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Baffin's Bay (Texas, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america
Republican, March 4, 1873, to March 3, 1877. Ulysses S. Grant, Illinois, President. Henry Wilson, Massachusetts, Vice-President. Special session of Senate adjourns......March 26, 1873 White Star steamship Atlantic wrecked on Marr's Rock, off Nova Scotia; 547 lives lost......April 1, 1873 Massacre by Indians under Captain Jack of General Canby, in the lava-beds near Fort Klamath, Cal......April 11, 1873 Rescue of nineteen persons (late of the Polaris) from floating ice in Baffin's Bay, by the sealing-vessel Tigress, Captain Bartlett, of Conception Bay, Newfoundland......April 30, 1873 One-cent postal-cards issued by the United States government......May 1, 1873 National Cheap Transportation Association organized in New York......May 6, 1873 Chief-Justice Salmon P. Chase, born 1808, dies at New York City......May 7, 1873 Oakes Ames, member of Congress from Massachusetts, the father of the Credit Mobilier, born 1804, dies......May 8, 1873 President's procl
Venice (Ohio, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america
llorsville, Va.......May 2-4, 1863 [ Stonewall Jackson (Confederate general) mortally wounded on the 2d, dies on the 10th.] Grand Gulf, below Vicksburg, abandoned by the Confederates......May 3, 1863 Clement L. Vallandigham arrested at Dayton, O., for treasonable utterances, by orders from General Burnside......May 4, 1863 General Hooker recrosses the Rappahannock......May 5, 1863 General Grant occupies Jackson, Miss.......May 14, 1863 C. L. Vallandigham convicted by courtmartiefore the result was announced. First ballot for Vice-President, Andrew Johnson 200, D. S. Dickinson 108, H. Hamlin 150, scattering 61; after many changes the vote was announced: Johnson 494, Dickinson 17, Hamlin 9.] Vallandigham returns to Dayton, O., from Canada......June 15, 1864 General assault of Federals on Petersburg, Va......June 16-18, 1864 Confederate cruiser Alabama fights the United States ship Kearsarge off Cherbourg, France, and surrenders in a sinking condition......June
Riga (North Dakota, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america
the committee, which, taken up and debated, April 4, passes the House, 179 to 43, 107 not voting. Senate and House not able to agree, a conference is held and a bill presented, which passes the House, May 3, and the Senate, May 4, and approved......May 5, 1892 Bering Sea arbitration treaty ratified......May 9, 1892 Act to encourage American shipping approved......May 10, 1892 Steamer Conemaugh sent from New York and Philadelphia with provisions for the starving Russians, arrives at Riga......May 12, 1892 Spain removes restrictions on American pork......May 22, 1892 Senator Stewart's bill for free coinage of silver taken up by the Senate......May 26, 1892 Provision for closing the World's Fair government exhibit on Sundays adopted by the House of Representatives......May 26, 1892 James G. Blaine, Secretary of State, resigns......June 4, 1892 Dam at Spartansburg, Pa., bursts, causing a flood and the breaking of tanks of gasoline, which ignites on Oil Creek betwe
Lexington, Lafayette County (Missouri, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america
rtial law in Missouri, with freedom to the slaves of active rebels......Aug. 31, 1861 [This act was disapproved by the President.] General Grant assumes command of southeastern Missouri......Sept. 1, 1861 Advance of the Confederates into Kentucky, and capture of Columbus......Sept. 3-12, 1861 Paducah, Ky., occupied by General Grant......Sept. 6, 1861 Gen. George H. Thomas assigned to command at camp Dick Robinson, east Kentucky......Sept. 10, 1861 Siege and surrender of Lexington, Mo........Sept. 11-20, 1861 Bowling Green, Ky., occupied by the Confederates......Sept. 18, 1861 Gen. O. M. Mitchel assumes command of the Department of the Ohio......Sept. 21, 1861 Gen. William T. Sherman supersedes General Anderson in the Department of the Cumberland......Oct. 8, 1861 Gen. O. M. Mitchel organizes an expedition for the occupation of east Tennessee......Oct. 10, 1861 James M. Mason, of Virginia, John Slidell, of Louisiana, Confederate envoys to Great Britain
Yucatan (Yucatan, Mexico) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america
......May 20, 1506 Juan Diaz de Solis and Vicente Yañez Pinzon are on the southeast coast of Yucatan......1506 [De Cordova, 1517; Grijalva, 1518; Cortez, 1519.] Waldseemuller's or the Admiraasco Nuñez Balboa executed at Darien......1517 Grijalva at Cozumel and Vera Cruz, penetrates Yucatan and names it New Spain......1518 Hernando Cortez sails from Cuba to conquer Mexico......Feb.stine, Brazil, Jan. 20, 1500, and the mouth of the Amazon, Jan. 26. Explores the east coast of Yucatan......1506 The western continent is named for him by Martin Waldseemuller, a German geographerdova, Francisco Fernandez de, died in Cuba in 1518; discovers Mexico and explores the coast of Yucatan......1517 Grijalva, Juan de, born in Spain; died in Nicaragua, Jan. 21, 1527. Explores YucaYucatan and hears of Mexico and Montezuma......1518 Cortez, Hernando, Spanish adventurer, born in Spain in 1485; died in Spain, Dec. 2, 1547; conqueror of Mexico......1519-21 Magellan, Fernando, Po
Brownsville (Utah, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america
ndiana, New York, New Hampshire, Nevada, Vermont, Virginia, Alabama, Missouri, Mississippi, Ohio, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Rhode Island, Nebraska, Texas......March 30, 1870 Mass-meeting of Mormons at Salt Lake City protest against interference by Congress with polygamy......April 5, 1870 American Anti-slavery Society, after an existence of thirty-seven years, is dissolved......April 9, 1870 Point of junction of Union and Central Pacific railroads fixed northwest of the station at Ogden, Utah, by act......May 6, 1870 Proclamation by President against Fenian invasion of Canada......May 24, 1870 Fenian army of 500 invade Canada from Fairfield, Vt., and are driven back......May 25-27, 1870 Act to enforce the right to vote under the Fifteenth Amendment......May 31, 1870 Attorney-General Hoar resigns......June 15, 1870 United States Department of Justice organized by act......June 22, 1870 Treaty to annex Dominican Republic and lease bay and peninsula of Samana co
Fort Jackson (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america
d forced to retire......Jan. 9, 1861 Ordinance of secession of Mississippi adopted in convention, 84 to 15......Jan. 9, 1861 Fort Johnston seized by citizens of Smithville, N. C.......Jan. 9, 1861 Fort Caswell seized by citizens of Smithville and Wilmington, N. C.......Jan. 10, 1861 Ordinance of secession of Florida adopted in convention, 62 to 7......Jan. 10, 1861 United States arsenal and barracks at Baton Rouge, La., seized by Louisiana State troops......Jan. 10, 1861 Fort Jackson and Fort Philips, below New Orleans, seized by Louisiana State troops......Jan. 11, 1861 Ordinance of secession of Alabama adopted in convention, 61 to 39......Jan. 11, 1861 Florida demands the surrender of Fort Pickens, at the entrance of Pensacola Bay, Florida, with the garrison of eighty-one men, under Lieutenant Slemmer; refused......Jan. 12, 1861 Fort Taylor, Key West, garrisoned by United States troops......Jan. 14, 1861 Ordinance of secession of Georgia adopted in conve
Denver (Colorado, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america
fix on a common prime meridian for the world......Aug. 3, 1882 First session adjourns......Aug. 8, 1882 National mining and industrial exposition held at Denver, Col.......August, 1882 Verdict in star-route case: Peck and Turner not guilty; Miner and Rerdell guilty; jury disagree on the others......Sept. 11, 1882 Engi-Admiral McCann given command of the American vessels in the South Pacific......May 17, 1891 Trans-Mississippi commercial congress (1,200 delgates) opens at Denver, Col.......May 19, 1891 People's party organized at the National Union conference (1,418 delegates from thirty-two States) at Cincinnati, O.......May 19, 1891 .....July 5, 1893 Justice Blatchford, of the Supreme Court, born March 9, 1820, dies at Newport, R. I.......July 7, 1893 Colorado Silver Convention opens in Denver, and issues an appeal to the people of the United States......July 11, 1893 First convention of the National Bimetallic League in Chicago......Aug. 1, 1893
Tennessee River (United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america
on laid......Aug. 24, 1818 Indians of Ohio cede their remaining lands (about 4,000,000 acres), mostly in the Maumee Valley......Sept. 27, 1818 Chickasaw Indians cede all land between the Mississippi River and the northern course of the Tennessee River......1818 Treaty with England made......Oct. 20, 1818 Second session convenes......Nov. 16, 1818 Illinois admitted (the twenty-first State)......Dec. 3, 1818 Memorial from the Territory of Missouri, asking permission to frame a S...Aug. 11, 1862 Army of the Potomac evacuates Harrison's Landing......Aug. 16, 1862 Sioux Indians attack the frontier settlements of Minnesota......Aug. 19, 1862 Confederates, under Gen. Braxton Bragg, invade Kentucky, crossing the Tennessee River at Harrison above Chattanooga......Aug. 21-24, 1862 Secretary of War directs the military governor of the coast islands of South Carolina to enlist 5,000 volunteers of African descent......Aug. 25, 1862 [The first permission by the gov
Oklahoma (Oklahoma, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america
ia, Hawaii, Indian Territory, New Mexico, and Oklahoma) with the Philippine Islands, Porto Rico, Guaited States changed......June 28, 1834 Indian Territory established by Congress......June 30, 183squatters from Missouri and Texas settling in Oklahoma......April 26, 1879 Army appropriation bill vamation of President to prevent settlement of Oklahoma......Feb. 12, 1880 Ferdinand de Lesseps baby President warning persons not to settle on Oklahoma lands......July 1, 1884 General West accep884 Capt. David L. Payne, famous leader of Oklahoma boomers, dies at Wellington, Kan......Nov. 29rning persons against attempting to settle on Oklahoma lands......March 13, 1885 United States goof special thanksgiving......April 4, 1889 Oklahoma, by proclamation of President, March 23, 1889ning outbreak on the Choctaw reservation, Indian Territory, between rival Indian factions, results i7,000......Sept. 14, 1893 Cherokee outlet, Oklahoma, opened to settlement under proclamation of t[6 more...]
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