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Norfolk (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
Elizabeth River, nearly opposite the town of Norfolk, and nine miles above Sewall's Point, where tevery hour of delay. Troops were thrown into Norfolk in considerable numbers, and batteries were ebeen directed by the Department to proceed to Norfolk with the Pawnee, then lying at Washington, ank in the evening, the Pawnee came in sight of Norfolk. The Cumberland was lying off the Yard, and eing carried on, not at Hampton Roads, but at Norfolk and Brooklyn, and the victory was to depend nanoke, was now completed and in commission at Norfolk, under her new name of the Virginia. She wascontinuing the fight, the Merrimac steamed to Norfolk. Jones gives as his reason for returning thaared—he could do the same again, and go up to Norfolk at his leisure. If, however, his injuries wewas compelled to lose no time in returning to Norfolk, it would seem that instead of his having defry operations would compel the abandonment of Norfolk, and consultations were held by the military [8 more...]
Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
e in the Roads, its nearness to Washington, and the protection afforded by Fortress Monroe made it a convenient naval rendezvous; and for this reason it seems to hav to Hampton Roads. The Pawnee left Washington on Friday, and arrived at Fortress Monroe on the afternoon of Saturday. Here she took on board Captain Wright of thRoanoke. The force consisted of the Roanoke and the Minnesota, lying near Fortress Monroe, and two sailing-vessels, the Congress and the Cumberland, at anchor off Nd Cape Henry. Her officers had heard the heavy firing in the direction of Fortress Monroe, and the ship was stripped of her sea-rig and prepared for action. A pilosota, with the Monitor and the other vessels of the squadron, was lying at Fortress Monroe, or a little below; and the Merrimac took her position between Sewall's Pon, particularly as the Minnesota and Vanderbilt, which were anchored below Fortress Monroe, got under way and stood up to that point, apparently with the intention o
Alexandria (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
the Monitor had passed Cape Henry. Her officers had heard the heavy firing in the direction of Fortress Monroe, and the ship was stripped of her sea-rig and prepared for action. A pilot-boat, spoken on the way up, gave word of the disastrous engagement that had just ended; and presently the light of the burning Congress confirmed the news. At nine o'clock the Monitor had anchored near the Roanoke, and Worden went on board to report. In order to carry out the project of opening the Potomac River, explicit orders had been given to Captain Marston to send the Monitor directly to Washington. Similar orders had been sent to Worden, but they only reached New York two hours after he had sailed. The state of affairs was such, however, that Marston and Worden were more than justified in disregarding the orders. No sane man would have done otherwise. Worden accordingly proceeded to the assistance of the Minnesota, which was still aground off Newport News. Acting-Master Samuel Howard
Sewell's Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
the town of Norfolk, and nine miles above Sewall's Point, where the narrow channel that forms a conlready been sunk in the narrow channel off Sewall's Point, and other obstructions were put in positi a signal from the Roanoke. As she passed Sewall's Point, the batteries opened fire on her, but didhe Merrimac ceased firing, and withdrew to Sewall's Point. She had done a good day's work. She had attendant gunboats under the batteries at Sewall's Point. The Minnesota lay still in the same posihad he to cross? The bar was a mile above Sewall's Point; he had anchored safely the night before uured the vessels, and brought them over to Sewall's Point, in full sight of the fleet. Humiliating o it, and soon returned and anchored under Sewall's Point. It is impossible to reconcile the statginia was then placed at her moorings near Sewall's Point. On the 10th, Tattnall learned that the fort at Sewall's Point had been abandoned, and that the United States troops, having landed at Oce[3 more...]
Hampton (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
of engaging, except under the most favorable circumstances. Additions to his force were expected to arrive shortly, and the situation was considered too critical to leave anything to chance. No action therefore took place, the vessels of the squadron having steam up, but remaining in their position near the fort. A large number of transports, store-ships, and chartered vessels were lying at this time in or about the Roads. Goldsborough had cautioned them about the danger of lying near Hampton, and most of them had withdrawn below the fort. On the 11th, however, two brigs and a schooner, employed by the Quartermaster's Department, were still lying between Newport News and Hampton Bar. By Tattnall's direction the Jamestown and Raleigh steamed across, captured the vessels, and brought them over to Sewall's Point, in full sight of the fleet. Humiliating as the incident was, it was not of sufficient importance to change Goldsborough's plan, supposing that his plan was right. In th
Minnesota (Minnesota, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
d no skill would have availed to alter the final result. So many rumors about the Merrimac had been current in the fleet, without any visible results, that the prevalent feeling in regard to her was one of skepticism. It was known that extensive alterations had been made in the vessel, but it was not supposed that her powers of resistance would render her shot-proof under the fire of such broadsides as the two vessels could bring against her. Moreover, her sister ships, the Roanoke and Minnesota, lay below near the fort. A careful lookout was kept up, however; the ships were anchored with springs on their cables, and half the watch slept at quarters. On the 6th of March, the frigate St. Lawrence came in, a vessel in all respects similar to the Congress. But so far from increasing the force to be opposed to the Merrimac, she only added another to the list of probable victims. On Saturday, the 8th, a little before one o'clock in the afternoon, while the Monitor was still out
Suffolk, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
e Merrimac drew twenty-two feet, and preparations were made to lighten her. After working half the night, and stripping the ship so that she was unfit for action, the pilots, apparently not wishing to go out, declared that it would be impossible to take her up as far as Jamestown Flats, the point to which McClellan's army was supposed to have occupied the river. Tattnall thereupon concluded to destroy his ship; and, setting her on fire, he landed his officers and men and escaped by way of Suffolk. At five o'clock on the morning of the 11th the Merrimac blew up. Possession of Norfolk being now resumed, active operations came to an end, and the blockading station at Hampton Roads ceased to be the scene of conflict. The Monitor, after remaining all summer in the James River, was sent to Washington for repairs in September, and two months later returned to Hampton Roads. The career of the Monitor was now nearly over. On the afternoon of the 29th of December, she set out for Bea
Roanoke Island (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
hour's work repaired the injury. After five critical hours, daylight broke, and the tug was ordered to go nearer the shore. By eight o'clock the danger was over. At four in the afternoon of the 8th of March the Monitor passed Cape Henry. Immediately afterward the hawser parted, but the vessel was now in smooth water. In the absence of Flag-Officer Goldsborough, the Commander-in-Chief of the North Atlantic blockading squadron, who was engaged at this time in the expedition against Roanoke Island, the senior officer present in Hampton Roads was Captain John Marston of the Roanoke. The force consisted of the Roanoke and the Minnesota, lying near Fortress Monroe, and two sailing-vessels, the Congress and the Cumberland, at anchor off Newport News. All were admirable vessels of their class. The Congress was a fifty-gun frigate, and though rebuilt, or rather built anew, in 1841, represented the type of 1812. The Cumberland was a sloop-of-war of twenty-four guns. The Roanoke and
Sandy Hook, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
he wonder is not that she was imperfect, but that she was in anywise ready; and it was well for the country that she did not wait another day to complete her preparations. The first trial of the Monitor was made February 19, on the day that she was delivered at the Navy Yard. She was put in commission on the 25th, when a second trial took place; but her steering gear was not in working order, and she did not go out of the East River. At a third trial, a week later, she steamed-down to Sandy Hook, and tried her guns. The mechanics were still at work upon her; indeed, the vessel was hardly completed when she left New York, though the workmen were busy during the night before she sailed. Finally, at 11 o'clock on the morning of Thursday, March 6, she started down the harbor; and in the afternoon she was fairly at sea on her way to the Chesapeake. The passage down was difficult and dangerous. The Monitor was in tow of the Seth Low, a small tug, and was accompanied by two unseawo
Hampton Roads (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
ockade began, both in name and in fact, at Hampton Roads, and here it continued to be maintained wihauled. Meantime the enemy were taking Hampton Roads. advantage of every hour of delay. Trooput the experience of a single afternoon in Hampton Roads, in the month of March, 1862, to show thatred which put a new aspect upon affairs in Hampton Roads. At four in the afternoon the Monitor hadt, considering the important interests at Hampton Roads, of which the Monitor afforded the sole prof the Monitor. The first day's battle in Hampton Roads had shown that the enemy possessed an engie frigates at her mercy, and the waters of Hampton Roads under her control. To all appearances theman and historical. To Captain Worden. Hampton Roads, April 24th, 1862. U. S. S. Monitor. To oueptember, and two months later returned to Hampton Roads. The career of the Monitor was now nearwas about as long as that from New York to Hampton Roads. The Monitor was accompanied by the Passa[7 more...]
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