and were there joined by some of Hunter's long-expected troops, coming from West Virginia; and then the entire force, with an immense train, went on a fruitless search for Early, who was supposed to be laying waste Western Pennsylvania. But the Confront Early with about twenty thousand. Sheridan's column for active operations consisted of the Sixth and Nineteenth Corps, and the infantry and cavalry of West Virginia, under Generals Crook and Averill. To these were added the cavalry divisions of Torbert and Wilson, sent to him from the army before Petersburg. His cavalry
Hagerstown (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
n by General McCausland as the proper person for burning the city of Chambersburg, in Pennsylvania. For a full account of the conduct of this man and his followers, at Chambersburg, see the narrative of the burning of that place, by the Reverend B. S. Schenck, D. D., who was an eye-witness. both bitter Maryland rebels, who now, as the chosen guides and assistants of the chief of the invaders, brought war with all its horrors to the doors of their neighbors and friends. Early pushed on to Hagerstown, July 6, 1864. where he levied a contribution on the inhabitants of $20,000, and then swept over the country toward the Pennsylvania line, plundering friend and foe alike of horses, cattle, provisions and money. This invasion produced great alarm, and caused the Government to issue an urgent call upon Pennsylvania, New York, and Massachusetts, for troops to meet it. The President called for 12,000 from Pennsylvania, and 5,000 each from New York and Massachusetts. Weber's Headquarters
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