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John A. Andrew (search for this): chapter 36
, that made the walls shake. It was one of the proudest moments in the history of the Nineteenth, and of Col. Devereux, too, as it had been through his untiring efforts that the regiment had reached such perfection in the manual of arms. Governor Andrew was unable to be present, but Adjutant General Schouler welcomed the boys home in his behalf. Mayor Lincoln made a speech brim full of praise, saying among other things: You have sustained the old flag with unflinching bravery and our hearts have beat with pride as we have heard of your exploits. You are to go again into the field, to gain new laurels and perform still more brilliant achievements. General Edward W. Hinks, who had been appointed by Governor Andrew as a special aide on his staff at the reception to the Nineteenth Massachusetts, and Colonel Devereux also spoke. At two o'clock the regiment started for Salem, via the Eastern Railroad. At every station on the road, booming guns, ringing bells cheering, and joyous
William Schouler (search for this): chapter 36
struck the floor at once. There was not one of them out of time and then a smile of satisfaction wrinkled the colonel's face and a cheer of approval went up from the audience, which packed the hall, that made the walls shake. It was one of the proudest moments in the history of the Nineteenth, and of Col. Devereux, too, as it had been through his untiring efforts that the regiment had reached such perfection in the manual of arms. Governor Andrew was unable to be present, but Adjutant General Schouler welcomed the boys home in his behalf. Mayor Lincoln made a speech brim full of praise, saying among other things: You have sustained the old flag with unflinching bravery and our hearts have beat with pride as we have heard of your exploits. You are to go again into the field, to gain new laurels and perform still more brilliant achievements. General Edward W. Hinks, who had been appointed by Governor Andrew as a special aide on his staff at the reception to the Nineteenth Massa
A. F. Devereux (search for this): chapter 36
ision, which retained its number as Second Division, Second Corps,—the Third Brigade, of which the Nineteenth Massachusetts formed a part, was consolidated with the First, under General Alexander A. Webb, who had previously commanded the Second Brigade. And thus made up, the brigade consisted of the Fifteenth, Nineteenth and Twentieth Massachusetts, Nineteenth Maine, Forty Second, Fifty Ninth and Eighty Second New York and Seventh Michigan regiments, with the Andrew Sharpshooters. Colonel Devereux having resigned, in regular order, Lieut. Col. Wass, Major Rice and Capt. Moncena Dunn, were promoted, dating from February 2nd. Second Lieut. Wm. A. McGinnis was made First Lieutenant in Company K, vice Hill promoted Captain. The month of April was spent in perfecting the discipline of the regiment and preparing it for the sterner duties of the campaign Recruits to the number of 52 were received during the month, and Horace Hastings, musician in Co. E re-enlisted. The stern dutie
Charles M. Merritt (search for this): chapter 36
appointed from Co. C. March 13th, vice Hill appointed Captain, March 12th. Co. C.First Lieut. Elisha A. Hinks in command Co. C. Second Lieut. Joseph W. Snellen, in command Co. B.—First Lieut. Hale and Lieut. Barrows on detached service. Co. D.First Lieut. Moncena Dunn on detached service, recruiting in Massachusetts. Second Lieut. David T. Chubbuck in command of company. Co. E.Capt. Wm. L. Palmer on detached service. Second Lieut. E. Ia. Hall, Jr. in command of company. Co. F.Capt. C. M. Merritt, on detached service. First Lieut. John J. Ferris, in command of company. Co. G.Captain Dudley C. Mumford, on detached service, recruiting in Massachusetts. First Lieut. John B. Thompson, in command of Co. K. Co. H.Capt. J. G. C. Dodge, on detached service at volunteer camp, Readville, Mass. Co. I.Capt. William A. Hill, on detached service in Massachusetts. First Lieut. J. G. B. Adams in command of company. Co. K.Captain Lysander J. Hume, absent. First Lieut. William R. Driver
John G. B. Adams (search for this): chapter 36
t. Wm. L. Palmer on detached service. Second Lieut. E. Ia. Hall, Jr. in command of company. Co. F.Capt. C. M. Merritt, on detached service. First Lieut. John J. Ferris, in command of company. Co. G.Captain Dudley C. Mumford, on detached service, recruiting in Massachusetts. First Lieut. John B. Thompson, in command of Co. K. Co. H.Capt. J. G. C. Dodge, on detached service at volunteer camp, Readville, Mass. Co. I.Capt. William A. Hill, on detached service in Massachusetts. First Lieut. J. G. B. Adams in command of company. Co. K.Captain Lysander J. Hume, absent. First Lieut. William R. Driver, on detached service, A. A. A. G. draft rendezvous, Grand Rapids, Mich. Loss: Colonel A. F. Devereux, discharged by resignation, March 4th, 1864. gain: Recruits from depot, March 23 to March 27,—26. As the time for opening the spring campaign approached the re-organization of the Army of the Potomac into three corps caused many changes in divisions and brigades. In th
Norman J. Hall (search for this): chapter 36
setts. Regt. Quartermaster Wm. M. Curtis, appointed from Co. C. March 13th, vice Hill appointed Captain, March 12th. Co. C.First Lieut. Elisha A. Hinks in command Co. C. Second Lieut. Joseph W. Snellen, in command Co. B.—First Lieut. Hale and Lieut. Barrows on detached service. Co. D.First Lieut. Moncena Dunn on detached service, recruiting in Massachusetts. Second Lieut. David T. Chubbuck in command of company. Co. E.Capt. Wm. L. Palmer on detached service. Second Lieut. E. Ia. Hall, Jr. in command of company. Co. F.Capt. C. M. Merritt, on detached service. First Lieut. John J. Ferris, in command of company. Co. G.Captain Dudley C. Mumford, on detached service, recruiting in Massachusetts. First Lieut. John B. Thompson, in command of Co. K. Co. H.Capt. J. G. C. Dodge, on detached service at volunteer camp, Readville, Mass. Co. I.Capt. William A. Hill, on detached service in Massachusetts. First Lieut. J. G. B. Adams in command of company. Co. K.Captain Lysander J.
David T. Chubbuck (search for this): chapter 36
h 31, 1864, shows the following record: Lieut. Col. Ansel D. Wass, on detached service. recruiting in Massachusetts. Regt. Quartermaster Wm. M. Curtis, appointed from Co. C. March 13th, vice Hill appointed Captain, March 12th. Co. C.First Lieut. Elisha A. Hinks in command Co. C. Second Lieut. Joseph W. Snellen, in command Co. B.—First Lieut. Hale and Lieut. Barrows on detached service. Co. D.First Lieut. Moncena Dunn on detached service, recruiting in Massachusetts. Second Lieut. David T. Chubbuck in command of company. Co. E.Capt. Wm. L. Palmer on detached service. Second Lieut. E. Ia. Hall, Jr. in command of company. Co. F.Capt. C. M. Merritt, on detached service. First Lieut. John J. Ferris, in command of company. Co. G.Captain Dudley C. Mumford, on detached service, recruiting in Massachusetts. First Lieut. John B. Thompson, in command of Co. K. Co. H.Capt. J. G. C. Dodge, on detached service at volunteer camp, Readville, Mass. Co. I.Capt. William A. Hill, on
on April 22, when Lieutenant General Grant, with other general officers, reviewed the Second Army Corps. After the general review, the Nineteenth Massachusetts, under Lieut. Col. Rice, and the Twentieth Massachusetts under Major H. L. Abbott, were selected by Major General Hancock to drill at Headquarters, Second Division, in the presence of the commander-in-chief. The many generals present, including Lieut. Gen. Grant, and Generals Meade, Hancock, Humphreys, Warren, Sedgwick, Gibbon and Sheridan, expressed much satisfaction with the admirable discipline and perfect construction of both regiments. After the Nineteenth Massachusetts had been drilled in the manual, the Twentieth Massachusetts gave an exhibition drill in fancy batallion movements in heavy marching order. General Meade said that in all the years of his service in the regular army he had never seen the proficiency of the Nineteenth Massachusetts regiment in the manual of arms equalled. After the drill General Grant
John Gibbon (search for this): chapter 36
ning the spring campaign approached the re-organization of the Army of the Potomac into three corps caused many changes in divisions and brigades. In the case of Gibbon's Division, which retained its number as Second Division, Second Corps,—the Third Brigade, of which the Nineteenth Massachusetts formed a part, was consolidated wion, in the presence of the commander-in-chief. The many generals present, including Lieut. Gen. Grant, and Generals Meade, Hancock, Humphreys, Warren, Sedgwick, Gibbon and Sheridan, expressed much satisfaction with the admirable discipline and perfect construction of both regiments. After the Nineteenth Massachusetts had beenular army he had never seen the proficiency of the Nineteenth Massachusetts regiment in the manual of arms equalled. After the drill General Grant dined with General Gibbon, the division commander. The day had been perfect, but the parade ground was very rough. After these events the monotonous life of the camp was not broken
John B. Thompson (search for this): chapter 36
rst Lieut. Hale and Lieut. Barrows on detached service. Co. D.First Lieut. Moncena Dunn on detached service, recruiting in Massachusetts. Second Lieut. David T. Chubbuck in command of company. Co. E.Capt. Wm. L. Palmer on detached service. Second Lieut. E. Ia. Hall, Jr. in command of company. Co. F.Capt. C. M. Merritt, on detached service. First Lieut. John J. Ferris, in command of company. Co. G.Captain Dudley C. Mumford, on detached service, recruiting in Massachusetts. First Lieut. John B. Thompson, in command of Co. K. Co. H.Capt. J. G. C. Dodge, on detached service at volunteer camp, Readville, Mass. Co. I.Capt. William A. Hill, on detached service in Massachusetts. First Lieut. J. G. B. Adams in command of company. Co. K.Captain Lysander J. Hume, absent. First Lieut. William R. Driver, on detached service, A. A. A. G. draft rendezvous, Grand Rapids, Mich. Loss: Colonel A. F. Devereux, discharged by resignation, March 4th, 1864. gain: Recruits from dep
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