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Henry D. Capers (search for this): chapter 103
ch. our Lee number (containing Hon. John W. Daniel's superb oration, an account of the unveiling of Valentine's Recumbent Statue, a beautiful cut of the statue, and much other interesting and valuable matter concerning our grand old chief) has had a wide sale, and has met with universal and enthusiastic approval. We have some copies left which we mail for fifty cents each (regular price for a double number of our Papers), and we would advise those wishing them to order at once. Colonel H. D. Capers, as we announced in our November number, has not been authorized to act as our agent since last May. We regret that his course since that announcement compels us to advert to the matter again, and to warn our friends everywhere not to receive him as our agent, or to pay money to him on our account. The Southern Historical Society will not be responsible henceforth for any of his acts. crowded out has been the fate of quite a number of interesting and valuable articles which we ha
Edward Virginius Valentine (search for this): chapter 103
o, $32.25; in half calf, $35. Let our friends exert themselves to put these volumes in every library in the country. Early's memoir of the last year of the war is written in the happiest vein of this able soldier, and accomplished military writer, and should have a place in every library. By the kindness of the author we have a number of copies which we mail at seventy-five cents each. our Lee number (containing Hon. John W. Daniel's superb oration, an account of the unveiling of Valentine's Recumbent Statue, a beautiful cut of the statue, and much other interesting and valuable matter concerning our grand old chief) has had a wide sale, and has met with universal and enthusiastic approval. We have some copies left which we mail for fifty cents each (regular price for a double number of our Papers), and we would advise those wishing them to order at once. Colonel H. D. Capers, as we announced in our November number, has not been authorized to act as our agent since last
W. H. F. Lee (search for this): chapter 103
, can now be furnished at the following figures: Unbound, $24; in cloth, $29.50; in half morocco, $32.25; in half calf, $35. Let our friends exert themselves to put these volumes in every library in the country. Early's memoir of the last year of the war is written in the happiest vein of this able soldier, and accomplished military writer, and should have a place in every library. By the kindness of the author we have a number of copies which we mail at seventy-five cents each. our Lee number (containing Hon. John W. Daniel's superb oration, an account of the unveiling of Valentine's Recumbent Statue, a beautiful cut of the statue, and much other interesting and valuable matter concerning our grand old chief) has had a wide sale, and has met with universal and enthusiastic approval. We have some copies left which we mail for fifty cents each (regular price for a double number of our Papers), and we would advise those wishing them to order at once. Colonel H. D. Capers,
John W. Daniel (search for this): chapter 103
ollowing figures: Unbound, $24; in cloth, $29.50; in half morocco, $32.25; in half calf, $35. Let our friends exert themselves to put these volumes in every library in the country. Early's memoir of the last year of the war is written in the happiest vein of this able soldier, and accomplished military writer, and should have a place in every library. By the kindness of the author we have a number of copies which we mail at seventy-five cents each. our Lee number (containing Hon. John W. Daniel's superb oration, an account of the unveiling of Valentine's Recumbent Statue, a beautiful cut of the statue, and much other interesting and valuable matter concerning our grand old chief) has had a wide sale, and has met with universal and enthusiastic approval. We have some copies left which we mail for fifty cents each (regular price for a double number of our Papers), and we would advise those wishing them to order at once. Colonel H. D. Capers, as we announced in our November
entine's Recumbent Statue, a beautiful cut of the statue, and much other interesting and valuable matter concerning our grand old chief) has had a wide sale, and has met with universal and enthusiastic approval. We have some copies left which we mail for fifty cents each (regular price for a double number of our Papers), and we would advise those wishing them to order at once. Colonel H. D. Capers, as we announced in our November number, has not been authorized to act as our agent since last May. We regret that his course since that announcement compels us to advert to the matter again, and to warn our friends everywhere not to receive him as our agent, or to pay money to him on our account. The Southern Historical Society will not be responsible henceforth for any of his acts. crowded out has been the fate of quite a number of interesting and valuable articles which we had purposed putting in this number. But if our friends will have patience, they shall appear in due time.
January, 1883 AD (search for this): chapter 103
community for our Papers. We can pay a liberal commission to efficient canvassers, and we beg our friends to interest themselves to secure us suitable agents. volume eleven of our Papers is now complete, and will be furnished at the following prices: Unbound, $3; bound in cloth, $3.50; in half morocco, $3.75; in half calf, $4. A glance at the index will show that this volume is fully up to the high standard won by its predecessors. full sets of our Papers, from January, 1876, to January, 1883 (eleven volumes), can now be furnished at the following figures: Unbound, $24; in cloth, $29.50; in half morocco, $32.25; in half calf, $35. Let our friends exert themselves to put these volumes in every library in the country. Early's memoir of the last year of the war is written in the happiest vein of this able soldier, and accomplished military writer, and should have a place in every library. By the kindness of the author we have a number of copies which we mail at seventy-fi
John W. Daniel's superb oration, an account of the unveiling of Valentine's Recumbent Statue, a beautiful cut of the statue, and much other interesting and valuable matter concerning our grand old chief) has had a wide sale, and has met with universal and enthusiastic approval. We have some copies left which we mail for fifty cents each (regular price for a double number of our Papers), and we would advise those wishing them to order at once. Colonel H. D. Capers, as we announced in our November number, has not been authorized to act as our agent since last May. We regret that his course since that announcement compels us to advert to the matter again, and to warn our friends everywhere not to receive him as our agent, or to pay money to him on our account. The Southern Historical Society will not be responsible henceforth for any of his acts. crowded out has been the fate of quite a number of interesting and valuable articles which we had purposed putting in this number. But
January, 1876 AD (search for this): chapter 103
y State and every community for our Papers. We can pay a liberal commission to efficient canvassers, and we beg our friends to interest themselves to secure us suitable agents. volume eleven of our Papers is now complete, and will be furnished at the following prices: Unbound, $3; bound in cloth, $3.50; in half morocco, $3.75; in half calf, $4. A glance at the index will show that this volume is fully up to the high standard won by its predecessors. full sets of our Papers, from January, 1876, to January, 1883 (eleven volumes), can now be furnished at the following figures: Unbound, $24; in cloth, $29.50; in half morocco, $32.25; in half calf, $35. Let our friends exert themselves to put these volumes in every library in the country. Early's memoir of the last year of the war is written in the happiest vein of this able soldier, and accomplished military writer, and should have a place in every library. By the kindness of the author we have a number of copies which we
Editorial Paragraphs. renewals are now very emphatically in order. With this number the subscriptions of a large proportion of our subscribers expire. Many have already run out, some are due for the whole of the year 1883, and a few for even longer periods. We beg that each one of these will, at once, send us post-office money order, postal note, or check, for the amount due us. Please save us the expense of sending an agent to you, or the trouble of sending you bills, by remitting at once. We beg that none of our subscribers will allow their names to go off of the list. With our present list kept up, we can very comfortably meet our current expenses, but we must keep up the list in order to do so, and we need every subscriber on our list. Remember we cannot use our Permanent Fund for current expenses, and must rely on our friends to enable us to keep out of debt, and meet promptly our obligations. And will not each subscriber exert himself to send at least one new one,