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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3.. Search the whole document.

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April 10th, 1865 AD (search for this): chapter 21
lithographed, in Baltimore, with a portrait of Lee at its head, surrounded by Confederate flags, and a fac-simile of his signature at its foot; and it became a cherished document and ornament in the houses of the enemies of the Republic. By that warrant, these people said, substantially, to the writer, we will attempt to regain the Lost Cause. The following is a copy of Lee's Farewell Address:-- General orders, no. 9. Headquarters Army of Northern Virginia, Appomattox C. H., April 10, 1865. After four years of arduous service, marked by unsurpassed courage and fortitude, the Army of Northern Virginia has been compelled to yield to overwhelming numbers and resources. I need not tell the brave survivors of so many hard fought battles, who have remained steadfast to the last, that I have consented to this result from no distrust of them; but feeling that valor and devotion could accomplish nothing to compensate for the loss that must have attended a continuation of the co
January 1st (search for this): chapter 21
cks in the Ocean Queen, which the general placed at our disposal. There we mounted to the summit of the signal-tower delineated on page 547, and viewed the marvelous lines of intrenchments in that vicinity; and saw plainly the church-spires at Richmond and Petersburg. We passed that night on the barge of the United States Sanitary Commission, at City Point, and the next morning went down to Fortress Monroe, bearing an order from General Butler for a tug to take us to Norfolk. We spent New Year's day in that city, and then went homeward by way of Chesapeake Bay, Baltimore and Philadelphia. Soon after the news of the evacuation of Richmond reached us, early in April, 1865. we started for that city, and were in Baltimore on the night when the President was murdered. There we were detained until Sunday afternoon, April. 16. in consequence of an order from the Government, prohibiting all public conveyances entering into or departing from Baltimore, because search was a-making for t
December 6th, 1864 AD (search for this): chapter 21
of the War and Navy departments, and a note from the late President, requesting commanders of each service to give him facility for observation, I The following are copies of the letters alluded to:-- War Department, Washington City, December 6, 1864. Permission is given to Mr. Benson J. Lossing to visit the various battle-fields of the present war, so far as they are within our lines, and to make all drawings that he may require, of the same, for historical purposes. He will be allohe Secretary of War. C. A. Dana, Assistant Secretary of War. To this the following was subjoined:-- I shall be obliged for Mr. Lossing to have every facility consistent with the public service. A. Lincoln. Navy Department, December 6, 1864. To the Commanding Officers of the Navy:-- Benson J. Lossing, Esq., who is engaged upon a history of the present Rebellion, is about to visit the various places connected with the different battles, accompanied by F. J. Dreer, Esq., and
December 17th, 1863 AD (search for this): chapter 21
ary Academy at West Point, on the Hudson. There was joy throughout the entire Republic, because of the evident swift coming of Peace. The loyal people felt that a score of golden medals, such as Congress had awarded to General Grant, See page 172. The engraving of that medal, here given, is about one-third less, in size, than the original. On one side is a profile of General Grant, with his name on a segment of a circle, above; and below, the words, Joint resolution of, Congress, December 17, 1863. The whole is encircled in a wreath, the upper portion detached, composed of branches of the oak and olive, indicative of strength and peace, and the lower of the products of the country--Indian corn, sugar, cotton, tobacco, and wheat. On the obverse is the city of Vicksburg, at the left, and a mountain region, indicating Chattanooga, on the right. Over these, and embracing them and the space between, is a rainbow, on which sits the figure of a beautiful young girl, in a loose, whit
April 4th, 1865 AD (search for this): chapter 21
upid officer obeyed, but took with him all the supplies that were to be left at Amelia Court-House for the use of Lee's army on its retreat, and these were among the things destroyed by the conflagration. When Lee arrived at the Court-House April 4, 1865. and discovered the calamity, hope forsook him. He knew that Grant, for the sake of celerity in pursuit, would break up his army in detachments; and Lee intended, with a bountifully supplied force kept well in hand, to fall upon these fragmenal-in-chief, at the front, receiving dispatches from him and transmitting them instantly to the Secretary of War, whence they were diffused over the country, by the telegraph. On the day after Richmond was evacuated, he went up to that city April 4, 1865. in Admiral Porter's flag-ship, the Malvern. Captain Ralph Chandler, with the Sangamon, several tugs, and thirty small boats, with about three hundred men, had already cleared the channel of the river of torpedoes, and made the navigation com
... 35 36 37 38 39 40