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Old Point (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 4
et.--He was one of the few remaining patriarchs whose foundation of subsequent usefulness was laid in the last century. The Independent Grays, and company F. of this city, are on parade to-day. These two well- drilled companies have just passed through the city, and present a soldierly and warlike appearance. They escorted Major Crutchfield to the depot of the N. & P. Railroad. The grand review of the forces at Pig's Point, which was to take place to-day, is postponed until to-morrow, when a most attractive military display is expected to come off. A steamer will go down with a flag of truce to Old Point to-day, and several persons bound North will be allowed to take passage. Private Keeling, of the Old Dominion Guards, of Portsmouth, aged about eighteen, died yesterday. The remains of the youthful soldier will be carried to-day on the Norfolk and Petersburg Road to Suffolk, where his relatives reside. He was a son of the late John W. Keeling, of that town.
Suffolk, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 4
et.--He was one of the few remaining patriarchs whose foundation of subsequent usefulness was laid in the last century. The Independent Grays, and company F. of this city, are on parade to-day. These two well- drilled companies have just passed through the city, and present a soldierly and warlike appearance. They escorted Major Crutchfield to the depot of the N. & P. Railroad. The grand review of the forces at Pig's Point, which was to take place to-day, is postponed until to-morrow, when a most attractive military display is expected to come off. A steamer will go down with a flag of truce to Old Point to-day, and several persons bound North will be allowed to take passage. Private Keeling, of the Old Dominion Guards, of Portsmouth, aged about eighteen, died yesterday. The remains of the youthful soldier will be carried to-day on the Norfolk and Petersburg Road to Suffolk, where his relatives reside. He was a son of the late John W. Keeling, of that town.
England (United Kingdom) (search for this): article 4
y expended the most of his private fortune in furnishing transportation for the supplies that were so necessary for the safety and efficiency of the patriotic army in the South, that fought so gallantly for liberty and freedom, to be abused and destroyed by a set of paritanic fanatics of the North. It is also a somewhat remarkable coincidence that the late Wm. B. Lamb, the father of the present excellent Mayor of our city, was Mayor of the borough of Norfolk during the last war with Great Britain, when our port was blockaded by a British fleet.--He was one of the few remaining patriarchs whose foundation of subsequent usefulness was laid in the last century. The Independent Grays, and company F. of this city, are on parade to-day. These two well- drilled companies have just passed through the city, and present a soldierly and warlike appearance. They escorted Major Crutchfield to the depot of the N. & P. Railroad. The grand review of the forces at Pig's Point, which
Pig Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 4
r with Great Britain, when our port was blockaded by a British fleet.--He was one of the few remaining patriarchs whose foundation of subsequent usefulness was laid in the last century. The Independent Grays, and company F. of this city, are on parade to-day. These two well- drilled companies have just passed through the city, and present a soldierly and warlike appearance. They escorted Major Crutchfield to the depot of the N. & P. Railroad. The grand review of the forces at Pig's Point, which was to take place to-day, is postponed until to-morrow, when a most attractive military display is expected to come off. A steamer will go down with a flag of truce to Old Point to-day, and several persons bound North will be allowed to take passage. Private Keeling, of the Old Dominion Guards, of Portsmouth, aged about eighteen, died yesterday. The remains of the youthful soldier will be carried to-day on the Norfolk and Petersburg Road to Suffolk, where his relatives r
Garrett Davis (search for this): article 4
all the honor due to his merits as a soldier — greatly overrated as they have been. In April, 1850, our city was visited by "the hero of Lundy's Lane," as Scott was called. He did not attract a large crowd. There seemed, indeed, but little curiosity to see the tall, fat, old General. A salute, however, was fired on his arrival, and he was escorted to his rooms by some of the volunteer companies. Major Wm. Lamb, of our city, having been appointed Brigadier-Quartermaster, by President Davis, has commenced arrangements for the discharge of his additional army duties. It is a coincidence worthy of note, that Richard Lamb, of Va., the great-grandfather of Major Lamb, was a Quarter-master in the Continental army, in the American Revolution. During the discharge of his duties in that capacity he generously expended the most of his private fortune in furnishing transportation for the supplies that were so necessary for the safety and efficiency of the patriotic army in the Sou
Richard Lamb (search for this): article 4
the volunteer companies. Major Wm. Lamb, of our city, having been appointed Brigadier-Quartermaster, by President Davis, has commenced arrangements for the discharge of his additional army duties. It is a coincidence worthy of note, that Richard Lamb, of Va., the great-grandfather of Major Lamb, was a Quarter-master in the Continental army, in the American Revolution. During the discharge of his duties in that capacity he generously expended the most of his private fortune in furnishing tMajor Lamb, was a Quarter-master in the Continental army, in the American Revolution. During the discharge of his duties in that capacity he generously expended the most of his private fortune in furnishing transportation for the supplies that were so necessary for the safety and efficiency of the patriotic army in the South, that fought so gallantly for liberty and freedom, to be abused and destroyed by a set of paritanic fanatics of the North. It is also a somewhat remarkable coincidence that the late Wm. B. Lamb, the father of the present excellent Mayor of our city, was Mayor of the borough of Norfolk during the last war with Great Britain, when our port was blockaded by a British fleet.--H
William B. Lamb (search for this): article 4
rter-master in the Continental army, in the American Revolution. During the discharge of his duties in that capacity he generously expended the most of his private fortune in furnishing transportation for the supplies that were so necessary for the safety and efficiency of the patriotic army in the South, that fought so gallantly for liberty and freedom, to be abused and destroyed by a set of paritanic fanatics of the North. It is also a somewhat remarkable coincidence that the late Wm. B. Lamb, the father of the present excellent Mayor of our city, was Mayor of the borough of Norfolk during the last war with Great Britain, when our port was blockaded by a British fleet.--He was one of the few remaining patriarchs whose foundation of subsequent usefulness was laid in the last century. The Independent Grays, and company F. of this city, are on parade to-day. These two well- drilled companies have just passed through the city, and present a soldierly and warlike appearance.
Alexander Scott (search for this): article 4
From Norfolk. the weather — the health of Gen. Scott--Major Wm. Lamb--parade — death. [special Correspondence of the Dispatch.] Norfolk, Oct. 3d, 1861. There is nothing of very special importance to-day to communicate from the seaport cities of Virginia. Suppose I give you something more about the state ofrts of the pure and good, are neglected and unseen. It has been stated here by a passenger who arrived in one of the steamers bearing a flag of truce, that Gen. Scott's health is exceedingly feeble, and it is believed that he cannot live much longer. Had that vain and presumptuous old enemy to the South, and especially to hiith all the honor due to his merits as a soldier — greatly overrated as they have been. In April, 1850, our city was visited by "the hero of Lundy's Lane," as Scott was called. He did not attract a large crowd. There seemed, indeed, but little curiosity to see the tall, fat, old General. A salute, however, was fired on his <
John W. Keeling (search for this): article 4
o-day, is postponed until to-morrow, when a most attractive military display is expected to come off. A steamer will go down with a flag of truce to Old Point to-day, and several persons bound North will be allowed to take passage. Private Keeling, of the Old Dominion Guards, of Portsmouth, aged about eighteen, died yesterday. The remains of the youthful soldier will be carried to-day on the Norfolk and Petersburg Road to Suffolk, where his relatives reside. He was a son of the latew, when a most attractive military display is expected to come off. A steamer will go down with a flag of truce to Old Point to-day, and several persons bound North will be allowed to take passage. Private Keeling, of the Old Dominion Guards, of Portsmouth, aged about eighteen, died yesterday. The remains of the youthful soldier will be carried to-day on the Norfolk and Petersburg Road to Suffolk, where his relatives reside. He was a son of the late John W. Keeling, of that town.
Crutchfield (search for this): article 4
present excellent Mayor of our city, was Mayor of the borough of Norfolk during the last war with Great Britain, when our port was blockaded by a British fleet.--He was one of the few remaining patriarchs whose foundation of subsequent usefulness was laid in the last century. The Independent Grays, and company F. of this city, are on parade to-day. These two well- drilled companies have just passed through the city, and present a soldierly and warlike appearance. They escorted Major Crutchfield to the depot of the N. & P. Railroad. The grand review of the forces at Pig's Point, which was to take place to-day, is postponed until to-morrow, when a most attractive military display is expected to come off. A steamer will go down with a flag of truce to Old Point to-day, and several persons bound North will be allowed to take passage. Private Keeling, of the Old Dominion Guards, of Portsmouth, aged about eighteen, died yesterday. The remains of the youthful soldier
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