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G. T. Beauregard 2,953 73 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865.

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Zollicoffer (search for this): chapter 16
weather. But Colonel Pryor, notwithstanding the objections raised against the purpose of his mission, represented that General Beauregard's presence in the West was necessary to revive public confidence, then very much shaken by the defeat of Zollicoffer's command at Mill Spring, in eastern Kentucky, and that it would impart activity and efficiency to our operations. He also made a statement—the truth of which, he said, was vouched for by the Acting Secretary of War, Mr. Benjamin—that the eff which insured, in the future, complete harmony and effectual co-operation between them. At General Beauregard's request, he made a succinct review of the situation in his department, and showed much anxiety when referring to the effects of Zollicoffer's late disaster at Mill Spring. General Buell had advanced his forces, numbering from seventyfive to eighty thousand men, to within forty miles of Bowling Green, at Bacon Creek, on the Louisville and Nashville Railroad; General Grant was at Ca
William Gourdin Young (search for this): chapter 27
as raised, when the firing ceased entirely. Upon the arrival of my aids at Fort Sumter they delivered their message to Major Anderson, who replied that he thanked General Beauregard for his offer, but desired no assistance. Just previous to their arrival at the fort, Colonel Wigfall, one of my volunteer aids, who had been detached for special duty on Morris Island, had, by order of Brigadier-General Simons, crossed over to Fort Sumter from Cummings's Point in an open boat, with private William Gourdin Young, amid a heavy fire of shots and shells, for the purpose of ascertaining from Major Anderson whether his intention was to surrender, his flag being down and his quarters in flames. On reaching the fort the colonel had an interview with Major Anderson, the result of which was that Major Anderson understood him as offering the same conditions on the part of General Beauregard as had been tendered to him on the 11th instant, while Colonel Wigfall's impression was that Major Anderson
Clement Young (search for this): chapter 27
ackson, Tenn., March 8th, 1862. S. Cooper, Adj. and I. Genl., Richmond: Will Major Brent be sent me or not? I need him hourly. My Quartermaster is a Captain Clement Young. He ought to be made a major; a common grade in that department here, I find. G. T. Beauregard. Unofficial. Jackson, Tenn., March 8th, 1862. Genl. S.not be spared from Mobile. S. Cooper, A. and I. Genl. Richmond, March 10th, 1862. To Genl. Beauregard: Major Brent has been ordered to report to you. Captain Clement Young is appointed assistant quartermaster, July 19th; not having given the bond required by law, he was, with several other disbursing officers, similarly situae Mississippi, Jackson, Tenn., March 8th, 1862. Dear Sir,—I am happy to hear, through the letter of your Adjutant-General, dated March 6th, and addressed to Captain Young, of my staff, that during the coming week a considerable number of your state troops will begin to assemble at Henderson. But permit me to suggest that instea
Gregg's regiment, and from both the German and the Columbia Artillery, under Colonel Lamar, Major Warley, and Captains Huger, Nohrden, and Green. Sullivan's Island was under Brigadier-General R. G. M. Dunovant; and the command of all its batteries had been assigned to Lieutenant-Colonel Ripley, of the First Artillery Battalion. Captain Ransom Calhoun was stationed at Fort Moultrie, and Captain Hallonquist at the Enfilade or masked battery. They were assisted by Lieutenants Wagner, Rhett, Yates, Valentine, Mitchel, and Parker. Captain Butler was on duty at the mortar battery, east of Fort Moultrie. Captain J. R. Hamilton commanded his own floating battery and the Dahlgren gun. Captain Martin was at the Mount Pleasant mortars; Captain George S. Thomas at Fort Johnson; and Castle Pinckney had been placed under the charge of an officer whose name we have not been able to procure. A few days previous to the bombardment, the general commanding had announced, in general orders, the na
e commander since January last, in commending in the highest terms his sagacity, experience, and unflagging zeal. I would also mention in the highest terms of praise Captains Calhoun and Hallonquist, assistant commandants of batteries to Colonel Ripley, and the following commanders of batteries on Sullivan's Island: Captain J. R. Hamilton, commanding the floating battery and Dahlgren gun; Captains Butler, S. C. A., and Bruns, aide-de-camp to General Dunovant; and Lieutenants Wagner, Rhett, Yates, Valentine, and Parker. To Lieutenant-Colonel W. G. De Sanssure, 2d Artillery Battalion, commandant of batteries on Morris Island, too much praise cannot be given. He displayed the most untiring energy; and his judicious arrangements, in the good management of his batteries, contributed much to the reduction of Fort Sumter. To Major Stevens, of the Citadel Academy, in charge of the Cummings's Point batteries, I feel much indebted for his valuable and scientific assistance and the effi
W. L. Yancey (search for this): chapter 26
ssed desire of General Beauregard, ere he be definitely assigned to any position. Understanding that the assignment of General Beauregard to Charleston has been pressed upon the government by the Governor and Council of South Carolina, we tender herewith the names of the representatives of that State, as expressive of their assent to our petition. It is but justice to General Beauregard to say that this step is taken without his knowledge or consent. Ed. Sparrow,La. T. J. Semmes, W. L. Yancey,Ala. L. C. Haynes,Tenn. H. C. Burnet,Ky. J. B. Clark,Mo. —Peyton, G. A. Henry,Tenn. L. T. Wigfall,Texas. —Mences, C. W. Bell,Mo. C. J. Villere,La. G. D. Royston,Ark. J. M. Elliott,Ky. David Clopton,Ark. G. W. Ewing,Ky. W. N. Cooke,Mo. F. S. Lyon,Ala. J. Perkins, Jr.,La. C. M. Conrad, J. Wilcox,Texas. P. W. Gray, T. B. Cexton, J. C. Atkins,Tenn. W. G. Swan, H. S. Foote, T. B. Handle,Ark. H. W. Bruce,Ky. R. J. Breckinridge, W. R. Smith,Ala. E. L. Gardenshire,Tenn
M. J. Wright (search for this): chapter 27
have requested General Bragg to furnish you with all necessary instructions. I remain, yours very truly, G. T. Beauregard, Genl. C. S. A. Brig.-Genl. Daniel Ruggles, Comdg. at Corinth, Miss. Jackson, Tenn., March 7th, 1862. S. Cooper, Adj. and I. Genl., Richmond: I know no one here to recommend. Bragg recommends Ruggles and Sam. Jones for major-generals; Colonels Slaughter, Villepigue, and Shepard for brigadiers. Polk recommends Colonels E. W. Gantt, M. L. Walker, Lieutenant-Colonel M. J. Wright. There is no cavalry colonel here to recommend. I consider Ransom indispensable. He should be sent at once. G. T. Beauregard. Jackson, Tenn., March 8th, 1862. S. Cooper, Adj. and I. Genl., Richmond: Please order forthwith, to join me as Chief Commissary, Colonel Lee or Major Williams. No officers here to select from. G. T. Beauregard. Jackson, Tenn., March 8th, 1862. S. Cooper, Adj. and I. Genl., Richmond: Will Major Brent be sent me or not? I need him hourly.
H. R. Wright (search for this): chapter 21
Appendix. Here General Ruggles's division, of General Bragg's corps, the second line of attack, had come into position on General Hardee's left, and was ready to grapple with General Sherman, who, supported now by all of McClernand's division and Wright's regiment of Wallace's second brigade, Colonel Wright's Report, Rebellion Record, p. 370. was endeavoring to cling to the position of Shiloh. The severity of the contest, thus far, was attested by the large number of wounded found on the wColonel Wright's Report, Rebellion Record, p. 370. was endeavoring to cling to the position of Shiloh. The severity of the contest, thus far, was attested by the large number of wounded found on the way. A great many stragglers were also met, whom General Beauregard's staff Reports of General Beauregard's Staff, in Appendix. and escort present were at once employed in reorganizing and leading forward to their regiments. As General Ruggles's division, the left of General Bragg's line, was inclining to the right before making its direct movement forward, an interval occurred between the leading brigade, Gibson's, and its two other brigades, Anderson's and Pond's. General Bragg's Report,
H. R. Wright (search for this): chapter 26
Bruce,Ky. R. J. Breckinridge, W. R. Smith,Ala. E. L. Gardenshire,Tenn. J. W. Moore,Ky. D. F. Kenner,La. L. C. Dupre, E. S. Dargan,Ala. F. J. Batson,Ark. J. B. Heiskell,Tenn. G. B. Hodge, Ky. T. A. Harris,Mo. H. E. Reid, C. C. Herbert,Texas. Wm. H. Tibbs,Tenn. F. J. Foster,Ala. J. L. M. Curry,Ala. E. M. Bruce,Ky. A. W. Conrow,Mo. A. H. Garland,Ark. F. W. Freeman, G. G. Vest, Mo. Wm. Porcher Miles,S. C. J. D. Crocket,Ky. M. L. Bonham, W. R. Machen, W. W. Boyce, H. R. Wright,Ga. F. Farrow, M. D. Graham,Texas. J. McQueen, D. M. Currin,Tenn. A true copy. Charles J. Villere, Representative in Congress. President Davis's answer to this earnest appeal, supported by such an imposing array of representative names, was truly characteristic. The reader will judge of it after reading the following paper: Notes of an Interview with the President relative to Transferring General Beauregard to the Command of Department No. 2. Richmond, September
Thomas Worthington (search for this): chapter 20
river, in three lines of encampments, as already stated. General Sherman, in his sworn testimony before a courtmar-tial which, in August, 1862, tried Colonel Thomas Worthington of the 46th Ohio Volunteers, for severely criticising his management before the battle of Shiloh, said, of the position occupied by the Federals: But evn away, held their ground against sixty thousand chosen troops of the South with their best leaders. On Friday, the 4th, no officers nor soldiers, not even Colonel Worthington, looked for an attack, as I can prove. It is somewhat strange that General Sherman, in his Memoirs, should maintain that the Federal forces engaged in the battle of Shiloh numbered only thirty-two thousand men of all arms, when, four months after that event, he stated, under oath, at the trial of Colonel Worthington, that they amounted to fortythree thousand men, exclusive, be it remembered, of Lew. Wallace's division of about eight thousand men, on the northwest side of Owl Creek.
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