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Jackson (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
this operation, and detail the manner of its execution. IV. Jackson's flank march—Saturday. False as was the situation in which then sight of that point. Now, it happened that the road along which Jackson's column was filing there bends somewhat southward, so that, thouginsinuates that he was all the time aware of the true character of Jackson's move, and that he made adequate preparations to meet a flank att messenger who conveyed to him the tidings, added that it had been Jackson's intent, had he been spared, to have pressed the enemy on Sunday.n Ex-Cadet, p. 185. Stuart had succeeded for the time being to Jackson's command, and forming the corps in three lines, he advanced it ate movement he had made on Saturday afternoon to attack the rear of Jackson's corps, reached a position on the right flank of that corps; but of his force, he on Saturday morning set on foot the execution of Jackson's flank march to attack the Union right. This is an operation usu
Chancellorsville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
cksburg) should pass round Lee's flank to Chancellorsville; while he resolved to mask this turning oo by the departure of the First Corps for Chancellorsville, and not a stratagem. Of course, in thisfore he should be able, by advancing from Chancellorsville, to seize the direct Confederate communice of some elevation, perfectly commanding Chancellorsville, out of the Wilderness, and giving the dehe commanding general to withdraw back to Chancellorsville. With mingled amazement and incredulity,tively severed Sedgwick from the force at Chancellorsville, and made a junction possible only on onee three-quarters of a mile to the rear of Chancellorsville, towards the river, and covering the roahrough Fredericksburg and proceed towards Chancellorsville to unite with the main body. This commanrepulsed by General Early.—Lee: Report of Chancellorsville, p. 11. Gibbon's division, on the right oay morning Hooker had been driven back at Chancellorsville. Moreover, the operations ending in the [71 more...]
Two Bridges (Utah, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
the river in the vicinity of Fredericksburg for the purpose of making a direct demonstration. Accordingly, before dawn of the 29th, while the flanking force was passing the Rappahannock thirty miles above, ponton-boats, borne noiselessly on men's shoulders, were launched three miles below the town, near the point at which Franklin had made his crossing on the occasion of the battle of Fredericksburg. In these a party passed to the south bank, capturing the small force in observation. Two bridges were then constructed, and two divisions thrown across. This menace immediately engaged the attention of the Confederates, who promptly began intrenching their entire front, as fearing a direct attack. There was much in what was visible to the Confederates of Sedgwick's operation to inspire them with the belief that Hooker was preparing his main attack at that point; and an accidental circumstance, the details of which are given below, tended greatly to confirm this impression. Being
Marye's Heights (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
sville, p. 11. Gibbon's division, on the right of Sedgwick, then essayed to move round the left of the Confederate position; but this was foiled by the canal covering that entire flank. A partial attack in front was not more successful. Every action has these periods of prelude, from which the proper course at length discloses itself. That which now presented itself as best suited to the circumstances, and promising the best results, was to form a powerful assaulting column and carry Marye's Heights by storm. The preliminary endeavors and the preparations for attack had consumed considerable time, and it was towards eleven o'clock when it began. Two columns were formed from Newton's division—the right column of four regiments, and the left column of two regiments—and on the left of this a line of battle of four regiments was thrown out. The columns moved on the plankroad and to the right of it directly up the heights. The line of battle advanced on the left of the road on the
Boliver (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
hich twenty-four of the enemy were captured, Averill pushed forward, driving the enemy before him for four miles south of the river, when he became engaged with the Confederate cavalry brigade of Fitz Hugh Lee. A very brilliant passage at arms here ensued, both sides repeatedly charging with the sabre. Nothing decisive resulted; but the Union cavalry were much encouraged by the exploit. Averill's loss was eighty-four; that of the Confederates one hundred and seventy.—Fitz Lee: Report of Kelleysville. These things proved General Hooker to be an able administrative officer, but they did not prove him to be a competent commander for a great army; and whatever anticipation might be formed touching this had to be drawn from his previous career as a corps-commander, in which he had won the reputation of being what is called a dashing officer, and earned the sobriquet of Fighting Joe. He had gained a great popularity both in the army and throughout the country—a result to which his fin
Jackson County (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
nd now the constantly arriving forces of the Confederates began to overlap both his flanks. Hancock's division, however, had moved up to Sykes' support, and, under cover of his line, Sykes was retired, and then Hancock also withdrew, and the enemy followed up, skirmishing, closing, and firing artillery from the crest, which Sykes had been ordered to abandon. Hancock: Report of Chancellorsville. The force that had been met in this series of simultaneous reconnoissances was the van of Jackson's command, which, on the disclosure to Lee of the real character of Hooker's move, had been recalled from the direction of Fredericksburg, and after marching all Thursday night and Friday morning, had just arrived on the ground. On finding the Union force returning from its advance, Lee pushed forward the heads of his columns rapidly and deployed in front of Hooker's position at Chancellorsville. Hooker disposed his line of battle, running east and west, along the Fredericksburg and Ora
Dennis (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
lf on Sedgwick's rear, he judged adequate to the work. While, therefore, this force was countermarching from Chancellorsville towards Fredericksburg, Sedgwick was advancing from Fredericksburg towards Chancellorsville; and it happened that the heads of the columns came together just about midway—at Salem Heights, near the junction of the plankroad and the turnpike. It was now towards four o'clock in the afternoon. One of the Confederate brigades, under Wilcox, already held the crest at Salem Chapel, and McLaws was proceeding to form his brigades on his right and left; but Sedgwick threw forward Brooks' division, supporting it with Newton's division on the right, and, advancing, gained the crest after a sharp conflict. Sedgwick's Report. This was a momentary triumph, for he was soon pushed slowly back through the woods. The falling back was covered, and the advance of the enemy checked by the excellent firing of the batteries under Colonel Tompkins. The advance of the enemy was
Mine Run (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
e, it was because the Union commander allowed him so to do; and this voluntary act on the part of the latter devolves upon him the responsibility for all the consequences flowing therefrom. Chancellorsville, where Hooker had drawn up his forces, lies ten miles west and south of Fredericksburg, with which it is connected by two excellent roads—the one macadamized, the other planked. It stands in the midst of a region extending for several miles south of the Rapidan and westward as far as Mine Run, localized, in common parlance, as the Wilderness—a region covered with dense woods and thickets of black-jack oak and scrub-pines, and than which it is impossible to conceive a field more unfavorable for the movements of a grand army. But, advancing from Chancellorsville towards Fredericksburg, the country becomes more open and clear as you approach the latter place, and affords a fine field for the use of all arms. Now, there is evidence that General Hooker did not originally design t
Fredericksburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
to Kelly's Ford (twenty-seven miles above Fredericksburg) should pass round Lee's flank to Chancell. The enemy in our front [Sedgwick], near Fredericksburg, continued inactive; and it was now appared the rest of his divisions, recalled from Fredericksburg, and from far below Fredericksburg, were p debouche into the open country in rear of Fredericksburg, while the left column had practically unc put himself in motion immediately, occupy Fredericksburg, seize its heights, gain the plankroad fro arrested by tidings of great purport from Fredericksburg. Our preparations were just completed, whank of the Rappahannock, three miles below Fredericksburg. He immediately put his corps in motion bntermarching from Chancellorsville towards Fredericksburg, Sedgwick was advancing from FredericksburFredericksburg towards Chancellorsville; and it happened that the heads of the columns came together just about my miles. All the enemy between, Hooker and Fredericksburg was a mere handful of a division. Then di[33 more...]
Fontenoy (Wisconsin, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
erate defensive line, with Lee's forces scattered down the Rappahannock, a distance of five-and-twenty miles. All the enemy between, Hooker and Fredericksburg was a mere handful of a division. Then did Hooker grasp the initiative. Then was the moment, if ever moment were, for vigorous impulse and fiery action, before his opponent should recover himself. By what prompting of chivalrous generosity, rare in war—and eclipsing forever the conduct of the commander of the English Guards, who at Fontenoy insisted on the French delivering the first fire—was it that in this situation he voluntarily resigned all the advantage of the surprise, and allowed Lee forty-eight hours to concentrate against him? 2. That delay at Chancellorsville from Thursday afternoon till Saturday afternoon undid all that had been accomplished. It is true that the Wilderness is a region unfavorable for manoeuvring a large army; but it was as bad for Lee as for Hooker, and the latter is estopped from availing him
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