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Ulysses Hobbs (search for this): chapter 60
stated that they were determined to resist the passage of Federal troops through Maryland; and, as one of the means to accomplish that end, that the bridges on the railroads leading into Baltimore would be burned or destroyed. Some of us are clear in our recollection that he said the bridges would be destroyed that night. Others are not so clear in our recollection on that point. Very respectfully, your obedient servants, Edward T. Shriver, William P. Maulsby, Grayson Eichelberger, Ulysses Hobbs. The annexed copy of a handbill circulated throughout Western Maryland by Bradley T. Johnson, is evidence that Marshal Kane and his allies had made all the necessary provisions in anticipation of the pre-arranged attack upon the Massachusetts troops: ∧ latest News! Marylanders, arouse! Frederick, Saturday, 7 o'clock A. M., 1861. At 12 o'clock last night, I received the following despatch from Marshal Kane, of Baltimore, by telegraph to the Junction, and express to Fre
Enoch Louis Lowe (search for this): chapter 60
ressing nature of my official duties, has prevented me from making this publication at an earlier period. The Mayor says: About 12 o'clock P. M., the Hon. E. Louis Lowe and Marshal George P. Kane called at my house, where Gov. Hicks was passing the night, and Marshal Kane informed me that a despatch had been received thatads by which the troops were expected to come should be destroyed, as the only means of averting the consequences referred to, of their coming at that time. E. Louis Lowe, in his certificate, says: Governor Hicks replied that it was a serious affair to undertake to destroy the bridges, and he expressed some doubt as to hiatingly refused my consent to the step. But the people of Maryland are asked to believe that, after this, in the still watches of the night, when requested by Enoch L. Lowe and George P. Kane to consent to the destruction of the bridges, I gave an unequivocal, and decided, and distinct reply in the affirmative. I leave my vindica
George P. Kane (search for this): chapter 60
lock P. M., the Hon. E. Louis Lowe and Marshal George P. Kane called at my house, where Gov. Hicks wle, on their route to Baltimore. Mr. Lowe, Marshal Kane, my brother, John Cumming Brown, and myselfas distinctly given in the affirmative. George P. Kane, in his published certificate, says: cess of execution. The visit of Messrs. Brown, Kane, and Lowe to my bedchamber was at a late hour oful act which was proposed to me by such men as Kane and Lowe, no matter how necessary it might have the charge made by the Mayor of Baltimore, Marshal Kane, and others, that you had given your consenhe had received within an hour before from George P. Kane, Marshal of Police of Baltimore City, and and by Bradley T. Johnson, is evidence that Marshal Kane and his allies had made all the necessary pght, I received the following despatch from Marshal Kane, of Baltimore, by telegraph to the JunctionWe will fight them, and whip them, or die. Geo. P. Kane. All men who will go with me will repo[2 more...]
Doc. 56.-the Bridge burning. Letter of Gov. Hicks in reply to Mayor Brown. To the People of Maryland: I have heretofore asked a suspension of your judgment in regard to a communication, with accompanying certificates, from the Mayor of Baltimore to the House of Delegates of Maryland, in which is asserted a complicity on my part in the unlawful destruction of the bridges on the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore, and the Northern Central Railroads, on the night of the 19th of April. A desire to obtain expected information from the telegraphic despatches recently seized by the Government — but which I have not yet received — added to the pressing nature of my official duties, has prevented me from making this publication at an earlier period. The Mayor says: About 12 o'clock P. M., the Hon. E. Louis Lowe and Marshal George P. Kane called at my house, where Gov. Hicks was passing the night, and Marshal Kane informed me that a despatch had been received tha
J. Cumming Brown (search for this): chapter 60
irection; shall the bridges be destroyed? Gov. Hicks emphatically and distinctly replied in the affirmative. It is absolutely impossible for any misapprehension to exist on this point. This is the sum of the charges brought against me by Mayor Brown and his witnesses. It is due to the Mayor to say, unequivocally, that I do not believe he had any knowledge of the plot of which the destruction of the bridges was a part. I had little acquaintance with him at the time referred to, but I hado endorse. Accordingly they jumped to the desired conclusion that I consented, because I contended that I had no power to consent to, and no power to prevent the outrage contemplated, and which was then in process of execution. The visit of Messrs. Brown, Kane, and Lowe to my bedchamber was at a late hour of the night. The Mayor's companions were men in whom I have no confidence. Indeed, it was only on account of the official nature of the visit that, under the circumstances, I consented to
John Cumming Brown (search for this): chapter 60
s were to come to Baltimore over the Northern Central Railroad. There was also a report that troops were on their way, who, it was thought, might even then be at Perryville, on their route to Baltimore. Mr. Lowe, Marshal Kane, my brother, John Cumming Brown, and myself, went immediately to the chamber of Gov. Hicks and laid the matter before him. The point was pressed that if troops were suddenly to come to Baltimore with a determination to pass through, a terrible collision and bloodshed woulve given the precise language used by Gov. Hicks, but I am very clear that I have stated it with substantial correctness, and that his assent was unequivocal, and in answer to a question by me which elicted a distinct affirmative reply. Mr. J. Cumming Brown, the Mayor's brother, in his published certificate, says: When asked by my brother whether or not he gave his consent to the measure, the Governor expressed a desire for time for reflection. Being reminded by those present of the la
May 29th, 1861 AD (search for this): chapter 60
r one o'clock. It being impossible for the men to have left Baltimore after it was alleged my consent was given, they must have started before my consent was asked. Thus showing that the destruction of the bridges was determined upon, and would have been consummated, no matter what might have been my opinion in the premises. As evidence of this, I offer the following letter from a highly respectable citizen, who has been kind enough to ascertain the particulars for me: Towsontown, May 29, 1861. His Excellency, Governor Hicks-- my dear sir: Yours of this date was handed me by our mutual friend, Mr. Bryson, and I at once started to Cockeysville in company with Mr. Bryson and our friend Edward Rider, Jr., and after getting such facts connected with the burning of the bridges as we could obtain, I hasten to answer your inquiries. On the night of the 19th ultimo I left Baltimore at precisely ten minutes past ten o'clock, and in about ten minutes more reached a point about one
n our recollection on that point. Very respectfully, your obedient servants, Edward T. Shriver, William P. Maulsby, Grayson Eichelberger, Ulysses Hobbs. The annexed copy of a handbill circulated throughout Western Maryland by Bradley T. Johnson, is evidence that Marshal Kane and his allies had made all the necessary provisions in anticipation of the pre-arranged attack upon the Massachusetts troops: ∧ latest News! Marylanders, arouse! Frederick, Saturday, 7 o'clock A. M., 1861. At 12 o'clock last night, I received the following despatch from Marshal Kane, of Baltimore, by telegraph to the Junction, and express to Frederick: Thank you for your offer. Bring your men by the first train, and we will arrange with the railroad afterward. Streets red with Maryland blood! Send expresses over the mountains and valleys of Maryland and Virginia for their riflemen to come without delay. Fresh hordes will be down upon us to-morrow (the 20th.) We will fight them, and w
ated on the next day, on board of the steamer Pioneer, as I accompanied you to Annapolis. You can use this statement as you think best. I could make it more full if you wish it. I could allude to the liability of every one in Baltimore, on the 19th, confused by the excitement, to be mistaken. Indeed I remember an instance of this. General Egerton was ordered by you to drive back the mob who were pressing upon the Pennsylvania troops. He drove back the troops. I heard you give the order toI at once started to Cockeysville in company with Mr. Bryson and our friend Edward Rider, Jr., and after getting such facts connected with the burning of the bridges as we could obtain, I hasten to answer your inquiries. On the night of the 19th ultimo I left Baltimore at precisely ten minutes past ten o'clock, and in about ten minutes more reached a point about one hundred yards nearer the city than the cemetery entrance, at which place I saw an omnibus with four horses, heads turned northw
aitors. Already has sufficient been disclosed to satisfy any unprejudiced mind that all the details were matured which were designed to precipitate Maryland into rebellion against the General Government, and thus render our State the theatre of war. The following letter will show that the burning of the bridges was a foregone conclusion before my consent was asked-- Frederick city, Md. His Excellency, Thomas H. Hicks, Governor of Maryland-- Dear sir: We have received yours of the 23d instant, and, in reply, state that during the night of the 19th of April, ultimo, about one o'clock, Bradley T. Johnson sought and had an interview with us relative to a telegraphic despatch which he had received within an hour before from George P. Kane, Marshal of Police of Baltimore City, and which has since appeared in the public prints. In the course of that interview, Mr. Johnson, in unfolding the plans of those with whom he was cooperating, stated that they were determined to resist the p
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