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Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) 662 0 Browse Search
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Little Rock (Arkansas, United States) 356 6 Browse Search
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John S. Marmaduke 220 10 Browse Search
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Nashville (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 12
Cheatham, and was among those in the march upon Franklin, November 30, 1864, when Schofield (whom we first became acquainted with as a captain at Oak Hills), now a general, commanded the Federal army that halted, closely pursued by Hood, on the banks of the Harpeth. It was a position chosen temporarily, offering in the steep banks of a winding river a natural stronghold where an attack might be repulsed by a retreating force, only too anxious to get away and form a junction with Thomas at Nashville, seventeen miles distant, behind permanent fortifications deemed impregnable. Hood resolved to intercept Schofield or destroy him before he could reach Thomas, and overtook him at Franklin. Schofield threw up earthworks and formed abatis across the isthmus of a peninsula made by a bend of the pretty little Harpeth river. The country around Franklin had been long cultivated, and presented no cover for the approach of an attacking force. A few trees, forming a grove here and there for a
Bakers Creek (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 12
eneral Grant landed south of Vicksburg, among the first to oppose him were the Arkansans of Green's brigade, who fought nobly at the battle of Port Gibson, May 1, 1863. Capt. Griff Bayne was mentioned as preeminently gallant, falling severely wounded after he and his sharpshooters had contested the enemy's advance from midnight to 8 a. m. The Twenty-first, Fifteenth and Twelfth battalion lost 140 killed, wounded and missing. The Ninth, with Buford's brigade, took part in the battle of Baker's Creek, and subsequently was with the forces under Gen. J. E. Johnston. Green's Arkansas and Missouri brigade, part of Bowen's division, did gallant service at Baker's creek, also served at the Big Black bridge, and fought in the trenches during the siege of Vicksburg. After the death of General Green, Colonel Dockery commanded the brigade, which was surrendered with Pemberton's army, July 4, 1863. The fate of Green's brigade was soon shared by Beall's brigade at Port Hudson, which was sur
Calhoun, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 12
passageway to Resaca and the rear of the army, had through some neglect been left open, and was promptly occupied by McPherson, who, if he had been bold, said Cleburne, might have wrought a complete Confederate defeat. Going into line of battle at Resaca, Cleburne intrenched, and during the 14th of May repulsed the repeated assaults of the enemy. On the night of the 15th Johnston evacuated Resaca and crossed the Oostenaula, and next morning Cleburne met a flanking force of the enemy near Calhoun, and Polk and Govan were briskly engaged. The division was next in line of battle at Adairsville and Cassville, but not engaged. It crossed the Etowah river May 20th, and marched to Powder Springs. It was marching to the front during the night battle at New Hope church, but was unable to get through the crowded roads. On the afternoon of May 26th the division went into position and intrenched on the extreme right (north) of the army, forming a line retiring eastward from the main line
Shallow Ford (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 12
erman was repulsed from Tunnel hill, and began fortifying. The brunt of the fight against Sherman was borne by Smith's Texans, Warfield's Arkansas regiment, and Swett's and Key's batteries. Warfield's regiment captured a Federal flag. A little later the appalling news reached Cleburne that the center of Bragg's line was broken, and he was directed to take command of his own, Walker's and Stevensons divisions, and protect the right wing in retreat. Polk and Govan were posted to guard Shallow-ford bridge, where they were again engaged. As the disheartened army was on its way toward Dalton, Ga., Cleburne received an order, at 3 a. m. on the 27th, to take position in the gorge of Taylor's ridge, at Ringgold, and hold back the pursuing enemy long enough to save the artillery and wagon trains. In the disposition of his forces he placed on the left hand hill, fronting Ringgold, three companies of the Sixth and Seventh Arkansas (consolidated) of Liddell's brigade, under Lieutenant Du
Springfield, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 12
anding the Thirteenth and Fifteenth Arkansas, was badly wounded about the same time, Lieut.-Col. A. R. Brown succeeding him. Gen. Preston Smith took command of the division. The Confederate loss was 98 killed and 492 wounded. The casualties of the enemy were twice that number. The total capture was estimated at 5,000 prisoners, 20 pieces of artillery, 10,000 rifles, wagons, teams, and stores of great value. The Fourth Arkansas was now able to change its flintlock muskets for the latest Springfield rifles with saber bayonets, and all the men improved the opportunity to supply themselves with stores, shoes, hats and clothing of all kinds. Colonel McNair was promoted to brigadier-general for gallantry and bravery on the battlefield of Richmond, Ky. The Arkansas troops all shared the honors as they had the dangers of the battle, and now becoming better equipped were ready for the field again. Gen. Kirby Smith moved on Lexington, September 1st, with three divisions, Cleburne's, Chur
Barren river (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 12
. S. B. Buckner, as a defensive countercheck to the enlistment and intrusion of Federal forces in the State. General Polk was at Columbus, and at Cumberland ford, Gen. Felix K. Zollicoffer had taken position with 4,000 men. Fort Henry, Fort Donelson and Hopkinsville were garrisoned by small bodies of Confederates. The general position of Bowling Green, Johnston wrote, was good and commanding. There is no position equally as defensive as Bowling Green, nor line of defense as good as the Barren river. So it cannot be abandoned without exposing Tennessee and giving vastly the vantage ground to the enemy. Brig.-Gen. W. J. Hardee, having crossed the Mississippi with his Arkansas command, arrived at Bowling Green, October 11th, and in a few days was sent forward to Cave City. His force there was reported on the 23d as follows: First regiment Arkansas volunteers, Col. P. R. Cleburne; Second regiment, Maj. J. W. Scaife; battalion attached to Second, Lieut.-Col. J. S. Mannaduke; Fifth re
Burnsville (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 12
his report: I must put in the position of brave and true men the small numbers of the Fourteenth and Seventeenth regiments of Arkansas infantry. Nobly, heroically have they proved themselves true patriots and brave soldiers. The Seventeenth, out of its strength of 109 men, lost 17, and the Fourteenth, out of 116, lost 17 killed and wounded. To the north of Iuka, Maury met the advance of Ord (Federal) on the 16th, and with the sharpshooters under Rogers and Rapley drove the enemy back to Burnsville, and on the 17th, Cols. Wirt Adams and Slemons captured and destroyed a train of cars near the enemy's lines, causing considerable loss to the Federal cavalry. The assault upon Rosecrans' intrenchments at Corinth followed, October 3d and 4th, by the united forces of Price and Van Dorn, in which the Arkansas regiments suffered heavy loss. The enemy was driven in from his outer line—Beauregard's old breastworks—on the 3d, and on the next day was fiercely assailed in the town, which was b
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 12
e been mortal. J. H. Bullock, adjutant of the Eighteenth Arkansas, who had left his plantation in Chicot county a private, displayed a sublime courage at the side of his commanding general, careless of the fact that his clothing was riddled by the bullets of the enemy. He was saved as if by a miracle from wounds and death, while his gallant colonel, J. H. Daly, leading his men, was mortally wounded in that sheet of fire and lead which no troops could withstand. Lieut. J. H. Berry (now United States senator) lost a leg. Capt. W. M. Parrish, who took command of the regiment, and was wounded, was promoted for gallantry on the field. Lieuts. John B. Walker and R. S. Winfrey were wounded. Of 300 men of the Eighteenth who went into battle, only 45 escaped unhurt. Capt. Daniel W. Jones (now governor) was shot through the body and left for dead, but survived a prisoner. In an account of this battle, Gen. W. S. Rosecrans has written: It was about as good fighting on the part of th
Little Rock (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 12
well-nigh annihilated. General Liddell reported the loss of Capt. H. W. Robinson, of the Fifth, in the morning, and of Adjt. Sampson Harris (a young lawyer of Little Rock), of the Sixth, mortally wounded by a shell. In the evening fight, Capt. H. W. Grissom, of the Second, fell. The Second regiment captured two flags and the amst Arkansas was wounded in the foot and had to leave the field. Being the last field officer of his regiment, the command devolved upon Capt. Felix G. Lusk, of Little Rock, who continued to lead the regiment until ordered to the Trans-Mississippi department. Lieut.--Col. Anderson Watkins, of Little Rock, was killed while leading aLittle Rock, was killed while leading an assault upon the Federal earthworks. Others severely wounded were Lieutenant-Colonel Martin, First Arkansas; Colonel Warfield and Lieutenant-Colonel Brasher, Second; Lieutenant-Colonel Cameron and Major Douglas, Sixth; Lieutenant-Colonel Hutchison, Nineteenth, and Captains White and Washington, Fifth. In another charge made at
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 12
, a vacancy was created which could never be filled. Arkansas regimental commanders who fell in the battle of Franklin were, Maj. J. C. Bratton, Ninth, wounded; Maj. A. T. Meek, Second and Twenty-fourth, and Capt. M. P. Garrett, First and Fifteenth, killed. At Nashville the survivors of Cleburne's division were commanded by Gen. J. A. Smith. In the battle of December 15th and 16th, General Govan was wounded, and Colonel Green took command of the brigade. From this disastrous field the Arkansans of the army of Tennessee fell back through the snow and sleet beyond the Tennessee. Their next fighting was in North Carolina, against Sherman. At the battle of Bentonville, March 19, 1865, Govan's brigade, under Col. P. V. Green, for the last time won the compliments of its superior officers, by repelling the enemy's attacks. Gen. D. H. Reynolds, at the head of his brigade, lost a leg, and Colonel Bunn, who succeeded him, also being wounded, Lieut.-Col. M. G. Galloway took command.
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