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Richmond (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
k across the country for Dover Mills on the James river. We travelled as fast as our horses could turn and strike toward Richmond, coming into Manchester opposite Belle Isle, secure the bridge, libe the intention of Colonel Dahlgren to cross James river at that point, and enter Richmond from the . They then kept down on the north side of James river. A negro man named Martin, who was said toeyond peradventure: [Published in the Richmond, Virginia, Dispatch of March 5th, 1864.] Addresseen them fairly started, we will cross the James river into Richmond, destroying the bridges afterdestroy arty. 8 A. M. Twenty miles—Near James river, 2 P. M. Sunday; feed and water one and a hin front of the city at daybreak. return—In Richmond during the day—feed and water men outside. the intention, it was presumed, of crossing James river some distance above Richmond, releasing thede, form again a junction with Kilpatrick. James river was high; and without attempting its passag<
Beaver Dam (Wisconsin, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
ral Stuart: Citizens report to General Young a Yankee cavalry brigade at Mount Pleasant, moving towards Central Road. No reports from pickets. Not hearing from General Stuart, at 10:30 P. M. the following message was sent to him: Enemy were at Beaver Dam at seven o'clock. North Carolina brigade has moved down with artillery. Have ordered Maryland cavalry to join me. Young at Spotsylvania Courthouse. Have received nothing from you. These dispatches gave all the information I had received of twell, and gave assistance; while the artillery behaved admirably. I cannot close my report without expressing my appreciation of the conduct of Colonel Bradley T. Johnson and his gallant command. With a mere handful of men he met the enemy at Beaver Dam, and never lost sight of him until he had passed Tunstall's Station, hanging on his rear, striking him constantly, and displaying throughout the very highest qualities of a soldier. He is admirably fitted for the cavalry service, and I trust t
Washington (United States) (search for this): chapter 39
and by night the rain began to fall, but we had a long ride yet to the river, which we wanted to cross at daylight next morning. So on we plodded through mud, rain, and darkness, such as I never experienced, guided by a contraband sent from Washington city to take us through to Dover Mills and show us a ford where we could cross to the south side of the James. We finally had to stop, as we were losing men in the darkness, and about 2 A. M., March 1, we halted at a small country store, fed ouold us out. There was no ford at the place at all, but a steam ferry, with the boat at the opposite side of the river, and no ford short of twenty miles up the river. This is the most mysterious case I ever heard of. This man came down from Washington city, sent by Stanton, who was a personal friend of the Colonel. He made a bargain with Kilpatrick and Dahlgren to take them to a ford at Dover Mills and take them over, when his services would cease, and in case of any mistake or treachery on h
Williamsburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
as made in a snow-storm. I could not push on till daylight, when I found that the enemy had retreated rapidly down the Peninsula. We followed to the vicinity of Old Church, where I was forced to discontinue the pursuit, owing to the condition of my horses. Under orders from the Secretary of War, I took my cavalry, together with some other commands around Richmond, and moved subsequently to Tunstall's Station, in the hope of being able to strike a blow at the enemy. But he retreated to Williamsburg, under cover of strong reinforcements, which had been sent to meet him. My command was then brought back to its old camp, having been in the saddle from Monday night to Sunday evening. We captured upwards of 100 prisoners, representing five regiments, many horses, arms, &c. When it is taken into consideration that the force with which I left camp numbered only 306 men, and that this number was reduced by necessary pickets and scouts, I hope the Commanding General will not regard the succe
Hampstead (New Hampshire, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
nock might be of great service in preventing transports from approaching Urbanna. I advise that scouts should be sent from my command to obtain reliable information of the movements of the enemy at Gloucester and Yorktown. The boats on the Pamunkey and the Mattapony should be removed. Whilst at Tunstall's Station I made a reconnoissance of the positions there and up to Hanover Courthouse. The Mattadaquire Creek can be forded only at two places with artillery—one, the lower ford, near Hampstead, Mrs. Webb's place, where the ground is very defensible, and the other at Rowland's Mill, the dam of which is now broken. If this dam is repaired, a large inundation would be formed, preventing any crossing for some distance up. There is an intermediate ford which can be used only by horsemen, and which, I am told, can be easily blockaded. I have not availed myself of my leave of absence, as the weather has been so favorable for the movements of troops; and if my presence here is longer
Culpeper (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
nd published in that Magazine in 1870: The death of Colonel Dahlgren. * * * * In compliance with your request, and solely because it seems to be an unprejudiced one, I transmit my recollections of Colonel Dahlgren's raid, that they may be placed within the reach of those who respect the truth for its own sake. February, 1864, found General Lee's army wintering along the line of the Rapidan, in Orange county, Virginia. General Meade's opposing army was in winter quarters, in Culpeper county, on the line of the Rappahannock. During the latter part of that month, General Kilpatrick, a cavalry division commander of the latter, essayed a coup de main upon Richmond, the objective point of his commander-in-chief. Colonel Dahlgren was a subordinate officer on that expedition. Kilpatrick's idea was, secretly leaving his army, to clear General Lee's right flank well, and, by a forced march, with picked men and horses, appear before the western defences of Richmond, and enter i
J. A. Early (search for this): chapter 39
pose of the object of the expedition. To use a trite expression—put the shoe on the other foot—let the North imagine General Early's body to be found in the vicinity of Washington, when his forces retired from there in July of the same year, with oa letter on the reverse side of the paper on which the disputed document was written. The following letter from General J. A. Early, in transmitting a photograph copy to our office, makes this matter so clear that we insert it, although not intended for publication: Letter from General J. A. Early. Lynchburg, February 24th, 1879. Rev. John William Jones, D. D., Secretary Southern Historical Society Dear sir,—I send you the copy of Dahlgren's address which Mr. McDaniel gave meof writing on that side, some words of which I can make out by holding the paper to the looking-glass. Yours truly, J. A. Early. Summing up of the proof. As to the authenticity of the papers, then, we have established, we think, the follow<
Beaver Dam at seven o'clock. North Carolina brigade has moved down with artillery. Have ordered Maryland cavalry to join me. Young at Spotsylvania Courthouse. Have received nothing from you. These dispatches gave all the information I had received of the movements of the enemy. As soon as I could learn what direction he had taken, I sent all the mounted men of the North Carolina cavalry brigade who were present, 253 from the First regiment and 53 from the Second, with Hart's battery, to Mount Carmel Church. On the morning of the 1st March I joined the command and moved to Hanover Junction. Not hearing of the enemy here, proceeded to Hughes Cross Roads, deeming that an important point, and one at which he would be likely to cross. When the column arrived here, the camp-fires of the enemy could be seen in the direction of Atlee's Station, as well as to the right on the Telegraph or the Brooke road. I determined to strike at the party near Atlee's, and with that view moved down
Judah P. Benjamin (search for this): chapter 39
nce brought the papers first to me. Upon ascertaining their contents, I immediately took them to Mr. Davis. Admitted to his private office, I found no one but Mr. Benjamin, a member of his Cabinet, with him. The papers were handed him, and he read them aloud in our presence, making no comment save a laughing remark, when he came to the sentence, Jeff. Davis and Cabinet must be killed on the spot, That means you, Mr. Benjamin. By Mr. Davis's directions, I then carried them to General Cooper, the Adjutant-General of the army, to be filed in his office. I never saw them but once afterwards, when I took them out of the Adjutant-General's office to see if cilled during his raid on Richmond in 1864. The original of these instructions were sent to my office through the Engineer Bureau and General W. H. Stevens, by Mr. Benjamin, Secretary of State, for copy, and some fifty copies were made under my immediate supervision. You will perceive they are double fac-similes, the paper bein
were fired on. Immediately after this fire, and while it was still doubtful whether the enemy would summon up courage enough to advance again, in a word, before any one else ventured to do so, Littlepage ran out into the road, and finding a dead Yankee there, proceeded to search his pockets to see, as he said, if he might not be fortunate enough to find a watch. The little fellow wanted to own a watch, and, as the Yankees had robbed me, his teacher, of a gold watch a short time before, I suppose he concluded that there would be no harm in his taking a watch from a dead Yankee; but his teacher always discouraged any feelings of this kind in his pupils. Littlepage failed to secure the prize by not looking in the overcoat pockets, and the watch (for there was really one) was found afterwards by Lieutenant Hart. But in searching the pockets of the inner garments, Littlepage did find a cigar-case, a memorandum-box, etc. When the Yankees had been driven back and thrown into a panic by
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