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George D. Beebe (search for this): chapter 138
as wounded twice, while posting a regiment in line. My orderlies, privates Isaac Bailey, Second Indiana cavalry; George Richardson, Thirty-fourth Illinois infantry; Avery Graham, Thirty-fourth Illinois infantry; Henry Kline, First Ohio battery; George P. Jenniss, Thirty-fourth Illinois infantry; Wm. Edwards, Second Indiana cavalry, and Henry Knowles, Second Indiana cavalry, behaved with coolness and bravery on the field, and are recommended to their superiors for promotion. To Surgeon George D. Beebe, Medical Director of my corps, my thanks are due for his good conduct on the field, and the kind care he has taken of the wounded. Favorable mention is also made of Surgeons Marke, Tenth Wisconsin; Dixon, First Wisconsin; Williams, One Hundred and Twenty-first Ohio; Wright, Seventy-ninth Pennsylvania; Beckwith, Thirty-fifth Indiana; Sinnett, Ninety-fourth Ohio, and Fowler,----; Assistant-Surgeons Taft, One Hundred and First Ohio; Devendorf, First Wisconsin; Albright, Seventy-ninth
ind the crest of the hill. They again advanced, but were driven back. This was done for the third time, when they took position behind the crest of the hill. At this time the firing was very heavy. I now sent back for the Ninety-fourth Ohio, Colonel Frizell commanding, but was informed that they had been directed by Major-Gen. McCook to support a section of artillery which General Terrell was working. The positions of the other regiments had all been changed. The Second Ohio, Lieut.-Col. John Bell commanding, and the Thirty-third Ohio, Lieut.-Col. O. F. Moore commanding, were fiercely engaged with the enemy, who were making desperate efforts to pierce the centre. It was at this point that Lieut.-Col. Moore was wounded and taken prisoner. I saw the necessity of holding my position, with or without support, until the right was successful or compelled to retire, and I determined to do so. If I had been driven back, the Seventeenth brigade would have been cut off from the main
Henry Bennett (search for this): chapter 138
commanding, composed of the Twenty-second Indiana volunteers, Lieut.-Col. Keith; Fifty-ninth Illinois volunteers, Major J. C. Winters; Seventy-fourth and Seventy-fifth Illinois volunteers, commanded respectively by Lieut.-Colonel Keer and Lieut.-Colonel Bennett; and the Fifth Wisconsin battery, Captain O. F. Pinney, was formed on the left of the road. The Thirty-first brigade, Colonel Carlin, Thirty-eighth Illinois volunteers, commanding, composed of the Twenty-first and Thirty-eighth Illinois heroes of Pea Ridge (the Twenty-second Indiana and the Fifty-ninth Illinois volunteers) had returned the fire with terrible effect, and had added new and bright laurels to their former fame. The Seventy-fifth Illinois volunteers, under Lieut.-Colonel Bennett, were upon this line, and having a reputation to gain as soldiers, nobly did the work before them. Their loss was heavy, including Major Kilgore wounded severely. Col. Gooding, during the temporary confusion produced by a heavy flank-
lso reported to me after the fall of his chief, and behaved with coolness and bravery during the day. My casualties were very large. The nation is called upon to mourn the loss of such spirits as Jackson, Terrell, Webster, Jewett, Campbell, Berryhill, Herrell, and others, who fell upon this bloody field. A list of killed and wounded are herewith enclosed of Rousseau's and Jackson's divisions. All of which is respectfully submitted. Alexander McDowell McCook, Major-General Commanding FirsGeneral, Lieut. George A. Vandegrift, and Aids, and Lieuts. F. G. Fitzwilliam and H. E. Spencer, were of great service to me during the day, coolly and bravely carrying my orders to all parts of the field. Major Johnston, Tenth Wisconsin, Capt. Berryhill, Acting Major, Second Ohio, Captain John Herrel, Second Ohio, and Captain Drury, Ninety-fourth Ohio, fell, gallantly fighting at their posts. I thought proper to mention other regiments as they became attached to my command, during the prog
M. H. Bingham (search for this): chapter 138
d his brigade on the very spot where it was most needed — a large body of the enemy's cavalry appearing that moment a mile and a half to the front, was admirably shelled and dispersed in great disorder, by Capt. Stone's First Kentucky, artillery. I then directed Col. Starkweather to place Stone's battery and that of Capt. Bush's Fourth Indiana artillery on a high ridge on the extreme left, and extending diagonally to the front, and to support those batteries with the First Wisconsin, Lieut.-Col. Bingham, placed on that ridge, and by the Seventy-ninth Pennsylvania, Col. Hambright, placed on another ridge running at almost right angles to the one on which the batteries were planted. This formation gave a cross-fire, and proved of infinite value in maintaining that all-important position during the day. These formations were made in great haste, and in a few moments, but without the least confusion or disorder, the men moving into line as if on parade. I then returned to Harris's brig
it would seem unjust to make any apparent discrimination by specially naming any. Yet circumstances and the varied incidents of the day brought under my special observation the conduct of some, whom I therefore name. Captain I. D. Clark, of company A, Acting Major, from the time the first shot was fired on the skirmishers under his command in the early morning, until the battle was over and the victory won, discharged his varied and arduous duties with skill, courage, and promptness. Adjutant Blackburn and the officers of the skirmishing companies, also attracted my special notice, while the regiment was in its position behind the crest of the hill, on the left of Barnett's battery, and before it relieved the Thirty-sixth Illinois and became actually engaged with the enemy at that point. Sergeant Rudolph, of company H, was conspicuous, among others of the regiment, in assisting at the battery. At ten A. M., the Third Missouri regiment charged past the right of our line of skirmishe
Illinois volunteers, and Lieutenant Wood, of the Signal Corps, for the able, gallant, and heroic manner in which they discharged their respective duties during the engagement, always ready and willing to take any risk or make any sacrifice for the good of their country's cause. Surgeon Hazlet, of the Fifty-ninth Illinois; Lieut.-Col. Keith, Twenty-second Indiana; Lieut. Johnson, Fifty-eighth Illinois; Lieut. Tolbert, Lieut. Ridler, and Captain R. K. Smith, of the Twenty-second Indiana; Lieut. Blean and Lieut. Eels, of the Seventy-fifth Illinois, died gallantly defending the honor of their country's flag. On the morning of the ninth, a force of rebel cavalry was seen winding from the enemy's left, and evidently proceeding toward the Harrods-burgh turnpike. I directed Hotchkiss's battery to fire upon them, which was done with good effect, the enemy rapidly retreating. I then advanced with my division to this point, seeing on every side indications of the enemy's precipitate ret
batteries (masked) gave unmistakable evidence of his presence in force. I ordered Loomis to reply and bring up the remainder of his guns, and sent an order to Capt. Simonson, Fifth Indiana artillery, to join Loomis, all of which was promptly done. I then sent a order to Col. Lytle to form his brigade on the right in good position, and galloped back to placed Harris's brigade in position to resist the advance of the enemy, which I was just informed by a messenger from Capt. Wickliffe, of Col. Board's cavalry, was being made in that direction in great force of cavalry, infantry, and artillery. I aided Col. Harris, commanding the Ninth brigade, to form his brigade in two lines — the Second Ohio, Lieut.-Colonel Kell; the Tenth Wisconsin, Col. Chapin, and the Thirty-third Ohio, Lieut.-Col. Moore, being in the front line. Soon after this, by a messenger, Colonel Starkweather, commanding the Twenty-eighth announced his arrival on the left, his brigade having been unfortunately cut off an
J. V. Bomford (search for this): chapter 138
rt B. Mitchell's division. For a favorable mention of other officers and men I refer you to reports of General Rousseau; also, to those of the Adjutant-Generals of Generals Jackson and Terrell, and Col. Webster. To my personal staff--Lieut.-Colonel J. V. Bomford, Sixteenth United States infantry, Lieut. Colonel E. Bassett Langdon, Inspector-General; Capt. J. A. Campbell, Assistant Adjutant-General; Capt. W. T. Hoblitzell, Aid-de-Camp; Lieut. S. W. Davies, Aid-de-Camp; Lieut. S. M. Hosea, Aid-de Camp; Major Caleb Bates, volunteer Aid-de-Camp; Captain N. H. Fisher, volunteer Aid-de-Camp; Captain James P. Collier, volunteer Aid-de-Camp, I return my thanks for their conspicuous gallantry and intelligence on the field of battle. Lieut.-Colonel Bomford was wounded twice, while posting a regiment in line. My orderlies, privates Isaac Bailey, Second Indiana cavalry; George Richardson, Thirty-fourth Illinois infantry; Avery Graham, Thirty-fourth Illinois infantry; Henry Kline, First Ohi
Braxton Bragg (search for this): chapter 138
isions. I have since been reliably informed that Gen. Bragg commanded the enemy in person, and that Polk's anf the rebel army, and under the direction and eye of Bragg, Buckner, Polk, Cheatham, and other prominent Generan final, so far as it concerned the rebel army under Bragg. On the march from Louisville not a day passed wimen, too, of good judgment and intelligence, that Gen. Bragg, with the main body of his infantry, passed thrountended to give battle anywhere in Kentucky; and had Bragg, with his comparatively meagre force, seriously thouarmy of water. And I unhesitatingly assert that had Bragg been able to hold that position for three or four daht hours after the commencement of the action. This Bragg well knew, and hence never dreamed of making a serioo means. Had we known the whole truth, namely, that Bragg's entire army cannot be as much as forty thousand stected his chosen bands, and, under the leadership of Bragg himself, advanced determinedly toward our centre, or
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