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Louis Agassiz 744 2 Browse Search
Alexander Agassiz 209 1 Browse Search
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Department de Ville de Paris (France) 156 0 Browse Search
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August 9th, 1863 AD (search for this): chapter 21
fied accordingly. I should be very glad, my dear sir, if you could give me your views upon this and cognate matters. If, however, your occupations will not permit you to give time to this matter, perhaps you will assist me by pointing to works calculated to throw light upon the subject of my inquiry, or by putting me in correspondence with persons who have the ability and the leisure to write about it. I remain, dear sir, faithfully, Samuel G. Howe. To Dr. S. G. Howe. Nahant, August 9, 1863. my dear Doctor,—When I acknowledged a few days ago the receipt of your invitation to put in writing my views upon the management of the negro race as part of the free population of the United States, I stated to you that there was a preliminary question of the utmost importance to be examined first, since whatever convictions may be formed upon that point must necessarily influence everything else relating to the subject. The question is simply this: Is there to be a permanent black
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