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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore).

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nt places.) But the object was accomplished; some fled, some were killed, and the remainder dared not leave their cover. At night the broken wheel was replaced and the piece relieved. Of the first piece, cannoneers Adolphe Grilhe and F. Babin were wounded, the former severely and the latter slightly. Three horses were killed and two wounded. Nothing worth mentioning was done on Sunday. At night I was relieved by Captain Jordan, after having been in position since Sunday night, the first instant. My third section, of six-pounder guns, was not engaged, but on Sunday night, the fourteenth instant, it was ordered in front, where it is at present, occupying works on the left. Before closing this report, I can but render praise to Lieutenants Landry and Mollere, for their gallant conduct, and to my cannoneers and drivers. Casualties: one killed and five wounded; three horses killed and two wounded. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, V. Maurin, Captain, commanding Dona
he honor to make the following report of the part taken by the Seventeenth Regiment Connecticut volunteers, in the engagement of the first, second, and third instant. The regiment reached Gettysburg between one and two o'clock P. M. of the first instant, and was marched with the other regiments of the brigade, through, and to the lower end of the town, and then halted for a moment. Four companies were immediately ordered out, (by Brigadier-General Ames,) under command of Major Brady, to the whole of the third instant, exposed to a cross-fire of the rebel batteries and their sharpshooters. With the latter our best marksmen exchanged shots and succeeded in dislodging many of them. When the regiment entered the engagement on the first instant, it numbered seventeen officers and three hundred and sixty-nine enlisted men. We report at the present time nine officers and one hundred and twenty enlisted men. Captain Wilson French and Lieutenant Barton are the only officers known to
Doc. 16.-the passage of the Potomac. General Patterson's report. headquarters Department Pennsylvania, Martinsburg, July 6, 1861. Colonel E. D. Townsend, A. A. General U. S. A., Washington City: Sir: I telegraphed my intention to cross the Potomac on the first instant. I now have the honor to report my movements since that date. I left Hagerstown on the afternoon of the thirtieth ultimo, the earliest day my command could take the field in a proper condition for active service, intending the following morning to enter Virginia with two columns, (at Dam No. Four and at Williamsport,) to be united the same day at Hainesville, the location of the rebels. Owing to the danger and difficulty attending the fording at Dam No. Four, I placed all the force at Williamsport. My order of march for the second instant, is given in the accompanying circular. The advance crossed the Potomac at four A. M., all taking the main road to Martinsburg with the exception of Negley's brig
now upon a river which they could cross and recross with more facility than our soldiers, and which was bordered by almost impenetrable thickets — the prickly ash abounding. The animals, especially, were in a position which precluded any more rapid or sustained marches. Two days were spent upon the branches of the Missouri, and for three successive evenings cannon were fired and signal rockets sent up, in the vain hope that General Sully might be within answering distance; and on the first instant, after thoroughly destroying the stuff abandoned by the Indians, the camp was broken up, and the expeditionary force again in motion, homeward bound. The point on the Missouri reached by General Sibley, was in latitude 46° 42′, longitude 100° 35′, about forty miles by land below Fort Clark. The distance from Fort Snelling, by line of march, was made by Colonel Crooks to be five hundred and eight-five miles. A detailed narrative.--the battle of the Big Mound. On the twenty-fourth
: rather than be subjugated we will march to the field of strife and hare our bosoms to the bullets of the cruel invader. With such leaders, such soldiers, and such women, we must, we shall be free. Ira R. Foster. This letter was originally addressed to the Editor of the Atlanta Intelligencer. Confederate States of America, Department of justice, Richmond, September 12, 1863. Hon. Ira R. Foster, Q. M. Gen. of Ga., Atlanta, Ga.: dear Sir: I have to-day received your letter of the first instant, forwarded to me from Montgomery, Alabama, and hasten to reply. You say that my name, since the Alabama election, has been freely used by many in connection with reconstruction, meaning thereby that some people in Georgia suppose I am in favor of re-union with the Yankee government of the North. I am surprised and mortified that anybody in the South should so interpret the Alabama election. If those who claim my election as indicating any such feeling in Alabama, had read my letter of
so well seconded by his brave Virginians; to Brigadier-General Wright and his high-spirited, fearless Georgians, whose attack at the furnace, on the evening of the first, and whose unflinching advance against the enemy's guns, under a heavy fire of grape, on the evening of the fourth, excited the admiration of all who saw them; andere advancing in heavy force from the direction of Chancellorsville. The following day artillery was heard at intervals in that vicinity, and on the next, the first instant, the brigade moved (under orders) up the plank road, and came soon within hearing of musketry. Arriving at the intersection of the plank road and the old turnions of this brigade during the late battles of the second and third of May, in the vicinity of Chancellorsville. Leaving Hamilton's Crossing at early dawn on the first, the brigade halted at seven o'clock P. M., on the plank road, about one mile east of Chancellorsville. The advanced troops of our corps had encountered the enem
h attempting it, he could not make any advance. January 1, 1863. Repeated attempts were made by the enemy to advance on our position, during the morning, but they were driven back before emerging from the woods. Colonel Starkweather's brigade, of Rousseau's division, and Walker's brigade, of Fry's division, having reinforced us during the night, took post on the right of Rousseau, and left of Sheridan, and bore their share in repelling the attempts of the enemy on the morning of the first instant. Negley's divison was ordered, early in the day, to the support of McCook's right, in which position it remained during the night. January 2. About seven A. M., the enemy opened a direct and cross-fire from his batteries in our front, and from a position on the east bank of Stone River, to our left and front, at the same time making a strong demonstration with infantry, resulting, however, in no serious attack. Our artillery — Loomis', Guenther's, Stokes', and another battery — t
led or smooth-bore, that can be made. Respectfully, your obedient servant, G. T. Beauregard, General, commanding. Brigadier-General R. S. Ripley's report of action of Seventh of April, 1863, between the Abolition iron — Clads and the Forts and batteries in Charleston harbor. headquarters First Military District, Department of S. C., Ga., and Fla., Charleston, April 13, 1863. Brigadier--General Thomas Jordan, Chief of Staff, Dep't of S. C., Ga., and Fla.: General: Upon the first instant the increase of the enemy's force in the Stono, and information from North Edisto, gave warning that the long threatened combined movement upon Charleston was about to take place. Brigadier-General S. R. Gist, commanding First subdivision of this district, James Island and St. Andrews, took prompt measures for the observation and repulse of any attack in that direction. Colonel R. T. Graham, commanding Third subdivision, occupied the shore of Morris Island on Light House inlet, to cont
Black at Hankinson's Ferry. The movement was promptly carried out; previous to crossing the river, however, Colonel A. W. Reynolds' brigade, of Stevenson's division, had arrived. Not having heard from General Bowen after 5.30 P. M., on the first instant, I dispatched him, via Rocky Springs, on the morning of the second, as follows: If you are holding your position on the Bayou Pierre, and your communication is open by the Big Black to this place, continue to hold it. I am informed that you hentrate, and to attack Grant immediately on his landing; on the next day I sent the following dispatch to him: If Grant crosses unite all your troops to beat him; success will give back what was abandoned to win it. I telegraphed to you on the first: General Pemberton calls for large reinforcements. They cannot be sent from here without giving up Tennessee. Can one or two brigades be sent from the east? On the seventh I again asked for reinforcements for Mississippi. I received no fu
Sengstack's batteries were held as reserves, under command of Lieutenant Burnett, acting Chief of Artillery of the division. With Hebert's division were Wade's, Landis', Guibo's, Dawson's, and King's. The cavalry force, under General Armstrong, reported to the Major-General commanding the combined forces, and afterwards acted under orders direct from him. On the morning of the thirtieth ultimo we took up the line of march in the direction of Pocahontas, which place we reached on the first instant, and from which we moved upon the enemy at Corinth, bivouacking on the night of the second instant at a point nearly opposite to Chewalla — having left one regiment of infantry and a section of artillery with the wagon train as a guard. At four o'clock on the morning of the third instant, we resumed the march; my command moving on the main Pocahontas and Corinth road, in rear of General Lovell's. At a point about a mile and a half from the enemy's outer line of fortifications, my comman
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