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Gravelly Run (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
he Headquarters of Grant this night were on Gravelly run, south of the crossing of the Vaughan road.eral Sheridan's movements, and now rests on Gravelly run, and, if I move, will be in the air. . . I e directs you to move up the Quaker road to Gravelly run crossing.—Webb to Warren, March 29, 10.20 Aishers are out on the Quaker road as far as Gravelly run.—Warren to Webb. From your last dispatch thoydton plank, it should not go further than Gravelly run, as I don't think it will render any servic hold it, if we are not threatened south of Gravelly run. East of the plank road, General HumphreysG. Boisseau running north, where it crosses Gravelly run. Warren could at once move that way and taidge on the Boydton road at the crossing of Gravelly run was broken, and at 9.50 P. M., Warren was aed, is received, indicating the bridge over Gravelly run is destroyed, and time will be required to e Oak, the Crump, and the Boydton roads; on Gravelly run and in front of Lee—became at last almost u[3 more...
Boydton (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
onal army at every point from Richmond to the Boydton road, Grant concluded that the rebel lines mures and Crawford's divisions back to near the Boydton road. The whole Fifth corps is now about to been driven from near W. Dabney's back to the Boydton road. The Fifth corps is now pre. paring to sufficient at first to drive him back to the Boydton road, at the same time massed a still larger s from Sheridan. Warren was still across the Boydton road, his Headquarters four and a half miles rren draw back at once to his position on the Boydton road, and send a division of infantry to Sherat will be by J. M. Brooks and R. Boisseau on Boydton plank road. You must be very prompt in thisted, as we have seen, to march Griffin by the Boydton road, and the other two divisions by the Crumons will go by J. Boisseau's and one down the Boydton road. In addition to this I have sent Mackenwing day—on the White Oak, the Crump, and the Boydton roads; on Gravelly run and in front of Lee—be[15 more...]<
City Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
les away; and the rebel skirmishers, who were advancing towards the military railroad that connected Meade's front with City Point, were driven back to the line of works. The column that had turned to the national right was also checked, so that tim Neither guns nor colors were lost. This whole battle was fought by Parke, for Meade was at Grant's Headquarters, at City Point, when the first news of the attack was received; the rebels had cut the telegraphic wires, and intelligence came only bver been satisfactorily explained. Lee could hardly have hoped to do any serious damage to Grant's communications with City Point, and he massed too large a force for the assault to make it practicable for him, whether it succeeded or not, to move h began. The Fifth corps started according to orders at three A. M., and the Second at six. At nine o'clock Grant left City Point by the military railroad. The President accompanied him to the train, and wished him and his officers God-speed. Good
Crump (Oregon, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
hite Oak road a mile and a half west of Warren's left on the 31st of March, the Crump road, on which Bartlett was moving, runs directly south about two miles, when i main Five Forks road near the J. Boisseau house. If Warren should move by the Crump road, his route would bring him directly in the rear of Pickett's force as it fie. This scheme had the advantage that Warren was already in possession of the Crump road, as far as Gravelly run, with Bartlett's brigade. Accordingly, at 9.45 seen, to march Griffin by the Boydton road, and the other two divisions by the Crump road. He sent Ayres, instead of Griffin, by the Boydton road, and moved himselright came up with Griffin's command, in front of the J. Boisseau house, on the Crump road. Warren himself was still with Crawford's division, engaged in making a sght or rear of Sheridan's new position. Mackenzie was therefore sent up by the Crump road across Warren's rear, with directions to gain the White Oak road if possib
Quaker (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
Parke, Wright, Ord, Humphreys, Warren. The Fifth corps had met with a slight resistance on the Quaker road, but had driven the rebels back behind their works, and captured a hundred prisoners. This on on my right.—Warren to Humphreys, March 30. Major-General Meade directs you to move up the Quaker road to Gravelly run crossing.—Webb to Warren, March 29, 10.20 A. M. I think my skirmishers are out on the Quaker road as far as Gravelly run.—Warren to Webb. From your last dispatch the major-general commanding would infer that you did not understand the last order.—Webb to Warren, March 29, 12 M. I did not understand, till Captain Emory came, that I was to move my corps up the Quaker road.—Warren to Webb, March 29. The roads and fields are getting too bad for artillery, and I do not belquired to rebuild it. If this is the case, would not time be gained by sending the troops by the Quaker road? Time is of the utmost importance. Sheridan cannot maintain himself at Dinwiddie witho
Ford, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
ile east of the Forks. They thus covered not only the Forks themselves, but the Ford road, which runs north to the Southside railway, and was the route by which Pickted him to swing around to the right of the infantry, and gain possession of the Ford road at the crossing of Hatcher's run, and thus cut off the rebel line of retreand capturing fifteen hundred prisoners. Crawford also was finally brought to the Ford road, and then, facing directly south, he took the flying enemy in rear, and capfighting seemed to be fiercest at the Forks, pushed on in that direction by the Ford road. Sheridan had been obliged to halt Ayres in his impetuous advance, lest llery, and the fugitives were driven north and westward. Some rushed off by the Ford road, to encounter Crawford and Mackenzie, while those who fled by the White Oakerritt went into camp west and south of the Forks, and Mackenzie remained on the Ford road at the crossing of Hatcher's run. No complete return was made of the abs
Stony Creek (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
division or two of them well up on the right, . . . they could have fallen on the enemy's rear, as they were pursuing Ayres and Crawford. Grant was unaware that Sheridan at this time was himself heavily engaged. In the midst of this important battle, Grant was looking anxiously for news from North Carolina, and in the same dispatch to Sheridan, he said: I would like you to get information from the Weldon road. I understand the enemy have some infantry and a brigade of cavalry at Stony creek station; I think it possible, too, that Johnston may be brought up that road to attack us in rear. They will see now that Sherman has halted at Goldsboro, and may think they can leave Raleigh with a small force. There was a delay of several hours before the Fifth corps was ready, and Meade evidently shared the feeling in regard to Warren that was entertained by Sheridan and Grant. See vol. II., page 177. You know, he said to Humphreys, the difficulty of getting two brigades to adv
Bermuda Hundred (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
re. Grant thought of the soldiers he had led for a year, and reserved for them alone the reward they had fairly earned. On the 24th of March, the orders for the movement were issued. Parke and Wright were at first to be left in the trenches in front of Petersburg, but all of Meade's command except the Ninth corps was under marching orders. Ord, with three divisions from the army of the James, was also to join the moving column, leaving Weitzel in command north of the river and at Bermuda Hundred. To the force which Sheridan had brought from the Valley, was added the cavalry of the army of the Potomac, under Crook, and eventually about fifteen hundred troopers belonging to Ord. It was then reported to the general-in-chief that Meade could move with sixty thousand effective men, Ord with seventeen thousand, and Sheridan with twelve thousand; in all about ninety thousand soldiers. This was Grant's disposable force. The object of the operation was announced to the principal co
Griffin (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
inwiddie. Fighting was still going on, when I last heard from him, which was after dark. At the same hour he telegraphed to Meade: If you can get orders to Mackenzie to move his cavalry to the support of Sheridan by way of the Vaughan road, do so. I have sent the same directions to General Ord. Please let me know when Griffin gets started. If he pushes promptly, I think there may he a chance for cutting off the infantry the enemy have intrusted so far from home. Urge prompt movement on Griffin. Still later, he said to Ord: I want Mackenzie to go through. It may be too late to-morrow morning. Every one seemed alive to the emergency, and anxious to meet it. Meade sent frequent messages urging Warren, and Warren himself proposed that the Boydton road should be held by Humphreys and the artillery of the Fifth corps. Then, said he, let me move down and attack the enemy at Dinwiddie court-house on one side, and Sheridan on the other. The line along the plank road is very strong
Norfolk (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
eadman on the 25th of March, Lee lost from 2,500 to 3,000 men, and that during the month of March about 3,000 rebels deserted. Thus, on the 31st of March, says Taylor, Lee had only 33,000 muskets with which to defend his lines. This number he contrasts with an effective total, which he ascribes to Grant, of 162,239. But this total of Grant's includes the sick, the extra-duty men, those in arrest, the officers, the cavalry, the artillery, and the troops in Ord's department at Fort Monroe, Norfolk, and other places a hundred miles from Richmond, as well as the cavalry of Sheridan left in the Middle Military Division. The actual facts are as follows: Lee reported present for duty on the 20th of February, 1865, 59,094 men, and 73,349 aggregate, in the army of Northern Virginia alone. Ewell, in command of the Department of Richmond, reported, on the same day, 4,391 effective, and 5,084 aggregate present, making 63,485 effective regular soldiers, and 78,433 aggregate. In addition to
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