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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 27, 1862., [Electronic resource].

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From Fredericksburg. The advice received from Fredericksburg yesterday reader it pretty certain that the enemy's force have retired to the banks of the Potomac — Their camp fires, which have been seen nightly on the Stafford side of the Rappahannock their evacuation of Fredericksburg have nearly all disappeared and it is evident, from all the indications, that the larger portion of their grand army, satisfied with the decisive repulse of the 13th, has retired Northward. One report states that Burnside commenced the embarkation of his troops at Aquia Creek in the only part of the week, and it was believed that Washington was their destination. No doubt they be solicitous for the safety of their capital again.
Washington (search for this): article 1
From Fredericksburg. The advice received from Fredericksburg yesterday reader it pretty certain that the enemy's force have retired to the banks of the Potomac — Their camp fires, which have been seen nightly on the Stafford side of the Rappahannock their evacuation of Fredericksburg have nearly all disappeared and it is evident, from all the indications, that the larger portion of their grand army, satisfied with the decisive repulse of the 13th, has retired Northward. One report states that Burnside commenced the embarkation of his troops at Aquia Creek in the only part of the week, and it was believed that Washington was their destination. No doubt they be solicitous for the safety of their capital again.
Aquia Creek (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
From Fredericksburg. The advice received from Fredericksburg yesterday reader it pretty certain that the enemy's force have retired to the banks of the Potomac — Their camp fires, which have been seen nightly on the Stafford side of the Rappahannock their evacuation of Fredericksburg have nearly all disappeared and it is evident, from all the indications, that the larger portion of their grand army, satisfied with the decisive repulse of the 13th, has retired Northward. One report states that Burnside commenced the embarkation of his troops at Aquia Creek in the only part of the week, and it was believed that Washington was their destination. No doubt they be solicitous for the safety of their capital again.
Specie and bank notes. --We continue to quote Gold coin at $1.90@2.25 premium; Silver. $1.00@2; Virginia and North Carolina bank notes. 26.@30 cents; South Carolina and Georgia, 27 ½@36 cents. Bonds and Stocks.--As usual at this period, transactions in stocks are very light. On the 1st prox, the interest and dividends on various bonds and stocks will be paid, and a heavy amount of currency thus thrown into circulation will seek investment in desirable securities. Sales of Confederate bonds at par continue to be made by the agents of the Treasury, but sales by brokers at ½ are reported. All other bonds and stocks remain at last quotations. Real Estate.--There is very little desirable city property in the market at this time. Dwellings are still in demand, and when offered for sale, with the guarantee of easly possession, brings high prices. Yesterday (26th) Messrs Goddin & Apperson sold a lot on the west side of West Market street, 44 by 71 feet, at $103 per foo
Specie and bank notes. --We continue to quote Gold coin at $1.90@2.25 premium; Silver. $1.00@2; Virginia and North Carolina bank notes. 26.@30 cents; South Carolina and Georgia, 27 ½@36 cents. Bonds and Stocks.--As usual at this period, transactions in stocks are very light. On the 1st prox, the interest and dividends on various bonds and stocks will be paid, and a heavy amount of currency thus thrown into circulation will seek investment in desirable securities. Sales of Confederate bonds at par continue to be made by the agents of the Treasury, but sales by brokers at ½ are reported. All other bonds and stocks remain at last quotations. Real Estate.--There is very little desirable city property in the market at this time. Dwellings are still in demand, and when offered for sale, with the guarantee of easly possession, brings high prices. Yesterday (26th) Messrs Goddin & Apperson sold a lot on the west side of West Market street, 44 by 71 feet, at $103 per foo
, 27 ½@36 cents. Bonds and Stocks.--As usual at this period, transactions in stocks are very light. On the 1st prox, the interest and dividends on various bonds and stocks will be paid, and a heavy amount of currency thus thrown into circulation will seek investment in desirable securities. Sales of Confederate bonds at par continue to be made by the agents of the Treasury, but sales by brokers at ½ are reported. All other bonds and stocks remain at last quotations. Real Estate.--There is very little desirable city property in the market at this time. Dwellings are still in demand, and when offered for sale, with the guarantee of easly possession, brings high prices. Yesterday (26th) Messrs Goddin & Apperson sold a lot on the west side of West Market street, 44 by 71 feet, at $103 per foot; and another lot, fronting on Union street, 82 by 71 feet, at $67 per foot. Also, a lot on the west side of Mayo street, 16 by 100 feet, with a framed tenement thereon, for $3,525.
27 ½@36 cents. Bonds and Stocks.--As usual at this period, transactions in stocks are very light. On the 1st prox, the interest and dividends on various bonds and stocks will be paid, and a heavy amount of currency thus thrown into circulation will seek investment in desirable securities. Sales of Confederate bonds at par continue to be made by the agents of the Treasury, but sales by brokers at ½ are reported. All other bonds and stocks remain at last quotations. Real Estate.--There is very little desirable city property in the market at this time. Dwellings are still in demand, and when offered for sale, with the guarantee of easly possession, brings high prices. Yesterday (26th) Messrs Goddin & Apperson sold a lot on the west side of West Market street, 44 by 71 feet, at $103 per foot; and another lot, fronting on Union street, 82 by 71 feet, at $67 per foot. Also, a lot on the west side of Mayo street, 16 by 100 feet, with a framed tenement thereon, for $3,525.
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 1
Specie and bank notes. --We continue to quote Gold coin at $1.90@2.25 premium; Silver. $1.00@2; Virginia and North Carolina bank notes. 26.@30 cents; South Carolina and Georgia, 27 ½@36 cents. Bonds and Stocks.--As usual at this period, transactions in stocks are very light. On the 1st prox, the interest and dividends on various bonds and stocks will be paid, and a heavy amount of currency thus thrown into circulation will seek investment in desirable securities. Sales of Confederate bonds at par continue to be made by the agents of the Treasury, but sales by brokers at ½ are reported. All other bonds and stocks remain at last quotations. Real Estate.--There is very little desirable city property in the market at this time. Dwellings are still in demand, and when offered for sale, with the guarantee of easly possession, brings high prices. Yesterday (26th) Messrs Goddin & Apperson sold a lot on the west side of West Market street, 44 by 71 feet, at $103 per foo
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 1
Specie and bank notes. --We continue to quote Gold coin at $1.90@2.25 premium; Silver. $1.00@2; Virginia and North Carolina bank notes. 26.@30 cents; South Carolina and Georgia, 27 ½@36 cents. Bonds and Stocks.--As usual at this period, transactions in stocks are very light. On the 1st prox, the interest and dividends on various bonds and stocks will be paid, and a heavy amount of currency thus thrown into circulation will seek investment in desirable securities. Sales of Confederate bonds at par continue to be made by the agents of the Treasury, but sales by brokers at ½ are reported. All other bonds and stocks remain at last quotations. Real Estate.--There is very little desirable city property in the market at this time. Dwellings are still in demand, and when offered for sale, with the guarantee of easly possession, brings high prices. Yesterday (26th) Messrs Goddin & Apperson sold a lot on the west side of West Market street, 44 by 71 feet, at $103 per foot
Preparations for an attack upon Vicksburg. Mobile Dec. 26. --The Advertiser and Register has a dispatch, dated Vicksburg, December 25th, which says the enemy yesterday landed a force on the Yazoo river; that skirmishing was kept up all day, with no loss on our side. Warm work is expected to-day. It is rumored that a number of transports reached the fleet last night. [Second Dispatch.] Grenada Miss., Dec. 26--Fifty transports, containing Sherman's troops, left Memphis at the end of last week for the South, and thirty more were to follow. Every preparation, is being made for the defence of Vicksburg and the Yazoo river. Grant's command occupy entrenchments left by our troops on the Tallahatchie, expecting an attack from the north. Van-Dorn and Forrest are operating on their lines.
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