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Browsing named entities in a specific section of HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MEDFORD, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT, IN 1630, TO THE PRESENT TIME, 1855. (ed. Charles Brooks). Search the whole document.

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Abram Cumins (search for this): chapter 4
openly declared, at said meeting, that those of our inhabitants, and only those, that are worth or have in possession to the value of £ 20, ratable estate, may vote at said meeting. 1718: The new names found in the lists are as follows: Francis Laithe, Joseph Serjant, John Chadson, John Goold, William Manson, Peter Edes, Joseph Ballard, John Choub, Aaron Cleveland, William Wicker, Jonathan Tompson, Mr. Semer, John Watson, Thomas Sanders, Luke Blashfield, Nath. Laurans, Samuel Haeson, Abram Cumins, Nath. Locke, John Winship, John Whiten. May 12, 1718: Medford voted to petition the General Court for some out-lands for the further benefit of the town. 1721: The General Court gave the town £ 160, on their application for aid; and the town voted to loan it out to the inhabitants in sums not exceeding £ 10, nor less than £ 5, to any one person; interest, five per cent. April 25, 1728: Voted that the town of Medford will take out of the County Treasury their part of the sixty th
Benjamin Teal (search for this): chapter 4
in duty bound, ever pray. Medford, Dec. 13th, 1753. We, the subscribers, being owners of a considerable part of the said lands, and having dwelling-houses thereon, do hereby signify that we heartily join with the inhabitants of Medford in the foregoing petition. Samuel Brooks, Committee for Medford. Ebenezer Brooks, Committee for Medford. Z. Pool, Committee for Medford. Joseph Tufts, Committee for Medford. Stephen Hall, Committee for Medford. Caleb Brooks, Benjamin Parker, Benjamin Teal, James Tufts, Ebenezer Marrow, Jonathan Tufts, John Jenks, Robert Crane, John Degrushy. This petition was granted April 17, 1754. March 4, 1754: Samuel Hall was chosen Constable, and refused to serve; and the town took up with £ 5, old tenor, inasmuch as he is a lame person. May 8, 1754: Voted that any person have a right to erect an engine for the weighing of hay, and have the proceeds thereof. Aug. 5, 1754: Voted that the part of the Excise Bill of his Majesty which relate
John Dixwell (search for this): chapter 4
ographical notice of our most distinguished civilian; and, lest the bias of a life-long veneration, or the pride of near blood relationship, should tempt me to eulogies beyond desert, I have judged it most proper to take the account given by Dr. John Dixwell, of Boston, Vice-President of the Massachusetts Medical Society, who knew him well:-- John Brooks was born in Medford, Massachusetts, in May, 1752. His father, Capt. Caleb Brooks, was a respectable farmer, much esteemed and beloved bsic services, he was the grace and the ornament of their social circles, and seemed to fill the measure of their enjoyments. There are a few illustrative facts known to the contemporaries of Gov. Brooks in Medford, which may be added to to Dr. Dixwell's notice. He had a real love of pithy anecdotes, and delighted to tell them; and, though he was tediously long in cracking the shell, we always found the kernel sweet. He never voluntarily made his successes in the sick-chamber or battle-f
James T. Floyd (search for this): chapter 4
animous vote of approbation. At the town-meeting, held March 5, 1810, the following officers were chosen for the year ensuing:-- Fitch Hall, Moderator. Abner Bartlett, Town-clerk. Nathan Wait,Selectmen. Fitch Hall, Jonathan Brooks, Luther Stearns, Benjamin Tufts, Joseph Manning, Treasurer. Caleb Brooks,Assessors. Ephraim Bailey, Joseph Swan, Nathan Wait,Constables. Joseph Wyman, Jeduthan Richardson,Surveyors of Highways. Samuel Tufts, jun., Gersham Teel,Tything-men. James T. Floyd, Andrew Blanchard,Cullers of Hoops and Staves. William Bradbury, Benjamin Tufts,Fence-viewers. Jeduthan Richardson, Joseph Wyman, Jonathan Harrington,Surveyors of Lumber. Calvin Turner, Thatcher Magoon, Timothy Dexter, John Dixen, Darius Wait, Jonathan Harrington,Measurers of Wood. Timothy Dexter, John Burrage, Ephraim Bailey, Joseph Church, Jonathan Warner, David Willis, Clerk of the Market. Fitch Hall,Fire-wards. John Hosmer, Jeduthan Richardson, Andrew Blanchard,
John T. White (search for this): chapter 4
well, Timothy Cotting, George W. Porter, Treasurer. Horatio A. Smith,Assessors. Samuel Joyce, Henry Withington, John T. White,Overseers of the Poor. Benj. R. Teel, Alex. Gregg, Timothy Cotting,School Committee. Horatio A. Smith, Benj. R. Teel, Hosea Ballou, 2d, Henry Withington, J. M. Sanford, Chas. S. Jacobs, Alex. Gregg, Surveyor of Highways. John T. White,Constables. Elisha Tolman, Amos Hemphill, John T. White, Collector of Taxes. Eleazer Davis,Field Drivers. Willard BJohn T. White, Collector of Taxes. Eleazer Davis,Field Drivers. Willard Butters, Thos. Gillard, Pyam Cushing,Fence Viewers. Peter C. Hall, Nathan W. Wait, John T. White,Fish Committee. Amos Hemphill, Elbridge Teel, Henry H. Jacquith, Pound Keeper. John Sparrell,Surveyors of Lumber. Jas. O. Curtis, J. T. FosterJohn T. White,Fish Committee. Amos Hemphill, Elbridge Teel, Henry H. Jacquith, Pound Keeper. John Sparrell,Surveyors of Lumber. Jas. O. Curtis, J. T. Foster, E. Stetson, J. Loring, S. Lapham, O. Joyce, J. Stetson, J. Taylor, P. Curtis, P. Cushing, E. Hayden, G. T. Goodwin, A. Hutchens, R. E. Ells, H. Taylor, C. S. Jacobs, B. R. Teel, E. Waterman, J. Sanborn, T. T. Fowler, J. Clapp,
Henry Taylor (search for this): chapter 4
mos Hemphill, John T. White, Collector of Taxes. Eleazer Davis,Field Drivers. Willard Butters, Thos. Gillard, Pyam Cushing,Fence Viewers. Peter C. Hall, Nathan W. Wait, John T. White,Fish Committee. Amos Hemphill, Elbridge Teel, Henry H. Jacquith, Pound Keeper. John Sparrell,Surveyors of Lumber. Jas. O. Curtis, J. T. Foster, E. Stetson, J. Loring, S. Lapham, O. Joyce, J. Stetson, J. Taylor, P. Curtis, P. Cushing, E. Hayden, G. T. Goodwin, A. Hutchens, R. E. Ells, H. Taylor, C. S. Jacobs, B. R. Teel, E. Waterman, J. Sanborn, T. T. Fowler, J. Clapp, B. H. Samson, Expenses. The first book kept by the Treasurer is lost. From the second, which begins in 1729, and others of later date, the following items of expenses are taken. The modern modes of book-keeping were not known to our fathers. There were sometimes two or three rates made in a year, varying from £ 20 to £ 200. The money collected by the Constable was paid into the treasury; but the a
John Bradstreet (search for this): chapter 4
to public functionaries, respecting the smallest items, are most remarkable. March 2, 1702: The town voted, for the first time, to pay their treasurer; and John Bradstreet was chosen, with a salary of 10s. per annum. March 17, 1702: We have a singular instance of precision of dates; for, on this day, the town-clerk says:-- thington1847. Peter C. Hall1849. James O. Curtis1850. Peter C. Hall1853. Benjamin H. Samson1855. Names of the treasurers. Stephen Willis1696. John Bradstreet1700. Samuel Wade1709. John Whitmore1714. William Willis1725. John Richardson1727. Edward Brooks1728. Samuel Brooks1729. Stephen Hall1733. Edward Brook3. Henry Porter1825. Turell Tufts1827. Timothy Cotting1836. George W. Porter1837. Names of the town-clerks. J. Wade1674. Stephen Willis1675. John Bradstreet1701. Stephen Willis1708. Thomas Tufts1718. William Willis1719. Benjamin Willis1721. William Willis1726. Ebenezer Brooks, jun1728. Benjamin Willis1730.
Timothy Dexter (search for this): chapter 4
iam Bradbury, Benjamin Tufts,Fence-viewers. Jeduthan Richardson, Joseph Wyman, Jonathan Harrington,Surveyors of Lumber. Calvin Turner, Thatcher Magoon, Timothy Dexter, John Dixen, Darius Wait, Jonathan Harrington,Measurers of Wood. Timothy Dexter, John Burrage, Ephraim Bailey, Joseph Church, Jonathan Warner, David Timothy Dexter, John Burrage, Ephraim Bailey, Joseph Church, Jonathan Warner, David Willis, Clerk of the Market. Fitch Hall,Fire-wards. John Hosmer, Jeduthan Richardson, Andrew Blanchard, Abner Bartlett, Richard Hall,To audit the Treasurer's Accounts. Fitch Hall, Nathaniel Hall, Hezekiah Blanchard,To execute the Fish Act. Nathan Wait, Andrew Blanchard, Seth Tufts,Field-drivers and Hog-reeves. Joseph to conquer it; and conquer he did. When first a candidate for Governor in 1816, Medford gave two hundred and thirty-eight votes for him, and twenty-eight for Mr. Dexter. More than twenty-eight votes against him were never given in Medford during the seven years he was Governor. The uniformity of his example in attending pub
George W. Porter (search for this): chapter 4
cord of town-officers, elected at the annual March meeting, which we can insert, is that of 1850; and it is as follows:-- John Sparrell, Moderator. Jos. P. Hall, Town-clerk. James O. Curtis,Selectmen. Chas. Caldwell, Timothy Cotting, George W. Porter, Treasurer. Horatio A. Smith,Assessors. Samuel Joyce, Henry Withington, John T. White,Overseers of the Poor. Benj. R. Teel, Alex. Gregg, Timothy Cotting,School Committee. Horatio A. Smith, Benj. R. Teel, Hosea Ballou, 2d, Henry Wi Jonathan Patten1778. Richard Hall1786. Jonathan Porter1790. Isaac Warren1793. Samuel Buel1794. John Bishop1798. Joseph P. Hall1804. Joseph Manning1808. William Rogers1823. Henry Porter1825. Turell Tufts1827. Timothy Cotting1836. George W. Porter1837. Names of the town-clerks. J. Wade1674. Stephen Willis1675. John Bradstreet1701. Stephen Willis1708. Thomas Tufts1718. William Willis1719. Benjamin Willis1721. William Willis1726. Ebenezer Brooks, jun1728. Benjamin W
Daniel Tufts (search for this): chapter 4
thy Dexter, John Burrage, Ephraim Bailey, Joseph Church, Jonathan Warner, David Willis, Clerk of the Market. Fitch Hall,Fire-wards. John Hosmer, Jeduthan Richardson, Andrew Blanchard, Abner Bartlett, Richard Hall,To audit the Treasurer's Accounts. Fitch Hall, Nathaniel Hall, Hezekiah Blanchard,To execute the Fish Act. Nathan Wait, Andrew Blanchard, Seth Tufts,Field-drivers and Hog-reeves. Joseph Blodgett, Joseph Church, Joseph Wyman, Ebenezer Symonds, Gershom Tufts, Daniel Tufts, Andrew Blanchard,To sell the right of taking Fish. Samuel Buel, Fitch Hall, Joseph Bucknam, Pound-keeper. The Hon. Peter C. Brooks offered a clock as a gift to the town, expressing in his letter a true and deep feeling of attachment to the inhabitants. The town accepted the generous donation, and in their letter express their gratitude and their sense of high respect for their prosperous towns-man. To this letter Mr. Brooks replies as follows :-- Boston, March 12, 1810.
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