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Walkerton, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
loser to the city than any of our troops ever did up to the day of the surrender. Our column was then turned east, and we came round and crossed the railroad at Hungary Station, from there to the Brooke pike, and finding from a citizen that Kilpatrick was in retreat down the Peninsula, he determined to cross through King William county and King and Queen county, and try and reach Butler's lines at Gloucester Point. We crossed the Pamunkey at Hanovertown Ferry. The Mattaponi at Dabney's (Walkerton) Ferry, having at this place a little skirmish with bushwhackers. I would here state that coming round the city part of our column got separated from the advance, and never got with us again, but, by good fortune, got in with Kilpatrick's forces and escaped. We were not so fortunate. When daylight came, we had Colonel Dahlgren, Major Cook, Lieutenant Merrit and myself, commissioned officers, and seventy-five men, besides about fifty contrabands and a number of extra horses. After le
Louisa (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
Henry E. Blair. In the winter of 1863-1864 the Army of Northern Virginia was in winter quarters on the south side of the Rapidan and Rappahannock rivers, the cavalry and infantry occupying the front of our lines and the artillery in the rear. I was First Lieutenant of the Salem Artillery, Captain C. B. Griffin. Our company at that time was attached to the First Virginia regiment of artillery, Colonel J. Thompson Brown commanding. We were stationed near Frederick's Hall in the county of Louisa. A court-martial, of which I was a member, was being held in a house about one mile from our camp, and on the 29th day of February, 1864, (the day of the month is impressed on my mind as significant of leap year). On that day a portion of Dahlgren's command surrounded the house and captured the whole of our party. The first intimation we had of any of the enemy being near us was the Yankee cavalry on their horses, pointing their pistols at the windows. They then dismounted, came in, and
Hanover Court House (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
e lookout, and Dahlgren moved very cautiously. Shortly after night, somewhere between the Brooke and Mechanicsville turnpikes, Dahlgren's force, which was then about six hundred, encountered our Confederate troops and was a good deal worsted in the encounter; and a large portion of his command separated from us and united with General Kilpatrick, and went off with him. Colonel Dahlgren, with about one hundred of his men, who were unable to get to Kilpatrick, continued to retreat through Hanover, King William, and King & Queen counties. I was carried along with this party. We rode the whole of that night as fast as as the men and horses could stand it. A little after sunrise the next morning we stopped awhile and took breakfast, and then rode all day long. When we got to a stream near Aylett's store, I think—that divided the counties of King William and King & Queen—we found a boat sunken, and when we attempted to cross, some Confederates, from the other side of the stream, comm
Goochland (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
k was to make an attack on the Brooke pike, enter the city, liberate the prisoners in Libby, Castle Thunder, and Belle Isle, capture as many of the officers as possible, destroy the arsenal, commissary, and quartermaster stores, and all endeavor to escape down the peninsula to General Butler's lines. The Colonel found another contraband who said he could take us on a by-road about two miles south of the station, where we could cross the railroad and get on one that would take us into Goochland county. We took him along, and while going through the woods captured a four horse wagon and seven men getting wood. We had them throw off the wood and climb on the wagon and turn into line. We had not gone more than a mile when our attention was called to a number of horses hitched around a log cabin. Lieutenant Merritt was ordered to make a dash with the advance guard and see what was going on. The result was the capture of eight commissioned officers and a few privates, being the sudden
Maryland Line (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
the body of Colonel Ulric Dahlgren, and came to me without any alteration of any kind. I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Fitzhugh Lee. memoranda of Dahlgren, as published in the Richmond Examiner, April 1, 1864, and referred to in preceding note of General Lee. Pleasonton will govern details. Will have details from other commands, (four thousand). Michigan men have started. Colonel I. H. Devereux has torpedoes. Hanover Junction (B. T. Johnson). Maryland Line. (Here follows a statement of the composition and numbers of Johnson's Command.) Chapin's Farm—seven miles below Richmond. One brigade (Hunton's relieved Wise sent to Charleston). River can be forded half a mile above the city. No works on south side. Hospitals near them. River fordable. Canal can be crossed. Fifty men to remain on north bank, and keep in communication if possible. To destroy mills, canal, and burn everything of value to the rebels. Seize any large fe
King William County (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
r. Our column was then turned east, and we came round and crossed the railroad at Hungary Station, from there to the Brooke pike, and finding from a citizen that Kilpatrick was in retreat down the Peninsula, he determined to cross through King William county and King and Queen county, and try and reach Butler's lines at Gloucester Point. We crossed the Pamunkey at Hanovertown Ferry. The Mattaponi at Dabney's (Walkerton) Ferry, having at this place a little skirmish with bushwhackers. I woul report the facts concerning the little fight we had with the raiding party of the enemy around Richmond on the 5th day of March. I was informed by Lieutenant Pollard, of the Ninth Virginia Cavalry, that the enemy were advancing through King William county. I immediately ordered my men to report for duty, and succeeded in assembling twenty-eight at King & Queen Courthouse. Lieutenant Pollard came up in their rear and engaged their rearguard near Bruington Church, skirmishing for several
Harwood (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
ent. The credit of the command of our party belongs alone to Captain Fox, than whom there was no more chivalric spirit in either army. In making this statement, I am actuated only by a desire to do justice to the memory of one who was too unassuming to sound his own trumpet. I am also told, by soldiers, that Lieutenant Pollard deserves a considerable degree of credit for the part he played in following and harassing the enemy up to the time they took the right fork of the road near Butler's Tavern. You are, of course, aware of the fact that the enemy has always denied the authenticity of the Dahlgren Papers, and declared them to be forgeries. To prove the utter absurdity and falsehood of such a charge, I submit the following: 1. The papers were taken by Littlepage from the person of a man whose name he had never heard. It was a dark night, and the captor, with the aid of the noon-day sun, could not write at all. I afterwards taught him to write a little in my school. T
Lynchburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
n—we have only to say that this is not true. An examination shows clearly that the signature is U. Dahlgren, and that the apparent difference is caused by the striking through of a letter on the reverse side of the paper on which the disputed document was written. The following letter from General J. A. Early, in transmitting a photograph copy to our office, makes this matter so clear that we insert it, although not intended for publication: Letter from General J. A. Early. Lynchburg, February 24th, 1879. Rev. John William Jones, D. D., Secretary Southern Historical Society Dear sir,—I send you the copy of Dahlgren's address which Mr. McDaniel gave me for the Society. You will see that the h is very distinct in this copy. The address seems to have been written on two half-sheets of paper, or more probably on the two odd pages of a full sheet, with the conclusion written on the second page, or on the reverse side of the first leaf, and across the writing on the fir
Deep Run (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
uns. Captain Rives's fire caused a large body of the enemy, massed between the Brooke turnpike and the Mill road, to seek shelter in the thick wood to the right of Brooke turnpike. The firing lasted about two hours, after which the enemy retreated towards the Meadow Bridge road. Later in the day, a small body of the enemy's cavalry made its appearance near the residence of Mr. J. P. Ballard, about three-fourths of a mile in front of one of my siege batteries on the Intermediate Line and Deep Run road, served by a detachment of twenty men of the Twentieth Virginia battalion, commanded by Second Lieutenant B. F. Holstead, of Company B, Twentieth Virginia battalion. After exchanging ten rounds, the enemy withdrew with no casualties on our side. In closing this report, I have the honor to express my gratification at the behavior both of the officers and men of this command; the artillery was handled exceedingly well, and the infantry responded with alacrity to every call made upon
Brooke (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
ere present, 253 from the First regiment and 53 from the Second, with Hart's battery, to Mount Carmel Church. On the morning of the 1st March I joined the command and moved to Hanover Junction. Not hearing of the enemy here, proceeded to Hughes Cross Roads, deeming that an important point, and one at which he would be likely to cross. When the column arrived here, the camp-fires of the enemy could be seen in the direction of Atlee's Station, as well as to the right on the Telegraph or the Brooke road. I determined to strike at the party near Atlee's, and with that view moved down to the station, where we met the pickets of the enemy. I would not allow their fire to be returned, but quietly dismounted one hundred men, and supporting them with the cavalry, ordered Colonel Cheek to move steadily on the camp of the enemy, whilst two guns were opened on them at very short range. The attack was made with great gallantry; the men proving by their conduct that they were fully equal to th
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