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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 9, 1862., [Electronic resource].

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By Goddin & Apperson, Auctioneers. Very Excellent and well Located Private Dwelling, on the North side of Leigh, between 8th and 9th Streets, for sale at Auction.--We will sell at auction, on the premises, on Thursday, the 10th April, 1862, at 4½ o'clk P. M., that large and well-built Brick Tenement located as above, now in the occupancy of Mr. Fred W. Pleasants, and adjoining the residence of Mr. Geo. W. Gretter. The house is in excellent order; has ten rooms and the usual servants' accommodations, is supplied with gas and water, and is, altogether, a first-class dwelling. The neighborhood and location is a very desirable one, and quite convenient to all the usual places of business. Terms.--One-third cash; balance at 6 and 12 months, for negotaible notes, interest added, secured by a trust deed. The taxes and insurance for 1862 to be paid by the purchaser. Goddin & Apper on, Auctioneers ap 2
April 10th, 1862 AD (search for this): article 1
By Goddin & Apperson, Auctioneers. Very Excellent and well Located Private Dwelling, on the North side of Leigh, between 8th and 9th Streets, for sale at Auction.--We will sell at auction, on the premises, on Thursday, the 10th April, 1862, at 4½ o'clk P. M., that large and well-built Brick Tenement located as above, now in the occupancy of Mr. Fred W. Pleasants, and adjoining the residence of Mr. Geo. W. Gretter. The house is in excellent order; has ten rooms and the usual servants' accommodations, is supplied with gas and water, and is, altogether, a first-class dwelling. The neighborhood and location is a very desirable one, and quite convenient to all the usual places of business. Terms.--One-third cash; balance at 6 and 12 months, for negotaible notes, interest added, secured by a trust deed. The taxes and insurance for 1862 to be paid by the purchaser. Goddin & Apper on, Auctioneers ap 2
By Goddin & Apperson, Auctioneers. Very Excellent and well Located Private Dwelling, on the North side of Leigh, between 8th and 9th Streets, for sale at Auction.--We will sell at auction, on the premises, on Thursday, the 10th April, 1862, at 4½ o'clk P. M., that large and well-built Brick Tenement located as above, now in the occupancy of Mr. Fred W. Pleasants, and adjoining the residence of Mr. Geo. W. Gretter. The house is in excellent order; has ten rooms and the usual servants' accommodations, is supplied with gas and water, and is, altogether, a first-class dwelling. The neighborhood and location is a very desirable one, and quite convenient to all the usual places of business. Terms.--One-third cash; balance at 6 and 12 months, for negotaible notes, interest added, secured by a trust deed. The taxes and insurance for 1862 to be paid by the purchaser. Goddin & Apper on, Auctioneers ap 2
By Goddin & Apperson, Auctioneers. Very Excellent and well Located Private Dwelling, on the North side of Leigh, between 8th and 9th Streets, for sale at Auction.--We will sell at auction, on the premises, on Thursday, the 10th April, 1862, at 4½ o'clk P. M., that large and well-built Brick Tenement located as above, now in the occupancy of Mr. Fred W. Pleasants, and adjoining the residence of Mr. Geo. W. Gretter. The house is in excellent order; has ten rooms and the usual servants' accommodations, is supplied with gas and water, and is, altogether, a first-class dwelling. The neighborhood and location is a very desirable one, and quite convenient to all the usual places of business. Terms.--One-third cash; balance at 6 and 12 months, for negotaible notes, interest added, secured by a trust deed. The taxes and insurance for 1862 to be paid by the purchaser. Goddin & Apper on, Auctioneers ap 2
By Goddin & Apperson, Auctioneers. Very Excellent and well Located Private Dwelling, on the North side of Leigh, between 8th and 9th Streets, for sale at Auction.--We will sell at auction, on the premises, on Thursday, the 10th April, 1862, at 4½ o'clk P. M., that large and well-built Brick Tenement located as above, now in the occupancy of Mr. Fred W. Pleasants, and adjoining the residence of Mr. Geo. W. Gretter. The house is in excellent order; has ten rooms and the usual servants' accomThe house is in excellent order; has ten rooms and the usual servants' accommodations, is supplied with gas and water, and is, altogether, a first-class dwelling. The neighborhood and location is a very desirable one, and quite convenient to all the usual places of business. Terms.--One-third cash; balance at 6 and 12 months, for negotaible notes, interest added, secured by a trust deed. The taxes and insurance for 1862 to be paid by the purchaser. Goddin & Apper on, Auctioneers ap 2
George W. Gretter (search for this): article 1
By Goddin & Apperson, Auctioneers. Very Excellent and well Located Private Dwelling, on the North side of Leigh, between 8th and 9th Streets, for sale at Auction.--We will sell at auction, on the premises, on Thursday, the 10th April, 1862, at 4½ o'clk P. M., that large and well-built Brick Tenement located as above, now in the occupancy of Mr. Fred W. Pleasants, and adjoining the residence of Mr. Geo. W. Gretter. The house is in excellent order; has ten rooms and the usual servants' accommodations, is supplied with gas and water, and is, altogether, a first-class dwelling. The neighborhood and location is a very desirable one, and quite convenient to all the usual places of business. Terms.--One-third cash; balance at 6 and 12 months, for negotaible notes, interest added, secured by a trust deed. The taxes and insurance for 1862 to be paid by the purchaser. Goddin & Apper on, Auctioneers ap 2
Fred W. Pleasants (search for this): article 1
By Goddin & Apperson, Auctioneers. Very Excellent and well Located Private Dwelling, on the North side of Leigh, between 8th and 9th Streets, for sale at Auction.--We will sell at auction, on the premises, on Thursday, the 10th April, 1862, at 4½ o'clk P. M., that large and well-built Brick Tenement located as above, now in the occupancy of Mr. Fred W. Pleasants, and adjoining the residence of Mr. Geo. W. Gretter. The house is in excellent order; has ten rooms and the usual servants' accommodations, is supplied with gas and water, and is, altogether, a first-class dwelling. The neighborhood and location is a very desirable one, and quite convenient to all the usual places of business. Terms.--One-third cash; balance at 6 and 12 months, for negotaible notes, interest added, secured by a trust deed. The taxes and insurance for 1862 to be paid by the purchaser. Goddin & Apper on, Auctioneers ap 2
March 10th, 1862 AD (search for this): article 1
ising protection to the property of all good citizens, and the landing party then retired to their vessels Northing was removed from any of the houses, the men under Lieutenant Batche's command carefully abstaining from a jarring or taking away the private effects on the inhabitants. I enclose a copy of Commodore Gordon's interesting report. Very respectfully, &c. S. F. Dupont, Flag Officer. To the Hon. Gidson Welles. United States Steamer Mohican, Off Brunswick, Fla., March 10, 1862. Sir: I have the honor to report that in obedience to your order of March 5th, I left Fernandina on the morning of the 8th, accompanied by the Pocahontas Lieutenant Commanding Balone, and the Potomac, Lieutenant Commanding Warmough, and crossed Fernandina but with just water enough to comfortably float this ship; made the best of my way to as Simon's bar, and reached it at deal low water, passing it and getting into St. Simon's channel, through which it carried about seventeen fee
Virginians (search for this): article 1
rnside. All award bravery to O. Jennings Wise, but his father has so fallen in public estimation that he is proclaimed on the streets of Norfolk as a coward and poltroon. In his escape from Nag's Head she rode thirty miles on horseback, notwithstanding he had previously reported himself to be too ill to remain on Roanoke Island at the head of his command. Wise and Floyd now rank together as "the fleet-footed." giving a new interpretation to the F. F. Vets, as signifying "Fleeted Footed- Virginians!" by informant assures me that Wise would be if he were to appear in the streets of Norfolk or Richmond. He has retired to his farm in Princess Anne county, branded in public estimation at a braggart and coward. The estimation in which Floyd is held in Virginia is scarcely less enviable. His military escapades in Western Virginia has damaged his reputation, and his last seat of legerdemain at Fort Donelson has finished his military standing throughout the entire South. So may it
American, communicates the following to his paper from Fortress Monroe. We could scarcely believe a man guilty of uttering such silly falsehoods except on the plea of ignorance: I learn from Norfolk that the military stationed there from the Gull States have been very severe on the Virginia chivalry since their defeat at Roanoke Island Even the Richmond Blues, the very pink of the chivalry, have fallen in estimation, and no one is willing to do honor to the prisoners relieved by General Burnside. All award bravery to O. Jennings Wise, but his father has so fallen in public estimation that he is proclaimed on the streets of Norfolk as a coward and poltroon. In his escape from Nag's Head she rode thirty miles on horseback, notwithstanding he had previously reported himself to be too ill to remain on Roanoke Island at the head of his command. Wise and Floyd now rank together as "the fleet-footed." giving a new interpretation to the F. F. Vets, as signifying "Fleeted Footed- Vir
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