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4. 1. Resolved, That, in the present solemn and momentous condition of our country, our army is our glory and defence, and that in this, especially in our noble volunteers, our sons and brothers, habitually obedient to all the moral and physical laws of their being, we have the greatest confidence. Our prayer is that, amid all the temptations and trials of camp life, they may be kept unharmed and uncorrupted, and that, when their term of service is over, they may return like the army of Cromwell, to be a blessing and not a curse to their country. 2. Resolved, That we rejoice in the recent act of Congress, imposing a heavy penalty upon all in the District who sell to the soldiers intoxicating liquors; also in the prompt and energetic regulations of our youthful commander, to preserve our troops from the snares of the grog-shops. The nation will approve of the severest action in every military district, toward such as for gain will debauch the army. 3. Resolved, That the secre
Doc. 162.-Temperance in the army. Resolutions adopted at the meeting held in New York, August 4. 1. Resolved, That, in the present solemn and momentous condition of our country, our army is our glory and defence, and that in this, especially in our noble volunteers, our sons and brothers, habitually obedient to all the moral and physical laws of their being, we have the greatest confidence. Our prayer is that, amid all the temptations and trials of camp life, they may be kept unharmed and uncorrupted, and that, when their term of service is over, they may return like the army of Cromwell, to be a blessing and not a curse to their country. 2. Resolved, That we rejoice in the recent act of Congress, imposing a heavy penalty upon all in the District who sell to the soldiers intoxicating liquors; also in the prompt and energetic regulations of our youthful commander, to preserve our troops from the snares of the grog-shops. The nation will approve of the severest action in ev
Doc. 162.-Temperance in the army. Resolutions adopted at the meeting held in New York, August 4. 1. Resolved, That, in the present solemn and momentous condition of our country, our army is our glory and defence, and that in this, especially in our noble volunteers, our sons and brothers, habitually obedient to all the moral and physical laws of their being, we have the greatest confidence. Our prayer is that, amid all the temptations and trials of camp life, they may be kept unharmed and uncorrupted, and that, when their term of service is over, they may return like the army of Cromwell, to be a blessing and not a curse to their country. 2. Resolved, That we rejoice in the recent act of Congress, imposing a heavy penalty upon all in the District who sell to the soldiers intoxicating liquors; also in the prompt and energetic regulations of our youthful commander, to preserve our troops from the snares of the grog-shops. The nation will approve of the severest action in eve