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Fort Fisher (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.37
l Reynolds, by General T. F. McCoy; Some recollections of Grant, by S. H. M. Byers; The Baltimore Riots, by Frederic Emory; The battle of Beverly ford, by Colonel F. C. Newhall; The battle of Shiloh, by Colonel Wills De Hass; The campaign of Gettysburg, by Major-General Alfred Pleasonton; The capture of Mason and Slidell, by R. M. Hunter; The draft Riots in New York, by Major T. P. McElrath; The famous fight at Cedar creek, by General A. B. Nettleton; The First attack on Fort Fisher, by Benson J. Lossing, Ll. D.; The First cavalry, by Captain James A. Stevenson; The First great crime of the war, by Major-General W. B. Franklin; The First iron-clad Monitor, by Hon. Gideon Welles; The First shot against the flag, by Major-General S. W. Crawford; The old Capitol prison, by Colonel N. T. Colby; The right flank at Gettysburg, by Colonel William Brooke-Rawle; The siege of Morris Island, by General W. W. H. Davis; The Union cavalry at Gettysburg, by Major-
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.37
Fire, sword and the Halter, by General J. D. Imboden; Flight and capture of Jefferson Davis, by J. H. Reagan; General Stuart in camp and Field, by Colonel J. E. Cooke; Lee and Grant in the Wilderness, by General C. M. Wilcox; Lee in Pennsylvania, by General James Longtreet; Lee's West Virginia campaign, by General A. L. Long; Morgan's Indiana and Ohio raid, by General Basil W. Duke; Mr. Lincoln and the force bill, by Hon. A. R. Boteler; Stonewall Jackson and his men, by Major Stonewall Jackson's Valley campaign, by Colonel William Allan; The battle of Fleetwood, by Major H. B. McClellan; The Black horse cavalry, by Colonel John Scott; The burning of Chambersburg, by General John McCausland; The campaign in Pennsylvania, by Colonel W. H. Taylar; The career of General A. P. Hill, by Hon. William E. Cameron; The Dalton-Atlanta operations, by General Joseph E. Johnston; The exchange of prisoners, by Judge Robert Ould; The last Confederate surrender, by L
Indiana (Indiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.37
Reagan; General Stuart in camp and Field, by Colonel J. E. Cooke; Lee and Grant in the Wilderness, by General C. M. Wilcox; Lee in Pennsylvania, by General James Longtreet; Lee's West Virginia campaign, by General A. L. Long; Morgan's Indiana and Ohio raid, by General Basil W. Duke; Mr. Lincoln and the force bill, by Hon. A. R. Boteler; Stonewall Jackson and his men, by Major H. Kyd Douglas; Stonewall Jackson's Valley campaign, by Colonel William Allan; The battle of FleetwooMeade at Gettysburg, by Colonel James C. Biddle; General Reynolds' last battle, by Major Joseph G. Rosengarten; Gregg's cavalry at Gettysburg, by Major J. E. Carpenter; How Jefferson Davis was overtaken, by Major-General Wilson; Morgan's Indiana and Ohio raid, by Colonel J. E. McGowan; On the Field of Fredericksburg, by Hon. D. Watson Rowe; Recollections of General Reynolds, by General T. F. McCoy; Some recollections of Grant, by S. H. M. Byers; The Baltimore Riots, by Frederic
Fredericksburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.37
. Gregory. The list of Federal contributions is as follows: Characteristics of the army, by H. V. Redfield; Death of General John H. Morgan, by H. V. Redfield; General Meade at Gettysburg, by Colonel James C. Biddle; General Reynolds' last battle, by Major Joseph G. Rosengarten; Gregg's cavalry at Gettysburg, by Major J. E. Carpenter; How Jefferson Davis was overtaken, by Major-General Wilson; Morgan's Indiana and Ohio raid, by Colonel J. E. McGowan; On the Field of Fredericksburg, by Hon. D. Watson Rowe; Recollections of General Reynolds, by General T. F. McCoy; Some recollections of Grant, by S. H. M. Byers; The Baltimore Riots, by Frederic Emory; The battle of Beverly ford, by Colonel F. C. Newhall; The battle of Shiloh, by Colonel Wills De Hass; The campaign of Gettysburg, by Major-General Alfred Pleasonton; The capture of Mason and Slidell, by R. M. Hunter; The draft Riots in New York, by Major T. P. McElrath; The famous fight at Cedar creek
Chambersburg, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.37
s, by General C. M. Wilcox; Lee in Pennsylvania, by General James Longtreet; Lee's West Virginia campaign, by General A. L. Long; Morgan's Indiana and Ohio raid, by General Basil W. Duke; Mr. Lincoln and the force bill, by Hon. A. R. Boteler; Stonewall Jackson and his men, by Major H. Kyd Douglas; Stonewall Jackson's Valley campaign, by Colonel William Allan; The battle of Fleetwood, by Major H. B. McClellan; The Black horse cavalry, by Colonel John Scott; The burning of Chambersburg, by General John McCausland; The campaign in Pennsylvania, by Colonel W. H. Taylar; The career of General A. P. Hill, by Hon. William E. Cameron; The Dalton-Atlanta operations, by General Joseph E. Johnston; The exchange of prisoners, by Judge Robert Ould; The last Confederate surrender, by Lieutenant-General R. Taylor; The Mistakes of Gettysburg, by General James Longstreet; The morale of General Lee's army, by Rev. J. William Jones, D. D.; Torpedo service in Charleston
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 4.37
e a regular contributor. Hon. William M. Burwell, of New Orleans, contributes an interesting and valuable paper On Yellow fever. General B. T. Johnston's article on The civil rights bill and the enforcement act is a very able and timely discussion of the questions involved, and a very strong putting of certain fundamental principles of our Government which seem to have grown obsolete in these days of Reconstruction (so-called). The other articles--Commercial future of the United States, by W. P. H.; Birds in Song and the Songs of Birds, by Miss K. M. Rowland; Dr. William E. Munsey, by Rev. E. E. Hoss; Charlotte Cushman, by Mrs. James Gittings, and Gold interests of Virginia and the South, by John Tyler-seem all to be cleverly done, while Table talk and Book Notices, by the editor, clearly indicate that these departments of the Review will be fresh, sprightly and readable. On the whole, we cordially commend the Review as worthy of a wide circulation. The annals of
Dalton, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.37
, by General Basil W. Duke; Mr. Lincoln and the force bill, by Hon. A. R. Boteler; Stonewall Jackson and his men, by Major H. Kyd Douglas; Stonewall Jackson's Valley campaign, by Colonel William Allan; The battle of Fleetwood, by Major H. B. McClellan; The Black horse cavalry, by Colonel John Scott; The burning of Chambersburg, by General John McCausland; The campaign in Pennsylvania, by Colonel W. H. Taylar; The career of General A. P. Hill, by Hon. William E. Cameron; The Dalton-Atlanta operations, by General Joseph E. Johnston; The exchange of prisoners, by Judge Robert Ould; The last Confederate surrender, by Lieutenant-General R. Taylor; The Mistakes of Gettysburg, by General James Longstreet; The morale of General Lee's army, by Rev. J. William Jones, D. D.; Torpedo service in Charleston Harbor, by General Beauregard; Van Dorn, the hero of Mississippi, by Major-General D. H. Manry; Vicksburg during the siege, by Edward S. Gregory. The list o
Morris Island (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.37
s fight at Cedar creek, by General A. B. Nettleton; The First attack on Fort Fisher, by Benson J. Lossing, Ll. D.; The First cavalry, by Captain James A. Stevenson; The First great crime of the war, by Major-General W. B. Franklin; The First iron-clad Monitor, by Hon. Gideon Welles; The First shot against the flag, by Major-General S. W. Crawford; The old Capitol prison, by Colonel N. T. Colby; The right flank at Gettysburg, by Colonel William Brooke-Rawle; The siege of Morris Island, by General W. W. H. Davis; The Union cavalry at Gettysburg, by Major-General D. McM. Gregg; The Union men of Maryland, by Hon. W. H. Purnell, Ll. D.; The war's carnival of Fraud, by Colonel Henry S. Olcott; Union view of exchange of prisoners, by General R. S. Northcott; War as a popular Educator, by John A. Wright. On the whole, it is a book worthy of a place in our libraries, and we hope that our friend Dr. George W. Bagby, the agent for Virginia, will meet with great
Atlanta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.37
ketches of the students of the University of Virginia. We are indebted to the publisher, Captain Joseph Van Holt Nash, late of Petersburg, Virginia, now of Atlanta, Georgia, for a copy of this valuable work. It was compiled by Professor Schele De Vere, with whom it was a labor of love to give to the work his untiring energy, tiarger part of the intelligence, education and moral worth of the South entered the Confederate army. The book can be had of Captain Joseph Van Holt Nash, of Atlanta, Georgia. The Southern Review for January, 1879, has been laid on our table by the new editor and proprietor, C. J. Griffith, Esq., Richmond, Virginia, by whom t by General John McCausland; The campaign in Pennsylvania, by Colonel W. H. Taylar; The career of General A. P. Hill, by Hon. William E. Cameron; The Dalton-Atlanta operations, by General Joseph E. Johnston; The exchange of prisoners, by Judge Robert Ould; The last Confederate surrender, by Lieutenant-General R. Taylor;
Charleston Harbor (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.37
ersburg, by General John McCausland; The campaign in Pennsylvania, by Colonel W. H. Taylar; The career of General A. P. Hill, by Hon. William E. Cameron; The Dalton-Atlanta operations, by General Joseph E. Johnston; The exchange of prisoners, by Judge Robert Ould; The last Confederate surrender, by Lieutenant-General R. Taylor; The Mistakes of Gettysburg, by General James Longstreet; The morale of General Lee's army, by Rev. J. William Jones, D. D.; Torpedo service in Charleston Harbor, by General Beauregard; Van Dorn, the hero of Mississippi, by Major-General D. H. Manry; Vicksburg during the siege, by Edward S. Gregory. The list of Federal contributions is as follows: Characteristics of the army, by H. V. Redfield; Death of General John H. Morgan, by H. V. Redfield; General Meade at Gettysburg, by Colonel James C. Biddle; General Reynolds' last battle, by Major Joseph G. Rosengarten; Gregg's cavalry at Gettysburg, by Major J. E. Carpenter; How
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