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Bibb (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 2
cannot escape the fate that awaits the city, and will, perforce, have to peform some kind of military duty, and stand up to the rack, on the 4th of March, proximo, when they will be invited to volunteer, with the reserved threat of a draft, in case of the requisite number not accepting the proffer. The volunteering goes on briskly; some companies are being formed here for Confederate service, and in the interior of the State, I am informed, the spirit is moving the people generally. Bibb county has already most nobly responded — her full quota having offered and been accepted. All the upper part of the State will show, by the emulation to enlist, the unappeasable thirst which consumes them, till the moment, to wipe out the remembrance of the late Yankee victories. I am confident no recourse will be had to the draft in Savannah; it would be a stain upon her escutcheon that would not soon be wiped out. There appears in some quarters a great ignorance of what has been do
Port Royal (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 2
. These batteries are earthen works, unprotected by casemates, and in this view deficient; but they are the result of the utmost labor and careful construction, and, from the nature of the soil, it would have been exceedingly difficult to render them bomb-proof. Still I think the attempt should have been made to render them so. Our experience has been dearly purchased, and we should not neglect its teachings, notwithstanding the losses in such engagements have been small on our side. At Port Royal, only ten were killed; and after frequent cannonades at Pensacola, the loss has been trifling. In all the movements of the gunboats against land batteries, they have been invariably successful, for some reason not yet sufficiently explained. Why the fire of Fort Pickens, a strong, well protected, and permanent work, should prove ineffectual against our attacking forces and batteries, while the constantly moving and unstable fire of a gunboat produces such effects, I am at a loss to conje
Fort Pickens (Florida, United States) (search for this): article 2
think the attempt should have been made to render them so. Our experience has been dearly purchased, and we should not neglect its teachings, notwithstanding the losses in such engagements have been small on our side. At Port Royal, only ten were killed; and after frequent cannonades at Pensacola, the loss has been trifling. In all the movements of the gunboats against land batteries, they have been invariably successful, for some reason not yet sufficiently explained. Why the fire of Fort Pickens, a strong, well protected, and permanent work, should prove ineffectual against our attacking forces and batteries, while the constantly moving and unstable fire of a gunboat produces such effects, I am at a loss to conjecture. I trust our military servants will explain this to our satisfaction. It is a mystery why, with so little loss, all our salient points that have been attacked have been carried with such ease. It cannot fail to produce a bad impression on the public mind everywhe
ill show, by the emulation to enlist, the unappeasable thirst which consumes them, till the moment, to wipe out the remembrance of the late Yankee victories. I am confident no recourse will be had to the draft in Savannah; it would be a stain upon her escutcheon that would not soon be wiped out. There appears in some quarters a great ignorance of what has been done and the means to accomplish the same at the command of the Secretary of the Navy. A New Orleans paper assumes to judge Mr. Mallory, and to request his resignation. The Republican, of this city, takes up the refrain, and modestly points out the Hon. T. Butler King as a proper person to fill the place. Without saying a word against the eminent abilities and the many services rendered to the South by that distinguished gentleman, I will merely say, all the clamor that has been raised against the inefficient working of that Department is founded upon very unstable ground. Any one conversant with the capacities of the
From the Seacoast. [our own Correspondent.] Savannah, Ga., Feb. 20, 1862. Very little worth recording has transpired here since I wrote my last letter. The enemy's gunboats still hold the same position in Wall's cut, but their doings there cannot be easily found out; they have unquestionably cut off the communication with Fort Pulaski, and no effort we can make with our present naval force could dislodge them. It is well that the precaution had been taken at a seasonable time to provision it and place it in such a position as to withstand the blockade which has been established. Time will do much and it is not at all probable that, though the Yankees may be delayed, defeated in their attempt to capture the city, they will be able to maintain their position long without recourse to some vigorous action. It is a source of great regret that we have no means at our command to drive them from the river, a little energy and foresight, timely exerted, might have prevented their
T. Butler King (search for this): article 2
of the late Yankee victories. I am confident no recourse will be had to the draft in Savannah; it would be a stain upon her escutcheon that would not soon be wiped out. There appears in some quarters a great ignorance of what has been done and the means to accomplish the same at the command of the Secretary of the Navy. A New Orleans paper assumes to judge Mr. Mallory, and to request his resignation. The Republican, of this city, takes up the refrain, and modestly points out the Hon. T. Butler King as a proper person to fill the place. Without saying a word against the eminent abilities and the many services rendered to the South by that distinguished gentleman, I will merely say, all the clamor that has been raised against the inefficient working of that Department is founded upon very unstable ground. Any one conversant with the capacities of the country and the work now being done in Richmond, and Charleston, and Savannah, and in every large seaport of the Confederacy, wi
R. Lindsay Walker (search for this): article 2
a weakness allied to generosity, and has proven detrimental to the efficiency of so many regiments that the abuse has assumed its most fearful proportions, and demands the strong hand of power to stop it suddenly. I am only sorry that the Government has turned over to the Legislature the duty of putting an end to a trade the vilest and most hurtful in its effects to man. We have been somewhat more free from the disorders incident to the sale of liquor to soldiers since the order of Generate Walker. I have frequently heard the most earnest appeals since that order went into effect, but I believe that with very few exceptions it has not been violated. The General has made himself very unpopular with his men; he has, firstly, been very strict in the giving of furloughs, and secondly, he has enforced discipline in his camp--two sources of the most grievous complaints against him. His men remark they are not "soldiers" in the strict sense of the term; had they enlisted in the Confederate
Jefferson Davis (search for this): article 2
work now being done in Richmond, and Charleston, and Savannah, and in every large seaport of the Confederacy, will admit that they are taxed to the utmost. That the work has not been done sooner cannot be laid to the charge of the Secretary. Till the July term of the Provisional Congress little power and very limited means were reposed in the hands of the chief of that Department, and that little has been well employed by him. Saturday being the inauguration day of the President, Jefferson Davis, the pastors of the different churches have invited the attendance of their respective congregations to invoke the blessing of Almighty God upon our Chief Magistrate, and to give him strength and guidance in the administration of our young Republic. It is well to have recourse to the only power that can bestow blessing and give wisdom and right judgment in the conduct of affairs to precarious, and amid troublous times such as surround us at present. Your effort to abate the
February 20th, 1862 AD (search for this): article 2
From the Seacoast. [our own Correspondent.] Savannah, Ga., Feb. 20, 1862. Very little worth recording has transpired here since I wrote my last letter. The enemy's gunboats still hold the same position in Wall's cut, but their doings there cannot be easily found out; they have unquestionably cut off the communication with Fort Pulaski, and no effort we can make with our present naval force could dislodge them. It is well that the precaution had been taken at a seasonable time to provision it and place it in such a position as to withstand the blockade which has been established. Time will do much and it is not at all probable that, though the Yankees may be delayed, defeated in their attempt to capture the city, they will be able to maintain their position long without recourse to some vigorous action. It is a source of great regret that we have no means at our command to drive them from the river, a little energy and foresight, timely exerted, might have prevented their
April, 3 AD (search for this): article 2
fill large trains, were they sent forward promptly as delivered; but the accumulation has been at times so great as to occupy a considerable portion of the large depot of the Central Railroad Company. Lately, however, the grant of passports have been stopped, and, though the exodus of females, children, and negroes still continues, the male portion cannot escape the fate that awaits the city, and will, perforce, have to peform some kind of military duty, and stand up to the rack, on the 4th of March, proximo, when they will be invited to volunteer, with the reserved threat of a draft, in case of the requisite number not accepting the proffer. The volunteering goes on briskly; some companies are being formed here for Confederate service, and in the interior of the State, I am informed, the spirit is moving the people generally. Bibb county has already most nobly responded — her full quota having offered and been accepted. All the upper part of the State will show, by the em
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