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nslacked, $2.60 to $2.50 per bbl.; according to quantity. Molasses — New Orleans, $1.25 cents; golden syrups (Richmond) $1a1.10 Nails — Old Dominion, 10a11 cents. Offal (mill)--Bran, 20 cents; shorts, 25 cents. Brownstuffs, 30 cents shipstuffs, 70 cents. Oil — Tanners', $1.12a1.50; machine, $1.50 a$2 per gallon. Oats — We quote 85 cents per bushel, and scarce. Rye — 90a$1.10 per bushel. seed — Clover Seed, $17a$18--latter by retail; Timothy, $5½a$6½. Soda — Best English, 35a40 cents per lb Sugars — Brown, 22 cents per lb.; coffee, 24a23 cents. All qualities advancing. Salt — Sales by the sack at $25 for ground alum; fine, $37. 50a$40 per sack. 12 co. tobacco — The offering of Tobacco has been less for the last few days, and the market depressed. We quote inferior lugs at $2.50a8; good $3 50a4; inferior leaf $4 50a5; good $5.50a$6.50; fine $8a10.50. Tallow — 15a15 cents per lb. Whiskey.--Common $2 per gallon; better and s
February 27th, 1862 AD (search for this): article 1
k of the Empire State, Rome, Ga., and North western Bank, Ringgold, Ga., 2 per cent. discount. North Carolina--Bank of Lexington; Bank of Clarendon; Bank of Commerce, Newborn; Bank of Fayetteville, and Bank of Washington, all 1 per cent, discount. The notes of the Wheeling Banks, Bank of Berkeley, and Bank of Philippi, are taken by Brokers at par. Bank of Fairmont 10 per cent discount. Sales of Stocks in Richmond.--Reported by John A. Lancaster & Son, for the week ending February 27, 1862. Confederate States Bonds--$5,000,000--sales at $90. Confederate States bonds--$100,000,000 issue — sales 99. Tennessee State bonds--(interest suspended,) last sales, 60. Virginia 6 per cent. Registered Bonds, sales at 91. North Carolina State bonds — last sales 89½ Richmond City bonds — sales 100. Petersburg City Bonds — sales 99½ Exchange Bank stock — sales 100. Farmers' Bank stock — sales, 100. Bank of Virginia stock — sales
ith reference to the public sentiment; but that must exert its influence on the affairs generally. n="1"> Apples — We quote Fippins $12a15 per bbl; other kinds, $10a12. Bread — Navy, 4 cents; Pilot, 5 cents; Butter and Soda, 8 cents per lb. Bacon — Stock light and firm at 23 to 25 for hog round; Hams, 23a25 cents per lb. Butter — Common, 30a33; fair to good, 33 to 37; choice, 40a42¼ cents. Corn — We quote 60 cents per bushel. Corn Meal--$1a1. 05 per bushel. Coffee — Rio, 75 cents per lb.; supply nearly exhausted. Candles — Adamantine, 75a80 cents; Tallow, 23a25 cents. $7.50; Family $8a$50; all by the dray load. Cement — James River, $2.50a8.00 per bbl. cotton--9¾a10 cents per lb. cotton Yarns--None. Candlewick, 50 cents per lb. Cheese — The limited lots of Country Dairy 35 cents per lb. Dried Fruit--Peaches, unpeeled, $3.00 to 3.50; Pealed, $6.00a6.50; Apples, $1.75a$2 per bushel. Forage — Timothy, $1.70a$1.80; Clover
ts per lb.; coffee, 24a23 cents. All qualities advancing. Salt — Sales by the sack at $25 for ground alum; fine, $37. 50a$40 per sack. 12 co. tobacco — The offering of Tobacco has been less for the last few days, and the market depressed. We quote inferior lugs at $2.50a8; good $3 50a4; inferior leaf $4 50a5; good $5.50a$6.50; fine $8a10.50. Tallow — 15a15 cents per lb. Whiskey.--Common $2 per gallon; better and superior qualities $2.50 to $4; old malted (Stearns & Co.) $4 Wheat — We quote red $1.15a$1.20; white $1.25 a 1.30. Wool.--Market firm, and arrivals light 20 a 95 cents per pound. Cattle Market. Beef — We quote at $5.00a7.00 gross, which is 14 to 15 net. Sheep — Supply light. Extra quality, $6 to $8 gross. Hogs — In demand at $13.50 to $14 net. Money matters. Gold — We quote buying and selling extremes at 40a50 per cent, for gold, and 30 to 45 per cent, premium for silver. Bank notes — Nearly all Southern Bank no
W. S. Bacon (search for this): article 1
r and more resolute condition of the public mind. The proclamation of martial law has aided in this restoration. A few days will produce a greatly improved condition of things in this city, and We are sure in the country generally. We mean with reference to the public sentiment; but that must exert its influence on the affairs generally. n="1"> Apples — We quote Fippins $12a15 per bbl; other kinds, $10a12. Bread — Navy, 4 cents; Pilot, 5 cents; Butter and Soda, 8 cents per lb. Bacon — Stock light and firm at 23 to 25 for hog round; Hams, 23a25 cents per lb. Butter — Common, 30a33; fair to good, 33 to 37; choice, 40a42¼ cents. Corn — We quote 60 cents per bushel. Corn Meal--$1a1. 05 per bushel. Coffee — Rio, 75 cents per lb.; supply nearly exhausted. Candles — Adamantine, 75a80 cents; Tallow, 23a25 cents. $7.50; Family $8a$50; all by the dray load. Cement — James River, $2.50a8.00 per bbl. cotton--9¾a10 cents per lb. cotton Yarns-
per lb.; Harness 75a80 cents; Rough Skirting 55a65 cts.; Calf Skins $48a55 per dozen.--Stock of all kinds very light. Liquors — Common (20 per cent) whiskey $1.50 per gallon; W. Wallace's Mountain Dew $3.50; New Proof Whiskey $2; old malted (Stearns & Co.) $3.50; Apple Brandy (new) $2.50. Lard — 21a23 cents. Lime — Mountain unslacked, $2.60 to $2.50 per bbl.; according to quantity. Molasses — New Orleans, $1.25 cents; golden syrups (Richmond) $1a1.10 Nails — Old Dominion, 10a1market depressed. We quote inferior lugs at $2.50a8; good $3 50a4; inferior leaf $4 50a5; good $5.50a$6.50; fine $8a10.50. Tallow — 15a15 cents per lb. Whiskey.--Common $2 per gallon; better and superior qualities $2.50 to $4; old malted (Stearns & Co.) $4 Wheat — We quote red $1.15a$1.20; white $1.25 a 1.30. Wool.--Market firm, and arrivals light 20 a 95 cents per pound. Cattle Market. Beef — We quote at $5.00a7.00 gross, which is 14 to 15 net. Sheep — Supp
nearly exhausted. Candles — Adamantine, 75a80 cents; Tallow, 23a25 cents. $7.50; Family $8a$50; all by the dray load. Cement — James River, $2.50a8.00 per bbl. cotton--9¾a10 cents per lb. cotton Yarns--None. Candlewick, 50 cents per lb. Cheese — The limited lots of Country Dairy 35 cents per lb. Dried Fruit--Peaches, unpeeled, $3.00 to 3.50; Pealed, $6.00a6.50; Apples, $1.75a$2 per bushel. Forage — Timothy, $1.70a$1.80; Clover, $1.60a$1.70; Sheaf Cats, $1.50a$1.60; Shucks, 87½c.a $1 per cwt. Fertilizers — James River Manipulation guano, $60 per ton; stock small and rapidly reducing. Mexican guano, $25; Sombrero, $35; Bone Ash, $40. Stocks exceedingly light. Feathers — Quiet, at 37½ cents per lb. Flaxseed — Nominal; $1.50. Flour — We quote Superfine at $7; Extra $7.50; Family $8a8.50. Hides — Green, 6 cents; salted, 9½ cents; dry, 12a15 cents. Iron--English refined and American, but a small supply, which is sold in limited q
J. H. Brown (search for this): article 1
rding to quantity. Molasses — New Orleans, $1.25 cents; golden syrups (Richmond) $1a1.10 Nails — Old Dominion, 10a11 cents. Offal (mill)--Bran, 20 cents; shorts, 25 cents. Brownstuffs, 30 cents shipstuffs, 70 cents. Oil — Tanners', $1.12a1.50; machine, $1.50 a$2 per gallon. Oats — We quote 85 cents per bushel, and scarce. Rye — 90a$1.10 per bushel. seed — Clover Seed, $17a$18--latter by retail; Timothy, $5½a$6½. Soda — Best English, 35a40 cents per lb Sugars — Brown, 22 cents per lb.; coffee, 24a23 cents. All qualities advancing. Salt — Sales by the sack at $25 for ground alum; fine, $37. 50a$40 per sack. 12 co. tobacco — The offering of Tobacco has been less for the last few days, and the market depressed. We quote inferior lugs at $2.50a8; good $3 50a4; inferior leaf $4 50a5; good $5.50a$6.50; fine $8a10.50. Tallow — 15a15 cents per lb. Whiskey.--Common $2 per gallon; better and superior qualities $2.50 to $4; old malt
John A. Lancaster (search for this): article 1
ng Company; all 1 per cent. discount; and Bank of the Empire State, Rome, Ga., and North western Bank, Ringgold, Ga., 2 per cent. discount. North Carolina--Bank of Lexington; Bank of Clarendon; Bank of Commerce, Newborn; Bank of Fayetteville, and Bank of Washington, all 1 per cent, discount. The notes of the Wheeling Banks, Bank of Berkeley, and Bank of Philippi, are taken by Brokers at par. Bank of Fairmont 10 per cent discount. Sales of Stocks in Richmond.--Reported by John A. Lancaster & Son, for the week ending February 27, 1862. Confederate States Bonds--$5,000,000--sales at $90. Confederate States bonds--$100,000,000 issue — sales 99. Tennessee State bonds--(interest suspended,) last sales, 60. Virginia 6 per cent. Registered Bonds, sales at 91. North Carolina State bonds — last sales 89½ Richmond City bonds — sales 100. Petersburg City Bonds — sales 99½ Exchange Bank stock — sales 100. Farmers' Bank stock — sale
T. C. Green (search for this): article 1
, $3.00 to 3.50; Pealed, $6.00a6.50; Apples, $1.75a$2 per bushel. Forage — Timothy, $1.70a$1.80; Clover, $1.60a$1.70; Sheaf Cats, $1.50a$1.60; Shucks, 87½c.a $1 per cwt. Fertilizers — James River Manipulation guano, $60 per ton; stock small and rapidly reducing. Mexican guano, $25; Sombrero, $35; Bone Ash, $40. Stocks exceedingly light. Feathers — Quiet, at 37½ cents per lb. Flaxseed — Nominal; $1.50. Flour — We quote Superfine at $7; Extra $7.50; Family $8a8.50. Hides — Green, 6 cents; salted, 9½ cents; dry, 12a15 cents. Iron--English refined and American, but a small supply, which is sold in limited quantities at 8 cents per lb.; Swedes, none in market. Leather — Sole, 70a75 cts. per lb.; Upper $1 per lb.; Harness 75a80 cents; Rough Skirting 55a65 cts.; Calf Skins $48a55 per dozen.--Stock of all kinds very light. Liquors — Common (20 per cent) whiskey $1.50 per gallon; W. Wallace's Mountain Dew $3.50; New Proof Whiskey $2; old malted (Ste
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