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John Letcher (search for this): article 24
Bank of Pittsylvania, Pittsylvania C. H., Va., Sept. 19th, 1861. his Excellency John Letcher, Governor of Virginia: Sir: I transmit herewith the first quarterly statement of the condition of the Bank of Pittsylvania, as it existed on the first day of July last. the Bank was organized on the 4th day of April, 1861, by electing nine Directors, and commenced business, under the proclamation of the Governor, dated the 4th of may last. Directors: W. W. Keen, President. Richard Jones, George W. Hall, George Craft, Tarpley White, J. H. Hargrave, Wm.Rison, A. S. Buford, J. M. Walker. Very respectfully, L. B. Conway, Cashier. A statement of the condition of the Bank of Pittsylvania on the 1st July, 1861. Assets: property — safe$440 00 Expenses1,862 71 Bills receivable: payable at this Bank$101,680 00 payable at other Banks in State18,936 39 payable at Banks out of State4,300 00 124,916 39 Interest, &c2 82 due from other
J. M. Walker (search for this): article 24
irginia: Sir: I transmit herewith the first quarterly statement of the condition of the Bank of Pittsylvania, as it existed on the first day of July last. the Bank was organized on the 4th day of April, 1861, by electing nine Directors, and commenced business, under the proclamation of the Governor, dated the 4th of may last. Directors: W. W. Keen, President. Richard Jones, George W. Hall, George Craft, Tarpley White, J. H. Hargrave, Wm.Rison, A. S. Buford, J. M. Walker. Very respectfully, L. B. Conway, Cashier. A statement of the condition of the Bank of Pittsylvania on the 1st July, 1861. Assets: property — safe$440 00 Expenses1,862 71 Bills receivable: payable at this Bank$101,680 00 payable at other Banks in State18,936 39 payable at Banks out of State4,300 00 124,916 39 Interest, &c2 82 due from other Banks and incorporated companies4 64 State bonds56,000 00 Cash. in specie and specie certificates$42,939 20
A. S. Buford (search for this): article 24
r, Governor of Virginia: Sir: I transmit herewith the first quarterly statement of the condition of the Bank of Pittsylvania, as it existed on the first day of July last. the Bank was organized on the 4th day of April, 1861, by electing nine Directors, and commenced business, under the proclamation of the Governor, dated the 4th of may last. Directors: W. W. Keen, President. Richard Jones, George W. Hall, George Craft, Tarpley White, J. H. Hargrave, Wm.Rison, A. S. Buford, J. M. Walker. Very respectfully, L. B. Conway, Cashier. A statement of the condition of the Bank of Pittsylvania on the 1st July, 1861. Assets: property — safe$440 00 Expenses1,862 71 Bills receivable: payable at this Bank$101,680 00 payable at other Banks in State18,936 39 payable at Banks out of State4,300 00 124,916 39 Interest, &c2 82 due from other Banks and incorporated companies4 64 State bonds56,000 00 Cash. in specie and specie certif
J. H. Hargrave (search for this): article 24
. his Excellency John Letcher, Governor of Virginia: Sir: I transmit herewith the first quarterly statement of the condition of the Bank of Pittsylvania, as it existed on the first day of July last. the Bank was organized on the 4th day of April, 1861, by electing nine Directors, and commenced business, under the proclamation of the Governor, dated the 4th of may last. Directors: W. W. Keen, President. Richard Jones, George W. Hall, George Craft, Tarpley White, J. H. Hargrave, Wm.Rison, A. S. Buford, J. M. Walker. Very respectfully, L. B. Conway, Cashier. A statement of the condition of the Bank of Pittsylvania on the 1st July, 1861. Assets: property — safe$440 00 Expenses1,862 71 Bills receivable: payable at this Bank$101,680 00 payable at other Banks in State18,936 39 payable at Banks out of State4,300 00 124,916 39 Interest, &c2 82 due from other Banks and incorporated companies4 64 State bonds56,000 00 Cash.
Richard Jones (search for this): article 24
ank of Pittsylvania, Pittsylvania C. H., Va., Sept. 19th, 1861. his Excellency John Letcher, Governor of Virginia: Sir: I transmit herewith the first quarterly statement of the condition of the Bank of Pittsylvania, as it existed on the first day of July last. the Bank was organized on the 4th day of April, 1861, by electing nine Directors, and commenced business, under the proclamation of the Governor, dated the 4th of may last. Directors: W. W. Keen, President. Richard Jones, George W. Hall, George Craft, Tarpley White, J. H. Hargrave, Wm.Rison, A. S. Buford, J. M. Walker. Very respectfully, L. B. Conway, Cashier. A statement of the condition of the Bank of Pittsylvania on the 1st July, 1861. Assets: property — safe$440 00 Expenses1,862 71 Bills receivable: payable at this Bank$101,680 00 payable at other Banks in State18,936 39 payable at Banks out of State4,300 00 124,916 39 Interest, &c2 82 due from other Ban
Tarpley White (search for this): article 24
Sept. 19th, 1861. his Excellency John Letcher, Governor of Virginia: Sir: I transmit herewith the first quarterly statement of the condition of the Bank of Pittsylvania, as it existed on the first day of July last. the Bank was organized on the 4th day of April, 1861, by electing nine Directors, and commenced business, under the proclamation of the Governor, dated the 4th of may last. Directors: W. W. Keen, President. Richard Jones, George W. Hall, George Craft, Tarpley White, J. H. Hargrave, Wm.Rison, A. S. Buford, J. M. Walker. Very respectfully, L. B. Conway, Cashier. A statement of the condition of the Bank of Pittsylvania on the 1st July, 1861. Assets: property — safe$440 00 Expenses1,862 71 Bills receivable: payable at this Bank$101,680 00 payable at other Banks in State18,936 39 payable at Banks out of State4,300 00 124,916 39 Interest, &c2 82 due from other Banks and incorporated companies4 64 State bonds56,00
. Hargrave, Wm.Rison, A. S. Buford, J. M. Walker. Very respectfully, L. B. Conway, Cashier. A statement of the condition of the Bank of Pittsylvania on the 1st July, 1861. Assets: property — safe$440 00 Expenses1,862 71 Bills receivable: payable at this Bank$101,680 00 payable at other Banks in State18,936 39 payable at Banks out of State4,300 00 124,916 39 Interest, &c2 82 due from other Banks and incorporated companies4 64 State bonds56,000 00 Cash. in specie and specie certificates$42,939 20 in notes of and checks on Banks in State1,508 75 in notes of and checks on Banks out of State220 00 44,667 95 $221,594 51 Liabilities Capital stock subscribed$127,200 00 amount unpaid32,462 25 amount paid$94,737 75 Circulation$83,260 00 Notes on hand2,990 00 80,270 00 Deposits44,342 15 Discount2,244 61 $221,594 51 Loans to Directors$18,450 00 Circulation: 506 fifties$25,300 00 506 twenties10,120 00 1,012 tens10,120
W. W. Keen (search for this): article 24
Bank of Pittsylvania, Pittsylvania C. H., Va., Sept. 19th, 1861. his Excellency John Letcher, Governor of Virginia: Sir: I transmit herewith the first quarterly statement of the condition of the Bank of Pittsylvania, as it existed on the first day of July last. the Bank was organized on the 4th day of April, 1861, by electing nine Directors, and commenced business, under the proclamation of the Governor, dated the 4th of may last. Directors: W. W. Keen, President. Richard Jones, George W. Hall, George Craft, Tarpley White, J. H. Hargrave, Wm.Rison, A. S. Buford, J. M. Walker. Very respectfully, L. B. Conway, Cashier. A statement of the condition of the Bank of Pittsylvania on the 1st July, 1861. Assets: property — safe$440 00 Expenses1,862 71 Bills receivable: payable at this Bank$101,680 00 payable at other Banks in State18,936 39 payable at Banks out of State4,300 00 124,916 39 Interest, &c2 82 due from other B
L. B. Conway (search for this): article 24
h the first quarterly statement of the condition of the Bank of Pittsylvania, as it existed on the first day of July last. the Bank was organized on the 4th day of April, 1861, by electing nine Directors, and commenced business, under the proclamation of the Governor, dated the 4th of may last. Directors: W. W. Keen, President. Richard Jones, George W. Hall, George Craft, Tarpley White, J. H. Hargrave, Wm.Rison, A. S. Buford, J. M. Walker. Very respectfully, L. B. Conway, Cashier. A statement of the condition of the Bank of Pittsylvania on the 1st July, 1861. Assets: property — safe$440 00 Expenses1,862 71 Bills receivable: payable at this Bank$101,680 00 payable at other Banks in State18,936 39 payable at Banks out of State4,300 00 124,916 39 Interest, &c2 82 due from other Banks and incorporated companies4 64 State bonds56,000 00 Cash. in specie and specie certificates$42,939 20 in notes of and checks on Banks in
George W. Hall (search for this): article 24
ia, Pittsylvania C. H., Va., Sept. 19th, 1861. his Excellency John Letcher, Governor of Virginia: Sir: I transmit herewith the first quarterly statement of the condition of the Bank of Pittsylvania, as it existed on the first day of July last. the Bank was organized on the 4th day of April, 1861, by electing nine Directors, and commenced business, under the proclamation of the Governor, dated the 4th of may last. Directors: W. W. Keen, President. Richard Jones, George W. Hall, George Craft, Tarpley White, J. H. Hargrave, Wm.Rison, A. S. Buford, J. M. Walker. Very respectfully, L. B. Conway, Cashier. A statement of the condition of the Bank of Pittsylvania on the 1st July, 1861. Assets: property — safe$440 00 Expenses1,862 71 Bills receivable: payable at this Bank$101,680 00 payable at other Banks in State18,936 39 payable at Banks out of State4,300 00 124,916 39 Interest, &c2 82 due from other Banks and incorporate
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