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Amos Wetherbee (search for this): chapter 2
Eighth Michigan; M. Weidenheimer, Company E, Fiftieth Pennsylvania, wounded in right foot; Ensign Herbert, wounded in right leg by rebel shell. One man of the Forty-eighth New-York was wounded in the leg. The names of the wounded, all belonging to the Eighth Michigan, are as follows: Major A. B. Watson, Minie rifle — ball in upper part of thigh, getting along very comfortably. Privates Ira Armstrong, Company A, shot through the lower right thigh; A. B. Miller, Co. A, upper right leg; Amos Wetherbee, Co. B, shot through the side. Nathaniel K. Thayer, Co. C, left leg; William Wood, Co. I, lower part of right thigh; James W. Rich, Sergt. Co. I, slightly in right thigh. All wounded by riflebullets, and all in the legs. Summary.--One officer wounded; nine privates wounded; two privates wounded and missing. Total, twelve. None killed. In the affair, Gen. Stevens has shown himself worthy to occupy the position he now occupies, and any position which requires military skill, acco
H. M. Stuart (search for this): chapter 2
guns. Judging from the severity of the enemy's fire, it is supposed that he was not aware of the defenceless condition of the fort. There were no troops at Page's Point at the time, excepting two companies of Col. Donnavan's regiment, under Capt. Bookter, and two guns of Capt. Leake's Virginia field-battery. They fell back a short distance, and obtained cover behind the embankment of a fence. The Yankees kept up a vigorous shelling of the earthwork, the plantation and the dwelling of H. M. Stuart, Esq., showing excellent artillery practice by knocking down chimneys and perforating the houses in the most promiscuous and unceremonious style. Finally, satisfied there were no masked batteries in the neighborhood, they sent a boat's crew ashore, which reconnoitred the place and immediately returned to their gunboats. This ended the hostilities at Page's Point. Not a gun was fired by our side, and when the gunboats desisted from the bombardment our forces at the Point retired. There
d in puddles, as if it had been a slaughter-yard. No other opposition was offered to the advance of our troops, and the Seventy-ninth New-York was sent on to the fort. They advanced without flinching. Meanwhile, however, the gunboats had been pouring a heavy fire into the battery; but it was still uncertain whether it had been abandoned, when the Seventy-ninth entered and ran up the American flag. Immediately two companies of pioneers and the whole Roundhead (Pennsylvania) regiment, Col. Leasure, crossed Port Royal Ferry on the ferry-boats, as had been previously arranged, and set to work destroying the fort. They completely levelled the earth-walls, burned the wood-work, seized the solitary gun left behind, a bronze eighteen--pounder, marked Georgius Rex, and fired the buildings which had been used by the rebels for military purposes. The enemy's force had been entirely withdrawn at an early hour in the morning, and five guns removed. This was reported by the negroes. Whil
S. P. Dupont (search for this): chapter 2
Doc. 2.-fight at Port Royal, S. C. January 1, 1862. Report of Flag officer S. P. Dupont. Flag ship Wabash, Port Royal harbor, January 4, 1862. sir: I have the honor to inform the department, that the attention of General Sherman and myself has been drawn for some time past to the design of the enemy to shut up our troops in Port Royal Island, by placing obstructions in Coosaw River and Whale branch, by constructing batteries at Port Royal Ferry, at Seabrook, and at or near Boyd's Creek, and by accumulating men in this vicinity in such manner as to be able to throw a force of twenty-five hundred or three thousand troops upon any of these points at a short notice. In a confidential communication of the 28th ultimo, the General informed me that the time had arrived for arresting peremptorily the designs of the enemy, and for doing it in such a manner as would serve a subsequent purpose, and he requested me to furnish my quota of the force to be employed in the combined oper
Edward Brooks (search for this): chapter 2
, the rebels had six guns in the Fort, five six-inch and one twelve-pounder cannon — an old English piece. The five, undoubtedly, were the self-same guns which did not arrive on Hilton Head, when sent for by the enemy to cover a retreat from old Fort Walker. The enemy tried to get the twelve-pounder off, but no go; so they spiked it. You can count on the loss of the enemy as hundreds, while we lost only two wounded and taken prisoners. Their names are: Corporal J. Q. Adams, and private Edward Brooks, both of Company A, Eighth Michigan; M. Weidenheimer, Company E, Fiftieth Pennsylvania, wounded in right foot; Ensign Herbert, wounded in right leg by rebel shell. One man of the Forty-eighth New-York was wounded in the leg. The names of the wounded, all belonging to the Eighth Michigan, are as follows: Major A. B. Watson, Minie rifle — ball in upper part of thigh, getting along very comfortably. Privates Ira Armstrong, Company A, shot through the lower right thigh; A. B. Miller,
, all of which were to enter the Coosaw by Beaufort River; and of the gunboat Seneca, Lieutenant Commanding Ammen, and the tugboat Ellen, Acting Master Commanding Budd, both of which were to move up ells and thirty-pounder rifled shells in the magazines. At half-past 2 the Seneca, Lieutenant Commanding Ammen, and the Ellen, Master Commanding Budd, the other vessels which you had placed under ash were managed by the officers in charge of them did those officers much credit. Lieutenant Commanding Ammen will make a separate report of the service of the Seneca and Ellen, at Seabrook, befond of Lieut. John Irwin, of the Wabash, and Acting Master Kemp. The Seneca was commanded by Capt. D. Ammen; the Pembina, Capt. J. Bankhead, a Southerner, and well acquainted with all the inhabitants abash, had entire command of the naval force of the little expedition, including the Seneca, Captain Ammen, and the Ellen, Captain Budd; which were to go up through the Broad River, on the other side
David D. Porter (search for this): chapter 2
ound as they retreated. We were informed by the negroes at Heyward's plantation, that some three hundred men had been there that night, having some intimation that we were going to make an attack. It was at this plantation (Heyward's) where Lieut. Porter, of the Eighth Michigan, took seven pickets as prisoners, a few days since. The seven rebels are all now quartered in the next house to where I am living. All the while we were landing, our gunboats were advancing and shelling the woods ieady to receive a cavalry charge, but the enemy were too much afraid of our Baby gun on the Pembina. The Seventy-ninth now over, and the Eighth Michigan falling back, orders were given to burn all the buildings in the immediate vicinity, and Lieut. Porter was detailed for this purpose. Soon the buildings were all in a bright flame, and our little army all safe and secure from surprise. The Fort was a miserably poor concern. In a short time after our occupation of it, the enemy came back i
Myron S. Barnes (search for this): chapter 2
ch. The armed tug E. B. Hale, Acting Master Foster, under the command of Lieutenant Barnes, was afterwards despatched to Commander Rodgers. The part assigned to Lieutenants Upshur, Luce, and Irwin, and Acting-Master Kempff. At sunset Lieutenant Barnes, of this ship, joined me with the armed steamer E. B. Hale, Acting-Master in the Hale to within range of the battery at Port Royal Ferry, at which Lieutenant Barnes threw a few shot and shell, dislodging a body of troops stationed in the same time Lieutenant Luce, with the second launch and its rifled gun, and Lieutenant Barnes, with the Hale, were sent to the lower landing to protect the boats and sa, Capt. Bankhead; and armed transport Hale, temporarily under command of Lieutenant Barnes, of the Wabash, were despatched to Beaufort, and thence through Brickyardcompanies from Col. Dunovant's regiment, South-Carolina Volunteers, under Lieut.-Col. Barnes, and a detachment of mounted men under Major Oswald, of Col. Martin's reg
John Weidenheimer (search for this): chapter 2
in right thigh. John Q. Adams, corporal, Company A, Eighth Michigan, killed. Edward Brooks, private, Company A, Eighth Michigan, wounded and missing. Amos Wetherby, private, Company B, Eighth Michigan, gunshot wound left thigh. Nathaniel K. Thayer, private, Company C, Eighth Michigan, gunshot wound left thigh. William Woad, private, Company I, Eighth Michigan, gunshot wound right thigh. John W. Rich, sergeant, Company I, Eighth Michigan, gunshot wound right thigh. John Weidenheimer, private, Company A, Fiftieth Pennsylvania, gunshot wound right foot. A. Herbert, ensign, Company A, Fiftieth Pennsylvania, wounded in leg by shell. The cases were merely flesh wounds, the balls easing through the limbs without injuring the bone. The patients are doing well. Water dressings used. George S. Kemble, Brigade-Surgeon, U. S. N. To Surgeon Geo. E. Cooper, Medical Director, E. C. Secession accounts. Charleston, S. C., Jan. 14. About ten o'clock New-Year's
s, but had no opportunity to take any part. The remaining portion of Gen. Stevens's brigade marched across the island to Beaufort. The gunboats, after everything had been accomplished, returned to Port Royal harbor, on Friday, the 3d, by the way of Brickyard Creek and the Beaufort or Port Royal River. On the 3d of January, a reconnoissance was made across the river, and it was discovered that the enemy had withdrawn his entire force five miles back into the interior, to a place known as Garden's Corners. There were several points made manifest by this demonstration, as well as several objects thoroughly accomplished. The two batteries were completely demolished, the enemy driven back five miles, the navigation of the Broad and Coosaw Rivers rendered secure for our gunboats or transports, and a salutary lesson administered to the rebels for their New Year's consideration; these were the objects accomplished. What was ascertained was that our men were full of nerve and coolness
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