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January 28th (search for this): chapter 15
instructed him to disregard Stanton's authority. On the 24th of January Grant formally requested that the President would put into writing these verbal directions. This was not done, and Grant was placed in a very embarrassing position. It was the old device—to make some one else do the unauthorized work and take the responsibility, by which Johnson was to profit without burning his fingers. At the same time the imputations of bad faith were continued against Grant. Finally, on the 28th of January, Grant renewed his request for written instructions to disobey Stanton, and in the same letter he categorically denied the assertion of any promise on his part to remain in office after the Senate re-instated Stanton. This brought matters to a head. Within two days Sherman was offered the position of Secretary of War. As soon as it became certain that Grant could not and would not be used, the crafty politician turned to the next in command. On the 30th of January Sherman had a lo
January 30th (search for this): chapter 15
Finally, on the 28th of January, Grant renewed his request for written instructions to disobey Stanton, and in the same letter he categorically denied the assertion of any promise on his part to remain in office after the Senate re-instated Stanton. This brought matters to a head. Within two days Sherman was offered the position of Secretary of War. As soon as it became certain that Grant could not and would not be used, the crafty politician turned to the next in command. On the 30th of January Sherman had a long interview with Johnson, in which the President proposed either to oust Stanton by force, or to remove him legally by submitting Sherman's name to the Senate as Secretary of War. But to both these measures Sherman was averse. On the 31st he wrote a letter to the President, full of wisdom, patriotism, and eloquence, a copy of which he gave to Grant. In this he said: To bring me to Washington would put three heads to the army —yourself, General Grant, and myself; and
January 31st (search for this): chapter 15
cal storm. Johnson cajoled him, tempted him, and flattered him, but in vain. Repeatedly the President declared that he wanted Sherman in Washington, but Sherman as often declined to remain; and Johnson did not order him to stay. On the 31st of January, the day after offering Sherman the position of Secretary of War, Johnson sent a letter to Grant, recapitulating in detail and ratifying all the charges that had hitherto been only anonymously made. On the 3d of February Grant replied, deny in, if no such correspondence had occurred. I am clear in this, however: the correspondence here inclosed to you should not be made public, except by the President, or with the full sanction of General Sherman. Probably the letter of the 31st of January, marked confidential, should not be given out at all. Johnson was deterred by Sherman's protestations, by the refusal of the Senate to confirm the brevet, and by the fear that he would damage himself if he insisted further. Doubtless, t
n, he requested my appointment to duty on his staff. He had never seen me at the time, and made the application on the recommendation of General James H. Wilson, his inspector-general. I was then a captain serving on the staff of General T. W. Sherman, in Banks's campaign against Port Hudson. My orders did not reach me till the 27th of May, just as the assault on Port Hudson was beginning. I was wounded in that assault, and unable to report to General Grant in person until the following February. I thus first saw him at Nashville, where he had established his headquarters, after the battle of Chattanooga. Our relations at once became more than cordial. I was still on crutches, and he gave me a desk in his own room at headquarters, threw open his entire official correspondence to me, and delighted from the first to tell me all the details of his battles and campaigns. The bill creating the grade of lieutenant-general was then before Congress, and I had carried messages to him
Chapter 2: The terms at Appomattox. The terms at Appomattox were neither dictated by the Government, nor suggested by Mr. Lincoln, nor inspired by any subordinate. Early in March, 1864, the Administration had positively prohibited General Grant from attempting to settle or even discuss the conditions of peace; and at the interview between Mr. Lincoln and the commissioners sent out from Richmond in February Grant was not permitted to be present. There was a determination on the part of Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Stanton to exclude the military authorities altogether from the final settlement, after submission should be secured. During Mr. Lincoln's stay at City Point, prior to the final movements of the war, he had many conversations with Grant, but said nothing to indicate definitely what steps he intended to take at the close. Those steps were probably uncertain in his own mind, for, like all sagacious statesmen, he left much to be determined by circumstances as they might arise.
difficulties than I did—no man is less responsible for the beginning or continuance of the strife, with all its horrors, than I am—and no man living can more earnestly desire a speedy restoration of peace, harmony, and prosperity, throughout the country than I do. All these things I think I can assert of myself. But of my views and feelings under a very different aspect of affairs from what now exists you are not altogether uninformed. You had them very fully expressed at City Point last February. You reported them very correctly in your telegram from that place to the Secretary of War—upon that telegram the conference at Hampton Roads was granted. When I parted with you on my return from that conference, I assured you, as you may recollect, that while nothing definite had been accomplished, yet I was in hopes that good would come of it. Such was my hope and earnest desire. No one could have been more disappointed, mortified, and chagrined, at the result of his labors, in any und<
grave a question, on which he was himself officially to act, Sumner refused to associate with the principal representative and spokesman of his own Government. The conferences with Rose, however, continued, and he at last returned to England, the bearer of information which resulted in the dispatch of three Commissioners from the British Government who negotiated with our own representatives the Treaty of Washington. The British Commissioners arrived in this country in the last days of February; the new Senate assembled on the 4th of March, and then the Administration, with whom it was evident that Mr. Sumner could not or would not work, exerted itself to procure the selection of another Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Sumner would speak neither to the President nor to the Secretary of State, and it was impossible to carry on public business without such communication between these high officials. Neither the President nor the Secretary would resign, and Sumner was
orgave. The examination lasted nearly an hour. When it was over he did not at first appear more than usually exhausted. He never showed immediately the effects of any intense physical or mental strain. Not after his great disappointment in February did his strength or spirit at once give way; so now for a day or two he seemed no weaker than before. But in forty-eight hours he began to fail. He recognized himself the decrease of vital force, and believed it was the beginning of the endust as in battle, after giving an order, he never doubted, or wished to recall it. But the fighting spirit, the unconquerable nature, made him struggle still. The dejection which marks the disease, and which had been so appalling in January and February, did not return. In its stead a new phase came on. He was battling again, and this time harder than before, for the enemy was closer. He fairly grappled and wrestled now with Death. Once or twice his opponent got him down, but Grant arose al
, & Fla. With best wishes for your welfare, Yours Truly, U. S. Grant. Letter no. Seventeen. This letter, as the date shows, was written shortly after the inauguration of Hayes. As soon as Grant went out of power I wrote to him, to show and to say that my regard was as great as when he had been President, and the letter that follows was his reply. He was already planning his European tour, and I had invited him to make my house his home as long as he remained in England. In February, General Horace Porter, my successor as his private secretary, visited me in London, and brought me word that the General could not accept prolonged hospitalities, but would like to join me in a mess at my house; and I consented. When he wrote this letter he expected to go direct to me. Washington, D. C., Apl. 23d 1877. Dear General,—I have just received your letter of the 24th of March, and have before me the chapter on the Petersburgh Mine explosion which I will read so soon a
February 1st (search for this): chapter 4
armies of the United States, Washington, D. C., Oct. 18, 1866. dear General,—Yesterday the President sent for me and in the course of conversation asked if there was any objection to you coming to this city for a few days. I replied, of course, that there was not. I wish, therefore, that you would make your arrangements to come on with me from Cincinnati after the meeting of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee. The President showed me a letter which you wrote to him about the 1st of February, the contents of which you will remember, and stated that some people had advised its publication and asked my advice. I told him very frankly that military men had no objection to the publication of their views as expressed upon official matters properly brought before them, but that they did not like expressions of theirs which are calculated to array them on one or other side of antagonistic political parties to be brought before the public. That such a course would make or was ca
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