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Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) 662 0 Browse Search
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Westmoreland County (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
me lieutenantcol-onel, and Capt. W. Wilkins major, subsequently succeeded by Major Smith. The regiment was ordered to the mountains of West Virginia, where it performed arduous and discouraging service in the campaign on the Gauley and Cheat rivers. It was followed by hard marching under Stonewall Jackson, whom Colonel Rust described as an impracticable old schoolmaster, who said grace before he ate and prayed before going to bed. The regiment was engaged in the battles of Greenbrier and Allegheny. Under Stonewall Jackson at Winchester, in January, 1862, it marched to Bath and Romney, returned to Winchester, and was ordered thence to Fredericksburg, and assigned to the brigade of Gen. T. H. Holmes. It was engaged in the battle of White Oak Swamp, June 3, 1862; in J. G. Walker's brigade, July 1, 1862, participated in the battle of Malvern Hill, and was at Sharpsburg September 17, 1862, where Colonel Manning was seriously wounded. At Fredericksburg it was assigned to Hood's Texas b
Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
hn Clendenin, of Phillips county; Capt. W. W. Smith, of Monroe county; Capt. Thomas Westmoreland, of Poinsett county; Capt. J. H. Robinson, of Chicot county, and after his election as major, Captain Craycraft, of Chicot; Capt. Simon P. Hughes, of Monroe, and after his election as lieutenant-colonel, Capt. John B. Baxter, of Monroe; Captain Seward, of St. Francis county; Capt. Brown Dolson, of Cross county. The regiment was reorganized after the battle of Shiloh, and the following field officersh and Col. Batt. Jones' battalion, and sent to the defense of Port Hudson under Colonel Lyles, going through the siege. Its officers and men were surrendered and eventually exchanged, after which the regiment was mounted. Capt. W. W. Smith, of Monroe, was elected associate justice of the supreme court, in which position he died in 1892. Simon P. Hughes was successively attorney-general, governor and associate justice of the supreme court of Arkansas. The Twenty-fifth Arkansas infantry was
Montgomery County (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
y, Mo., August 17, 1861, by the election of Col. Evander McNair, of Hempstead county; Lieut.-Col. A. Bryce Williams, of Hempstead county; Maj. J. H. Clay, of Montgomery county. The regiment was reorganized at Corinth, Miss., May 8, 1862. The companies were commanded as follows: Company A, of Calhoun county, Capt. Joseph B. McCull First Lieut. Henry J. Bonner, Second Lieut. J. W. Paup, Third Lieut. John L. Loudermilk; Henry J. Bonner, made captain at the reorganization. Company C, of Montgomery county, Capt. F. J. Erwin, First Lieut. Nathaniel Grant, Second Lieut. J. Scott, Third Lieut. J. Bates. Company D, of LaFayette county, Capt. Joseph C. Tyson, First The Twenty-fifth Arkansas infantry was organized in August, 1861, by the election of Col. Charles Turnbull, of Little Rock; Lieut.-Col. Henry Remington, of Montgomery county, who resigned, and Eli Hufstedler was made lieutenant-colonel; Maj. James J. Franklin. The commanders of companies were: Company A, Eli Hufstedler, promoted
St. Louis (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
Hempstead, quartermaster; Elias B. Moore. of Fayetteville, commissary. The company organization after the election of Colonel Gratiot, who had been captain of Company A, was as follows, so far as is now recalled: Company A, Hempstead county, Capt. Daniel W. Jones; Company B, Washington county, Capt. S. K. Bell; Company C, Crawford county, Capt. T. B. Brown; Company E, Sebastian county, Capt. John Griffith; Company F, Crawford county, Capt. James Stuart. Colonel Gratiot, a native of St. Louis, Mo., and a graduate of the military academy at West Point, served during the Mexican war as lieutenant of artillery, and then, resigning his commission and studying law, settled at the town of Washington, Hempstead county, in 1848, but did not enter actively in the practice of the profession His sister, wife of Bernard Hempstead, resided there. The family was of French extraction. On the call for troops to resist invasion he offered his services, which were gladly accepted, and he was su
Smithville (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
d there until about the 1st of September, when Bragg began maneuvering for the battle of Chickamauga. The regiment was engaged, actually, or in line of battle, all through the Georgia campaign, and was at Franklin and Nashville, Tenn. From there to the surrender at Greensboro, N. C., April 26, 1865, this brigade was one regiment. The Seventh Arkansas regiment, which at the battle of Shiloh was styled by its corps commander, General Hardee, The Bloody Seventh, was organized in Smithville, Lawrence county, June 16, 1861, and went into camp, called in honor of its commander, Camp Shaver, near Pocahontas in Randolph county, with 1,200 men and over. Gen. W. J. Hardee made it the nucleus of his brigade after it was transferred to the Confederate service, consisting of the Third Confederate, and the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Arkansas regiments, McCarver's regiment and McCann's battery of artillery. The regimental and company commanders at the organization were, Col. Robert Shav
Prairie County (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
Second Lieut. W. C. Osborne, Third Lieut. John B. Baggett; Company B, Capt. T. F. Murff, of Pulaski county; Company C, Capt J. W. Hanson, of Clark county, First Lieut. J. A. Ross, Second Lieutenant Detwiler; Company D, Capt. Thomas Payne, of Prairie county, First Lieut. Tarver Toone; Company E, Capt. John Moore, First Lieutenant Blassingame, Second Lieutenant Bushnell. Captain Hoadley's company was given charge of a heavy gun battery at Columbus, and thenceforward was detached and employed in tnty; Company B, Capt. Bryan B. King, Conway county; Company C, Captain Harsell, Pope county; Company D, Capt. John Mills, Yell county; Company Et Capt. John Perry, Johnson county; Company F, Captain Bone, Yell county; Company G, Captain Bull, Prairie county; Company H, Captain J. Homer Scott, Pope county; Company I, Capt. William Herrod, Yell county. Major Lawrence was accidentally killed near Pocahontas on the march into Missouri, and Capt. J. M. Dowdle was made major; Jordan E. Cravens being e
Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
son of General Johnston. Throwing aside coats and canteens and retaining only their guns and cartridge boxes, they charged a position from which two brigades of Louisiana troops had been driven back with severe loss. This was the position in front of Prentiss, where General Johnston was killed, at the instant of the charge. In terated outside the fortifications of Port Hudson during the siege of that place in March, 1863. This detachment operated against the army under General Banks in Louisiana, and took a number of prisoners, among them Gen. Neal Dow. Colonel Logan, of the Eleventh, was second in command of the detachment which captured General Dow. Alliam Walker; Company G, Albert Reed; Company H, Wilkerson; Company I, L. W. Matthews; Company K, McClung. The regiment after reorganization was sent south to Louisiana to resist Banks, and fought in many minor engagements—Cross Landing, Greenfield, Plum's Store, and with the First Alabama and Thirteenth Mississippi, engaged at
Farmington (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
nd Douglas, of Benton county. The battalion fought at Oak Hills and Elkhorn; was transferred to the east of the Mississippi, and participated in the battles of Farmington, Iuka, Corinth, Baker's Creek, and in the siege of Vicksburg. Exchanged at Vicksburg, it was reorganized west of the Mississippi, and with Gause's, Glenn's, Haregiment. Major Robertson was killed in the battle of Big Black in rear of Vicksburg. The regiment was at the bombardment of Fort Pillow and in the battles of Farmington, Corinth, Coffeeville, Miss., Big Black river bridge, endured the siege of Vicksburg, and was surrendered to Grant, July 4, 1863. Colonel Jones, who had been ta. T. Wood, who survived the siege of Port Hudson and the war. The gallant little command took an active part in the battles of Iuka, Rienzi, the big skirmish at Farmington, near Corinth, and did good service at Corinth in October, 1862. After the capitulation of Port Hudson the men who were paroled and exchanged went into the ser
Middleburgh (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
any I, Capt. M. L. Hawkins. On the retreat of Generals Bragg and Beauregard from Corinth to Tupelo, Miss., the Second Arkansas again formed part of the rear guard of the army, under Gen. John C. Breckinridge. July 3, 1862, it was ordered with Clayton's Second Alabama under Gen. James R. Chalmers against the Federals at Booneville, Miss., who were completely routed. Together with the Second Missouri cavalry, it was ordered, under Gen. Frank C. Armstrong, to Tennessee, where it met at Middleburg, Tenn., the Federals under Colonel Leggett, and defeated the enemy, killing and wounding large numbers of them. About the last of July the Second Arkansas, under Colonel Slemons, the Second Missouri, under Cot Robert McCulloch, and the Fourth Mississippi, under Wirt Adams, engaged the escort of Federal cavalry and artillery guarding a train of supplies at Britton's lane, Tenn., and after a stubborn conflict of three hours captured the train and 300 prisoners and two pieces of artillery. The
Pea Ridge, Ark. (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
McCulloch into the Indian Territory against the Creek chief, Hopoeithleyohola, he dispersed the Indian Federal organization. It is said his regiment was deployed in groups of two for five miles, when he at its head began the attack upon the Indian camp. He was speedily promoted to brigadier-general, and Embry became colonel. The captains were Gibson, Parker, King, Arrington, Harris Flanagin, Witherspoon, Brown and Gamble. General McIntosh was killed at the battle of Elkhorn Tavern, or Pea Ridge. The regiment was ordered to Mississippi and was reorganized at Corinth, when Capt. Harris Flanagin was elected colonel; Maj. J. A. Williamson, lieutenant-colonel; Capt. James P. Eagle, major. Colonel Flanagin being elected governor of the State, Williamson became colonel and Eagle, lieutenant-colonel. Colonel Williamson lost a leg at the battle of Resaca, May, 1864, and J. T. Smith, appointed colonel, was killed in battle July 28th, James P. Eagle then succeeding him as colonel of the re
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