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Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Grant in peace: from Appomattox to Mount McGregor, a personal memoir.

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the establishment of the Empire of Maximilian as a part of the attempt to subvert our own Republic, and his indignation at the course of Napoleon III on this continent, was both active and outspoken even during the war. I often heard him declare at City Point that as soon as we had disposed of the Confederates we must begin with the Imperialists; and when the Rebellion was actually crushed, it became his first object to insure the expulsion of the French from the neighboring country. On the first day of the Grand Review at Washington in 1865, he hurried Sheridan off to Texas, not leaving him time to witness the conclusion of the pageant, and gave him secret orders to watch the course of events on the Rio Grande. Grant, indeed, at this time, hoped that Johnson could be induced to issue a peremptory demand for the withdrawal of the French, and in case of non-compliance, that he would at once offer armed assistance to the Republicans. With this hope the General-in-Chief moved a larg
nt's business relations with Gould at that time warranted him in making the request. He did apply to Gould, who referred him to Dr. Norvin Green, the President of the Western Union, as well as of the Cuban Telegraph Company. General Grant made the application to Dr. Green, who paid no attention to his request, and the place with its powers and appurtenances remained in the hands of an Englishman. New York City, Dec. 11th, 1882. My dear General Badeau,—I have your letter of the 1st instant, enclosing one from Hughes and also your previous letter. I did not write to you before because I expected to see your Vice-Consul, Williams, but he has not called on me yet. Of course I will help you if I can to obtain the appointment you ask. In regard to the matter Hughes speaks of, I wrote the letter he requested long ago, just after you spoke to me about possibly the second time, and in time I should think for them to have received it, and informed their father before the date of hi
ed his subordinate. In July, 1866, a violent riot occurred at New Orleans in which forty Union men were killed and one hundred and fifty wounded by Southerners. Sheridan's course at the time was the subject of a warm contention between Grant and the President, the latter as usual siding with the men who had once opposed the Union. During the discussion Grant wrote to Sheridan in these words: I am just in receipt of copy of your letter to the President in reply to his dispatch of the 4th inst. It is certainly a very clear statement of the cause and effect of the riot, and in my judgment it is due to the public, to you, and even to the President, that it should be published. I have requested from the President the publication of all your dispatches on the subject of the New Orleans riot, on the ground that the partial publications which have appeared put you in the position of taking a partisan view of the matter, whereas the dispatches given in full show that you never dreamed
to attempt himself a political volume, and he consented to do so if I would aid him. The chapters I now offer will include material that would have formed part of such a memoir, whether it had been written by himself or had remained my work, supervised and corrected by General Grant. To this I shall add personal details too delicate to have been submitted to their subject, or to have been given to the world during his lifetime. My relations with General Grant began in May, 1863. On the 5th of that month, immediately after crossing the Mississippi River in the Vicksburg campaign, he requested my appointment to duty on his staff. He had never seen me at the time, and made the application on the recommendation of General James H. Wilson, his inspector-general. I was then a captain serving on the staff of General T. W. Sherman, in Banks's campaign against Port Hudson. My orders did not reach me till the 27th of May, just as the assault on Port Hudson was beginning. I was wounde
tatement of the points he had visited in the preceding summer after I left him at Ragatz. This I wanted for some such purpose as that of the present volume. The last sentence in this letter refers to the promise of President Hayes to retain me at the Consulate General at London. Grant had heard that several aspirants were attempting to supplant me, and therefore had written to General Sherman on the subject. Paris, Nov. 9th 1877. Dear General,—In answer to your letter of the 5th inst. I cannot give you definite information as to dates when Mrs. Grant visited me at City Point. She went there however soon after my Headquarters were established there. She returned to Burlington, N. J. after a short visit to arrange for the children's schooling, and went back to City Point where she remained,—with the exception of one or two short visits to N. J.—until Lee's surrender and my return to the National Capital. Mrs. Grant made a short visit to me—the first time after leaving
under all circumstances, and though regretting the loss of fortune for himself and his sons, as well as for those who had suffered through their means, he was as yet free from any acute humiliation. He himself was ruined; one son was a partner in the wreck and the liabilities; another the agent of the firm, was bankrupt for half a million; his youngest son on the 3d of May had deposited all his means, about $80,000, in the bank of his father and brother, and the bank suspended payment on the 6th; his daughter had made a little investment of $12,000 with the firm; one sister had put in $5,000, another $25,000; a nephew had invested a few thousands, the savings of a clerkship; and other personal friends had been induced by Grant's name and advice to invest still more largely. It was painful and mortifying that all these should lose from their confidence in him, but still there was no thought of personal disgrace. But after a day or two came out the shameful story of craft and guile
ill be tendered to you,—and I hope you with Mrs. Badeau, may enjoy it. Of course I can not know, or even surmise, why you did not wish . . . . But this will all be right very soon and I know you will then prefer a Mission to a Consulate. I am not giving advice but doing what I think you will be glad of on second reflection. If I am mistaken you can decline the Mission when it reaches you. My family, and your friends here at the Branch, are all well. Buck sails from Liverpool on the 8th inst., so that I hope you may meet him before he starts. Please remember me to Gen. Schenck & daughters. Very Truly Yours, U. S. Grant. Gen. A. Badeau. Letter no. Fourteen. This telegram is in reply to one from me, asking for information in regard to General W. F. Smith's report of the battle of Cold Harbor, for my Military History of Grant: [Telegram.] Washington, Nov. 1, 1876. Gen. Badeau, U. S. Consul-General London: No report from Smith after June 4th. U. S. Grant
and possibly the biographical part of my book ready by that time. I do not expect to be in the city, to stop, before the last of September. Fred has not gone west yet, and may not go. Yours Truly, U. S. Grant. Letter no. One hundred and three. I had made some suggestions in regard to the publication of his work, in which, as I have intimated, I was to have a pecuniary interest; and this letter is his reply: Sept. 13th, 1884. Dear Badeau,—I have your letter of the 9th instant. There will be time enough to make the arrangements for publication when my book is completed. Rosswell Smith has been here to see. There will be no difficulty about the publication at any time if they are to be the publishers. My own opinion is that they would be the best publishers. But I will make no committal until about the time for publication. I find that firm has emancipated itself from the General Agency for the sale of books and procuring advertisements which enables them t
are, more often than not, reversed by the verdict of to-morrow. Dec. 19, 1878. My dear General,—I have your letter of the 17th, with Sherman's to you enclosed. I also received one from you at Pau, and one before the present one here in Paris. I should have written to you earlier but I found so many letters to answer that I deferred. It is impossible yet for me to say when we will get off for our trip around the world. The steamer on which we are to sail left the states on the 10th of this month. If she crosses the Atlantic under sail it will be about the last of JanY before she will be ready for us. If she steams over it may be as early as the 12th. Mrs. Grant & I want to see Nellie before we go, and have written asking her to come here. She answers fearing that she may not be able to come, but has written Mr. Sartoris, who is in Ireland, for his opinion. If she does not come we will likely take a run over to London for a few days. I will let you know by telegraph
contained in the following letter. It is hardly necessary to say that Mr. Evarts was Secretary of State, and Colonel John Hay, AssistantSecre-tary under President Hayes. New York City, Dec. 4th 1880. Dear Badeau,—I would advise that you drop a private note to Asst. Sec. Hay saying that you would like to have your leave extended to about the 20th, or last of Jan. to insure getting your book in the hands of the printer before leaving. I will be going to Washington on Monday the 13th inst. and will speak to Hay, or Evarts, to have your leave extended if you wish. It is a pity the book cannot be out by the holidays. Business is then suspended and many persons might read it who later will not have the time. Sincerely Yours, U. S. Grant. Letter no. Sixty-four. This note was written immediately after the inauguration of Garfield, in March, 1881. Grant was still in no actual business, and his means, as I have said, were limited; he had no secretary, and the accumu
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